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Robin edited this page Dec 17, 2020 · 17 revisions

Note: Requires NamelessMC v2 pre-8.

Setup Video if you prefer.

Note: Self-hosting is available, but not recommended for beginners. Check the wiki for a self-hosting guide.

  1. Invite the bot to your guild & Discord setup

    • Note: You are required to have the "Manage Roles" permission in the guild in order to invite the bot. As well, the bot needs to always have its self-assigned role, and the role must be able to interact with all other users in the Guild
    • Invite the bot using this link.
    • The owner of the guild will be PM'd by the bot, asking for the API URL of their NamelessMC website. This can be found in StaffCP - Configuration - API. The owner of the guild must reply with !apiurl followed by their API URL. If the URL is valid, they will receive a success message - nicely done!
  2. Enable Discord Integration in NamelessMC

    • Open StaffCP - Integrations - Discord, and click the switch.
    • Enter your Discord Guild ID (Must be same guild that the bot joined in step 1) and then hit Submit.
    • Note: Only edit the Bot URL if you are self-hosting. No Nameless Link integrations will work if this setting is invalid. You have been warned!
  3. Configure NamelessMC Groups

    • In order for the bot to know which Discord role to assign to each NamelessMC group, you must setup the Discord Role ID for any groups you want to sync. To do this, open StaffCP - Configuration - API - Group Sync and paste the Role ID in the applicable row.
    • Any groups without a Role ID will simply be ignored.
    • Note: When a role is removed from a user on Discord, and they have linked their accounts (see step 4), their NamelessMC group will be set to the default post-validation group.
  4. Link NamelessMC and Discord accounts

    • In order for Discord to know which user is associated with each guild member, people who wish to have their ranks synced must link their accounts using the following steps.
    • Open Account - Profile Settings, and paste your Discord User ID in the box.
    • If the ID is valid, you will receive a PM from the bot. To verify that you own the account, you must reply to the bot with !verify followed by the token in the message displayed on your screen.
    • Once you reply with the correct username, you will see a success message from the bot. Well done!
    • Note: For security reasons, it is impossible for anyone who does not have access to the database directly to edit a user's Discord ID. Their ID will be set once they verify they own it.
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