diff --git a/doc/docs/Python_User_Interface.md b/doc/docs/Python_User_Interface.md
index 1904b9fc7..581dd3382 100644
--- a/doc/docs/Python_User_Interface.md
+++ b/doc/docs/Python_User_Interface.md
@@ -676,16 +676,21 @@ frequency-independent part of $\mu$ (the $\omega\to\infty$ limit).
-def get_epsilon_grid(self, xtics=None, ytics=None, ztics=None):
+def get_epsilon_grid(self,
+ xtics=None,
+ ytics=None,
+ ztics=None,
+ frequency=0):
Given three 1d NumPy arrays (`xtics`,`ytics`,`ztics`) which define the coordinates of a Cartesian
-grid anywhere within the cell volume, compute the trace of the $\varepsilon$ tensor from the `geometry`
-exactly at each grid point. (For [`MaterialGrid`](#materialgrid)s, the $\varepsilon$ at each grid
-point is computed using bilinear interpolation from the nearest `MaterialGrid` points and possibly also
-projected to form a level set.) Note that this is different from `get_epsilon_point` which computes
+grid anywhere within the cell volume, compute the trace of the $\varepsilon(f)$ tensor at frequency
+$f$ (in Meep units) from the `geometry` exactly at each grid point. `frequency` defaults to 0 which is
+the instantaneous $\varepsilon$. (For [`MaterialGrid`](#materialgrid)s, the $\varepsilon$ at each
+grid point is computed using bilinear interpolation from the nearest `MaterialGrid` points and possibly
+also projected to form a level set.) Note that this is different from `get_epsilon_point` which computes
$\varepsilon$ by bilinearly interpolating from the nearest Yee grid points. This function is useful for
sampling the material geometry to any arbitrary resolution. The return value is a NumPy array with shape
equivalent to `numpy.meshgrid(xtics,ytics,ztics)`. Empty dimensions are collapsed.
@@ -2067,7 +2072,7 @@ including outside the cell and a `near2far` object, returns the computed
of fields $(E_x^1,E_y^1,E_z^1,H_x^1,H_y^1,H_z^1,E_x^2,E_y^2,E_z^2,H_x^2,H_y^2,H_z^2,...)$
in Cartesian coordinates and
-in cylindrical coordinates for the frequencies 1,2,…,`nfreq`.
+in cylindrical coordinates for the frequencies 1,2,...,`nfreq`.
@@ -2609,7 +2614,7 @@ fr = mp.FluxRegion(volume=mp.GDSII_vol(fname, layer, zmin, zmax))
### Data Visualization
-This module provides basic visualization functionality for the simulation domain. The spirit of the module is to provide functions that can be called with *no customization options whatsoever* and will do useful relevant things by default, but which can also be customized in cases where you *do* want to take the time to spruce up the output. The `Simulation` class provides the following methods:
+This module provides basic visualization functionality for the simulation domain. The intent of the module is to provide functions that can be called with *no customization options whatsoever* and will do useful relevant things by default, but which can also be customized in cases where you *do* want to take the time to spruce up the output. The `Simulation` class provides the following methods:
@@ -2648,14 +2653,18 @@ sim.run(...)
field_func = lambda x: 20*np.log10(np.abs(x))
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- field_parameters={'alpha':0.8, 'cmap':'RdBu', 'interpolation':'none', 'post_process':field_func},
- boundary_parameters={'hatch':'o', 'linewidth':1.5, 'facecolor':'y', 'edgecolor':'b', 'alpha':0.3})
+ field_parameters={'alpha':0.8, 'cmap':'RdBu', 'interpolation':'none', 'post_process':field_func},
+ boundary_parameters={'hatch':'o', 'linewidth':1.5, 'facecolor':'y', 'edgecolor':'b', 'alpha':0.3})
+If you just want to quickly visualize the simulation domain without the fields (i.e., when
+setting up your simulation), there is no need to invoke the `run` function prior to calling
+`plot2D`. Just define the `Simulation` object followed by any DFT monitors and then
+invoke `plot2D`.
-Note: When running a [parallel simulation](Parallel_Meep.md), the `plot2D` function expects to be called
-on all processes, but only generates a plot on the master process.
+Note: When running a [parallel simulation](Parallel_Meep.md), the `plot2D` function expects
+to be called on all processes, but only generates a plot on the master process.
@@ -2677,6 +2686,12 @@ on all processes, but only generates a plot on the master process.
- `alpha=1.0`: transparency of geometry
- `contour=False`: if `True`, plot a contour of the geometry rather than its image
- `contour_linewidth=1`: line width of the contour lines if `contour=True`
+ - `frequency=None`: for materials with a [frequency-dependent
+ permittivity](Materials.md#material-dispersion) $\varepsilon(f)$, specifies the
+ frequency $f$ (in Meep units) of the real part of the permittivity to use in the
+ plot. Defaults to the `frequency` parameter of the [Source](#source) object.
+ - `resolution=None`: the resolution of the $\varepsilon$ grid. Defaults to the
+ `resolution` of the `Simulation` object.
* `boundary_parameters`: a `dict` of optional plotting parameters that override
the default parameters for the boundary layers.
- `alpha=1.0`: transparency of boundary layers
@@ -2713,10 +2728,6 @@ on all processes, but only generates a plot on the master process.
- `alpha=0.6`: transparency of fields
- `post_process=np.real`: post processing function to apply to fields (must be
a function object)
-* `frequency`: for materials with a [frequency-dependent
- permittivity](Materials.md#material-dispersion) $\varepsilon(f)$, specifies the
- frequency $f$ (in Meep units) of the real part of the permittivity to use in the
- plot. Defaults to the `frequency` parameter of the [Source](#source) object.
@@ -4401,7 +4412,7 @@ def __init__(self,
- do_averaging=False,
+ do_averaging=True,
@@ -6893,7 +6904,7 @@ A class used to record the fields during timestepping (i.e., a [`run`](#run-func
function). The object is initialized prior to timestepping by specifying the
simulation object and the field component. The object can then be passed to any
[step-function modifier](#step-function-modifiers). For example, one can record the