diff --git a/view/concept-shared.twig b/view/concept-shared.twig
index fbbd35de1..debd6948a 100644
--- a/view/concept-shared.twig
+++ b/view/concept-shared.twig
@@ -128,25 +128,7 @@
{% endif %}
{% elseif property.type == 'rdf:type' %}
{{ propval.label|trans }}
{% else %} {# Literals (no URI), eg. alternative labels as properties #}
- {% if propval.lang == request.contentLang or propval.lang == null or not request.contentLang and propval.lang == request.lang %}
- {% if propval.hasXlProperties %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if property.type == 'skos:altLabel' %} class="replaced"{% endif %}
- {% if propval.containsHtml %}{{ propval.label|raw }}{% else %}{{ propval.label }}{% endif %}
- {% if propval.lang and (request.contentLang and propval.lang != request.contentLang or explicit_langcodes) %}({{ propval.lang }}){% endif %}
- {% if propval.datatype %} ({{ propval.datatype }}){% endif %}
+ {% if propval.lang == request.contentLang or propval.lang == null or not request.contentLang and propval.lang == request.lang %}{% if propval.hasXlProperties %}{% endif %}{% if propval.containsHtml %}{{ propval.label|raw }}{% else %}{{ propval.label }}{% endif %}{% if propval.lang and (request.contentLang and propval.lang != request.contentLang or explicit_langcodes) %} ({{ propval.lang }}){% endif %}{% if propval.datatype %} ({{ propval.datatype }}){% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}