A plugin that is used with @nativescript/mlkit-core to enable Pose Detection and provide the PoseResult type for the Pose Detection event data.
Install @nativescript/mlkit-pose-detection
by running the following command:
npm install @nativescript/mlkit-pose-detection
For an example, read Use @nativescript/mlkit-core and Pose Detection.
The Pose Detection event data type.
interface PoseResult {
landmarks: [PoseLandMark]
interface PoseLandMark {
inFrameLikelihood: number
position: PoseLandMarkPosition
type?: PoseType
interface PoseLandMarkPosition {
x: number
y: number
z: number
enum PoseType {
LeftAnkle = "leftAnkle",
LeftEar = "leftEar",
LeftElbow = "leftElbow",
LeftEye = "leftEye",
LeftEyeInner = "leftEyeInner",
LeftEyeOuter = "leftEyeOuter",
LeftHeel = "leftHeel",
LeftHip = "leftHip",
LeftIndexFinger = "leftIndex",
LeftKnee = "leftKnee",
LeftPinkyFinger = "leftPinky",
LeftShoulder = "leftShoulder",
LeftThumb = "leftThumb",
LeftToe = "leftToe",
LeftWrist = "leftWrist",
MouthLeft = "mouthLeft",
MouthRight = "mouthRight",
Nose = "nose",
RightAnkle = "rightAnkle",
RightEar = "rightEar",
RightElbow = "rightElbow",
RightEye = "rightEye",
RightEyeInner = "rightEyeInner",
RightEyeOuter = "rightEyeOuter",
RightHeel = "rightHeel",
RightHip = "rightHip",
RightIndexFinger = "rightIndex",
RightKnee = "rightKnee",
RightPinkyFinger = "rightPinky",
RightShoulder = "rightShoulder",
RightThumb = "rightThumb",
RightToe = "rightToe",
RightWrist = "rightWrist",
Unknown = "unknown"
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