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Releases: NebuTech/NBMiner

NBMiner v39.6

27 Oct 09:48
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  • optimize:ethash LHR mode significant improvement:

    • higher hashrate, more stable LHR unlocking for both -lhr-mode 1 and -lhr-mode 2
    • default LHR mode changes to -lhr-mode 1 for LHR GPUs
    • default values of LHR mode increased, -lhr-mode 1 -> 74, -lhr-mode 2 -> 71
    • added 3 new options for LHR auto-tuning control, at most cases you don't need to change:
      • -lhr-reduce-value: the amount to reduce -lhr value on a single -lhr tuning. defaults to 0.5.
      • -lhr-reduce-time: When LHR lock is detected, and the time since the last lock exceeds this value, the -lhr reduce will not perform. defaults to 15, which means 15 minutes.
      • -lhr-reduce-limit: the maximum number of times to reduce -lhr value, defaults to 6.
    • Typical hashrate: 3060Ti LHR on defaults options, 45.5 MH/s @ mem+1200 (win10)
  • feature: ergo also adapts the 3 new LHR options.

  • feature: add -cmd-output option to specify command line outpu to stdout or stderr, 1=stdout, 2=stderr, defaults to 2.

  • feature: disable SNI extension for ssl connections by default, can be enabled with -enable-sni option

  • delete: cuckatoo & cuckatoo32 support

  • 优化: ethash LHR 模式显著优化

    • 算力更高,解锁更稳定的 -lhr-mode 1 (高算力模式)和 -lhr-mode 2(省电模式)
    • 针对LHR显卡,默认的模式改为 -lhr-mode 1
    • -lhr-mode 1中的-lhr默认值提升到74,-lhr-mode 2中的-lhr默认值提升到71
    • 新增三个用于控制LHR自动调参策略的选项,绝大多数情况下不需要修改:
      • -lhr-reduce-value:单次降低的-lhr值,默认为0.5
      • -lhr-reduce-time:距离上次被锁的时间,超过该时间则不进行-lhr降低,默认为15,即15分钟
      • -lhr-reduce-limit:最多降低-lhr值的次数,默认为6
    • 典型算力:3060ti LHR 默认LHR选项,45.5MH/s @ 显存+1200 (win10)
  • 功能: ergo同样适配-lhr-reduce-value, -lhr-reduce-time, -lhr-reduce-limit三个选项

  • 功能: 新增-cmd-output选项,可指定命令行输出到stdout或者stderr1=stdout2=stderr,默认为2

  • 功能: 默认对ssl连接关闭SNI扩展,可通过-enable-sni开启

  • 删除: cuckatoocuckatoo32算法的支持

NBMiner v39.5

24 Sep 09:08
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  • feature: ergo new LHR mode for mining ERGO, enable it by manually adding -lhr option

    • Same as LHR mode in ethash, -lhr value represents expected hashrate to reach value percent of non-LHR GPU's hashrate, supports comma-seperated list to indicate -lhr value for each GPU, and -lhr -1 to disable.
    • For GPUs with Hynix GDDR6 memory, LHR mode is not recommended for the poor performance.
    • For GPUs with non-Hynix GDDR6 memory, e.g. 3060 3060ti 3070, start trying with -lhr 85
    • For GPUs with GDDR6X memory, e.g. 3070ti 3080 3080ti, start trying with -lhr 100
    • When mining lock is detected during ERGO mining, miner will automatically decrease -lhr value by 0.5, and continue mining. max decrease times is 10, which sums to 5.0
  • optimize: ergo Lower power consumption on Nvidia GPUs.

  • 功能: ergo 新增LHR模式,需手动添加 -lhr 参数启用

    • ethash的LHR模式相同,-lhr值表示期望达到的非LHR卡算力的百分比,支持列表传入每张卡不同的参数,传入 -1 禁用
    • 对于海力士显存颗粒GDDR6的LHR显卡,不推荐使用 -lhr 模式,效果不明显
    • 对于其他 LHR 版本GDDR6显卡,即 3060 3060ti 3070,推荐 -lhr 85 开始尝试
    • 对于 LHR 版本GDDR6X显卡,即 3070ti 3080 3080ti,推荐 -lhr 100 开始尝试
    • 当ERGO挖矿中检测到LHR锁以后,miner将尝试恢复并自动将 -lhr值降低 0.5 继续挖矿,最多降低10次
  • 优化: ergo 降低N卡挖矿功耗

NBMiner v39.4

21 Sep 02:29
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  • fix: octopus Fix error hash issue.

  • 修复: octopus 修复错误提交的问题

NBMiner v39.3

18 Sep 01:29
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  • feature: ethash new low power LHR mode, add -lhr-mode option.

    • -lhr-mode 2 is the default LHR mode, which is the new lower power mode.
    • -lhr-mode 1 changes LHR mode to old version, which is the same as v39.2
    • -lhr-mode 1 is suitable for only power limit bounded GPU, can achieve higher hashrate than mode 2
    • -lhr-mode 2 is able to achieve lower average power and temperature. espacially suitable for GPUs with gddr6x e.g.3070ti, 3080, 3080ti. Power consumtion is fluctuating in this mode, better be used with locked core clock.
  • feature: -lhr support decimal value

  • feature: for LHR GPUs, when mining lock is detected, miner will automatically decrease -lhr value by 0.1, and continue mining. max decrease times is 10, which sums to 1.0

  • fix: higher CPU usage when set --share-check 0

  • 功能: ethash 新增低功耗LHR模式,通过-lhr-mode选择

    • -lhr-mode默认值为2,即低功耗模式,可通过手动修改为1,启用v39.2中的LHR模式
    • -lhr-mode 1适用于追求更高算力,锁功耗不锁核心频率的显卡
    • -lhr-mode 2适用于追求更低的平均功耗和温度,尤其3070ti、3080、3080ti等显存温度较高的gddr6x显卡。该模式下功耗呈周期性波动,建议锁定核心频率使用该模式
  • 功能: -lhr支持传入小数

  • 功能: LHR模式下,当挖矿过程中检测到锁后,程序自动将-lhr值降低0.1继续挖矿,最多降低10次总共 1.0

  • 修复: 设置--share-check 0后CPU占用率高的问题

NBMiner v39.2

01 Sep 06:26
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  • feature: ethash added LHR lock detection and recovery in LHR mode.
  • feature: added memory temperature display (if available) for Nvidia and AMD GPU under windows.
  • fix: ergo more robust protocol handle.

Note: LHR mode requires NVML library to work, please make sure the driver is installed properly and do not add -no-health argument.

  • 功能: ethash 新增LHR模式下对算力锁的检测与恢复,防止中途遇锁后算力持续低下的情况
  • 功能: 新增windows下,N卡 A卡的显存温度显示(如果有的话)
  • 修复: ergo修复部分矿池兼容性问题

注意:LHR 模式需要NVML库才可正常工作,请确保驱动安装完整正确,不要在启动时添加 -no-health 选项

NBMiner v39.1

21 Aug 01:33
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  • optimize: ethash improve hashrate of LHR mode 1 - 2%,default value of -lhrchanges from 68 to 69,manually set to 70 is also very promising.

  • fix: LHR mode support on windows driver 471.11

  • fix: kawpow issue of v39.0

  • fix: Radeon vii issue on windows driver 21.6.1+

  • 优化: ethash LHR模式算力上限提高1-2%,-lhr默认值改为69,用户可尝试 70

  • 修复: LHR 模式修复v39.0471.11驱动的支持

  • 修复: v39.0kawpow在A卡上无法启动的问题

  • 修复: Radeon vii无法在Windows 21.6.1+ 驱动运行的问题

NBMiner v39.0

15 Aug 05:46
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feature: ethash New LHR mode for ETH mining on RTX 30 series LHR GPUs, supports Windows & Linux, able to get ~70% of maximum unlocked hashrate.

  • This mode can be tuned by argument -lhr, only works for ethash right now.
  • -lhr default to 0, meaning even if -lhr is not set, LHR mode with -lhr 68 will be applied to LHR GPUs if certain GPUs are detected.
  • Tune LHR mode by setting -lhr <value>, a specific value will tell miner try to reach value percent of maximum unlocker hashrate, e.g. -lhr 68 will expect to get 68% of hashrate for same model non-LHR GPU.
  • Higher -lhr value will results in higher hashrate, but has higher possibility to run into lock state, which will leads to much less hashrate.
  • A good start tuning value is 68, which has been tested to be stable on most rig configurations.
  • -lhr value can be set for each GPU by using comma separeted list, -lhr 65,68,0,-1, where -1 means turn off LHR mode.

Known issue

  • unable to unlock LHR hashrate under windows driver 471.11


功能: ethash 新增部分破解 LHR 版本显卡算力的功能,适用于win和linux,大约可解锁70%左右的满速算力。

  • 该功能通过-lhr参数启动,目前只对ethash算法有效
  • 如果检测到有LHR显卡,即使不加-lhr参数时,也会自动对其使用 -lhr 68的参数应用。
  • 其他非LHR显卡挖矿不受影响,3060 v1版本需要设置 -lhr <value> 才启用 LHR 模式
  • 可通过 -lhr <value> 来手动指定,<value>的值指尝试让miner达到的算力目标,比如 -lhr 68 即尝试让miner采用满算力(不带锁的卡)的68%的有效算力来运行,即越大算力越高。
  • -lhr 的数值越大,挖矿过程中被锁算力的概率越大,默认值 68 是开发测试中可以长期稳定运行的值,用户可以尝试调高或者调低该数值,以取得算力和稳定性的平衡
  • 可通过 -lhr 65,68,0,-1 格式来单独指定每一张卡的参数,其中 -1指关闭 LHR 破解功能


  • windows 471.11驱动,无法解锁LHR算力

NBMiner v38.2

28 Jul 02:31
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  • fix: AMD kernel error on certain GPUs with 21.6.1+ drivers under windows.

  • 修复: AMD部分显卡在windows 21.6.1+ 驱动版本无法使用的情况

NBMiner v38.1

29 Jun 06:33
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  • fix: high CPU usage in v38.0

  • 修复: v38.0CPU占用率高的问题

NBMiner v38.0

29 Jun 01:52
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  • feature: ergo add mining.extranonce.subscribe support.

  • fix: eliminate memory leak by NVML library for Nvidia driver 460+ on windows.

  • fix: --enable-dag-cache causes crash on certain situation.

  • 功能: ergo 增加对 mining.extranonce.subscribe 协议支持.

  • 修复: 消除Windows下N卡使用460+驱动的NVML库带来的内存泄漏问题

  • 修复: --enable-dag-cache 在某些情况下导致的崩溃