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Highly customizable vanilla javascript modal window.

Also plugin can do lightboxes and tooltips/popovers.

React/Vue/Angular wrapper - todo

DOTA 2 popup example



npm i njbox -S


  1. Download njBox.min.css and njBox.min.js files from the dist folder.
  2. Include css in head
<link rel="stylesheet" href="njBox.min.css" />
  1. Include js before closing </body> tag
<script src="njBox.min.js"></script>


Plugin have no dependencies and support all modern browsers (ie11+). But, if you need to support older browsers, you can include jQuery, plugin will find and use it, you don't need to configure anything here. Also if you need ie10, 9 for example, you can insert some polyfills without jQuery at all.


You can initialize plugin in few ways:

  1. Bootstrap style autoinitialization (HTML api, without js at all), all settings you should set in data-njb-* attributes

Codepen example: simple modal HTML API

Codepen example: gallery HTML API

<a href="#modalDiv" data-toggle="modal">Show popup</a>
<!-- or -->
<button data-toggle="modal" data-njb-content="#modalDiv">Show popup</button>

<!-- or gallery (with gallery addon)-->
<div data-njb-gallery="a" data-toggle="modal">
  <a href="img1.jpg"><img src="img1.jpg"></a>
  <a href="img2.jpg"><img src="img2.jpg"></a>
  <a href="img3.jpg"><img src="img3.jpg"></a>
  1. Javascript style (if you need callbacks or advanced api)

Codepen example: simple modal JS API

Codepen example: gallery JS API


<a href="#modalDiv" id="myModal">Show popup</a>
<div id="modalDiv">
  my modal window


var modal = new njBox('#myModal')
// or
var modal = new njBox({elem:'#myModal'})
// or with options
var modal = new njBox('#myModal', {scrollbar:'show'})
// or
var modal = new njBox({elem: '#myModal', scrollbar:'show'})

// gallery example (only with gallery addon)
var gallery = new njBox({
  elem: '.gallery',
  gallery: 'a'

"Native" dialogs (alert, confirm, prompt)

You can easily imitate native dialogs with njBox!

Codepen example: "alert"

Codepen example: "confirm"

Codepen example: "prompt"


njBox very very friendly to customization, seems you can customize everything you want.

A convenient way to expand functionality of main plugin are addons, they add new cool features to main plugin, you can use them all together. Now njBox had 2 addons: lightbox gallery addon and popover addon. Usage is very simple, just add files after njBox.js.

<script src="njBox.js"></script>
<script src="njBox-gallery.js"></script>
<script src="njBox-popover.js"></script>

Css for this addons already inside njBox.css.

Gallery addon

While main plugin allows to show single images, this addon adds possibility of galleries (lightboxes). For creating gallery, option "gallery" required. Also "wrap" element is required for gallery items, initialization can be produced only on one element, while all items inside.

Options added with gallery addon: gallery, arrows, start, loop, preload. Descriptions you can read in options section

Not only images can be inside, you can use any type of content in gallery.

Codepen example: gallery from multiple content types

HTML API example

<div data-njb-gallery="a" data-toggle="modal">
  <a href="#modal" data-njb-header="some header in this slide">modal link</a>
  <a href="img1.jpg" title="title via atribute">image one</a>
  <a href="img2.jpg" data-njb-title="title via data atribute">image two</a>
  <a href="img3.jpg">image three</a>
  <a href="img4.jpg">image four</a>

JS API example

<div class="gallery">
  <a href="#modal" data-njb-header="some header in this slide">modal link</a>
  <a href="img1.jpg" title="title via atribute">image one</a>
  <a href="img2.jpg" data-njb-title="title via data atribute">image two</a>
  <a href="img3.jpg">image three</a>
  <a href="img4.jpg">image four</a>
var gallery = new njBox({
  elem: '.gallery',
  gallery: 'a'

Popover addon

Besides classic modal windows you can simply create tooltips/popovers with just adding popover addon! For creating tooltip/popover, option "layout:popover" required.

Options added with popover addon: 'layout:popover', trigger, placement, reverse, offset, boundary. Descriptions you can read in options section

HTML API example

<button data-toggle="modal" data-njb-layout="popover" data-njb-content="My tooltip!">some text</button>

JS API example

<button class="tooltip">some text</button>
var tooltip = new njBox({
  elem: '.tooltip',
  layout: 'popover',
  content: 'My tooltip!'


You can find a lot of examples in collection at codepen!



Everyone loves beautiful animations. I made a very easy way to add animations to your modals.

For such purpose you have few options. Main option is "anim" (see options) it's space separated string for show/hide animations. All what this option does is adding this classes to modal.

Built in animations are: scale, scaleIn, scaleOut, fade, fadeIn, fadeOut. Default naimation - scale.

!!! IMPORTANT !!! If you want one animation for showing and hiding, simple set option anim like this (anim:'scale'). For hiding wil be used reversed animation of show animation with adding .njb-anim-reverse class. But if you want different animation for showing and hiding you CANNOT set anim:'scale fade', you SHOULD set anim:'scaleIn fadeOut'. By default plugin just reverse show animation when hiding if no hide animation presented

  <a href="#modal" data-toggle="modal" data-njb-anim="fade">show modal</a>

Integration with Animate.css

Using this library very very easy. Just add css animate.css file in you <head>. Then use desired animations in "anim" option. This library required additional 'animated' class. For this purposes you can use 'animclass' options (animclass: 'animated')

Codepen example: animation with Animate.css

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="njBox.min.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="animate.min.css">
    <button data-toggle="modal" data-njb-anim="zoomInDown zoomOutDown" data-njb-content="content">some text</button>
    <script src="njBox.js"></script>


Plugin supports declarative html api. You can initialize and set options with html only, without any js.

For init you should set set data-toggle="modal" or data-toggle="box" attribute. (can be changed in njBox.defaults.autobind)

For options you should set data-njb-* attributes. If you have many options, they can be setted via one attribute in json format - data-njb-options='{"backdrop":false, "close":"inside", "scrollbar":"show"}' Please note, that it should be a VALID JSON

P.S. You can't use callbacks with html api.

Codepen example: simple modal HTML API

<a href="#modalDiv" id="myModal" data-toggle="modal" 
<!-- or -->
<a href="#modalDiv" id="myModal" data-toggle="modal"
                                 data-njb-options='{"backdrop":false, "close":"inside", "scrollbar":"show"}'>
Show popup</a>

Delegate attributes

Delegate attributes also part of HTML API. For most events we using delegate method that binds on elements with specific attribute. For example if you need custom close button in your modal, you don't need to manage it with js api (but of course you can), you can add to button data-njb-close attribute. Also this attributes used as markers for dom creation, if you need to customize templates.

Codepen example: custom close button

Codepen example: custom close button with disabled native close

Codepen example: data-njb-return, data-njb-ok, data-njb-cancel

List of interactive attributes:

Title Description
data‑njb‑close Closes modal
data‑njb‑return On hide with data-njb-ok and data-njb-cancel buttons plugin will try to find input with this attribute and get value from it. Value will be stored in instance.returnValue variable, until next show, and will be avaliable as argument in onok, oncancel callbacks.
data‑njb‑ok Closes modal. onok callback will be triggered.
data‑njb‑cancel Closes modal. oncancel callback will be triggered.
autofocus On show, plugin will try to find element with this attribute and focus it
data‑njb‑prev Gallery addon only. Go to previous slide in gallery
data‑njb‑next Gallery addon only. Go to next slide in gallery

Markers for dom creation:

Title Description
data‑njb‑header In this element plugin will insert header text.
data‑njb‑footer In this element plugin will insert footer text.
data‑njb‑body In this element plugin will insert content of item(slide).
data‑njb‑title In this element title of current item(slide) will be inserted.
data‑njb‑current Gallery addon only. In this element current active index will be inserted.
data‑njb‑total Gallery addon only. In this element total amount of slides will be inserted.


"new njBox" returns instance of modal. Later you can call public methods on this instance.

P.S. All public method are chainable (like jQuery methods)

Codepen example: simple modal JS API

//create instance
var modal = new njBox('#myModalLink');
//use api
.show(index)//index - for gallery, from what index we should show gallery
.position()//can be used, when you made your custom ui... or whatever
.update()//update just recreate all slides with current settings (can be used when you add images to gallery dynamically)
.on(event, handler)//add event listener
.off(event, handler)//remove event listener

//Gallery addon methods

Also plugin have some useful static methods and properties on njBox class.

njBox.get(selector)//method tat return instance of modal from this selector/dom element
njBox.autobind(selector)//autoinitialize modals (bootstrap style) from data-attributes. It fires automatically on document.ready
njBox.addons//object with included addons (gallery, popover for example)
njBox.defaults//object with default options P.S. you can change it before any initialization
njBox.templates//object with default templates P.S. you can change it before any initialization
njBox.text//object with default text P.S. you can change it before any initialization
njBox.addAddon(name, addon)//register addon, addon structure you can see in njBox-gallery.js addon

//imitation of defaut dialog methods
njBox.alert(message, okCallback, cancelCallback)
njBox.confirm(message, okCallback, cancelCallback)
njBox.prompt(message, placeholder, okCallback, cancelCallback)//result from input you can gather from first argument in callbacks and in this.returnValue
var modal = new njBox({
  backdrop: false,
  close: 'inside',
  scrollbar: 'show',
  onshow: function() {},
  onshown: function() {},
  onhide: function() {},
  onhidden: function() {}//more callbacks in advanced section


Name Default Type Description
elem '' selector || dom\jQuery element dom element for triggering modal
content undefined string || function content for modal
delayed true boolean Interesting option, that works only for selector and image types. When its true with selector type, dom element will not be touched until show, and will be returned to dom after hiding modal. When its true and type image, images will not be loading on initialization, loading starts when show method calls
type undefined html || selector || text || image || template type of content, if selector used, whole element will be inserted in modal. Template similar to html, but template inserted without .njb__body tag(header/footer also not inserted), directly to .njb
header undefined html html that will be added as modal header
footer undefined html html that will be added as modal footer
class false string classnames(separated with space) that will be added to modal wrapper, you can use it for styling (theming)
zindex false boolean false || number zindex that will be set on modal, probably not a good idea to use this option, set it in css and use o.class instead
container body body || selector || dom\jQuery element appends modal to specific element
layout fixed fixed || absolute || popover how popup will be positioned. For most cases fixed is good, but when we insert popup inside element(not document), absolute position sets automatically, popover mode works only with popover addon)
click true boolean should we set click handler on element(o.elem)?
clickels false selector || dom\jQuery element additional elements that can trigger same modal window (very often on landing pages you need few buttons to open one modal window)
backdrop boolean true should we show backdrop (black overlay)?
backdropassist true boolean if true, animation durations of modal will automatically sets to backdrop to be in sync (it can be calculatied automatically from css)
scrollbar hide show || hide should we hide scrollbar from page?
out true boolean click outside modal will close it, false also adds fancy animation when somebody tries to close modal with outside click
esc true boolean close modal when esc button pressed?
close outside inside || outside || boolean false add close button inside or outside popup or don't add at all
autoheight image boolean || image should we fit modal height to window height? if image is selected, only images will be autoheighted
autofocus true boolean, selector || dom\jQuery element set focus to element, after modal is shown, also you may use autofocus attribute without this option
focusprevious true boolean focus previous modal window after hiding current modal. (only for case when we open two or more modal windows)
title undefined string || boolean false title (usually for image)
titleattr title string || boolean false attribute from which we gather title
img ready load || ready we should wait until img will fully loaded or show as soon as size will be known (ready is useful for progressive images and show image much faster)
anim 'scale' false || string name of animation, or string with space separated 2 names of show/hide animation (default same as scale scale). 2 predefined animations are built in: scale and fade.
animclass animated string additional class that will be added to modal window during animation (can be used for animate.css or other css animation libraries)
duration auto string || number || auto duration of animations, or string with space separated 2 durations of show/hide animation. You can set 'auto 100' if you want to set only duration for hide. It should be used when problems with auto detection (but I have not seen this problem yet ^^)
jquery undefined !!! jQuery NOT required for plugin, plugin can work with it to support old browsers !!! link to jquery (for modules without global scope) P.S. Plugin will try to found jquery in global namespace even without this option.
autobind [data-toggle~="box"], [data-toggle~="modal"] selector selector that will be used for autobind (can be used only with changing global default properties) Usage: njBox.defaults.autobind = '.myAutoBindSelector'
buttonrole 'button' button || boolean false this role will be set to elements, which opens modal window
role 'dialog' dialog || alertdialog || boolean false role that will be set to modal dialog
label false string || boolean false add aria-label attribute to support screenreaders
labelledby false string || boolean false add aria-labelledby attribute to support screenreaders
describedby false string || boolean false add aria-describedby attribute to support screenreaders
_focusable in description selector Default: a[href], area[href], details, iframe, object, embed, input:not([disabled]), select:not([disabled]), textarea:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled]), [tabindex]:not([tabindex="-1"]), [contenteditable]. This elements we will try to focus in popup shown after option o.autofocus.
Gallery options
gallery '' selector child items selector, for gallery elements (galleries created only with this option)
arrows true boolean should we add navigation arrows
start false number slide number, from which we should show gallery (not zero based, first slide is number 1)
loop true boolean show first slide when call next on last slide and vice versa. Requires three or more slides. If there are less than 3 slides, option will be set to false automatically
preload '1 1' boolean false || string space separated string with 2 numbers, how much images we should preload before and after active slide (1 image before and after will be preloaded always, even if you set false in this option)
Popover options
trigger 'click' boolean false || click || hover || follow how popover is triggered
placement 'bottom' string || array || function coordinates or designations for positioning popover. Coordinates as string should be space separated 2 numbers (e.g. "100 100") or if it is array, it should be array with 2 numbers (e.g. [100,100]). Designations can be - top
reverse true boolean should we reverse direction left/right top/bottom if no space for popover?
offset '10 10' string || array (default '5 5' for trigger:'follow' case) Offset of the popover relative to its target for all triggers except follow. For follow trigger it is offset from mouse coordinates.
boundary true boolean should popover stay in window boundaries?

Options will be gathered and from element (HTML API) and from options object from js api Codepen example: mixed options form HTML and JS

Options priority:

  1. defaults from njBox.defaults
  2. options passed as object in constructor (e.g. new njBox({content:"constructor"})
  3. global JSON data object from data-njb-options (e.g. data-njb-options='{"content": "test2"}')
  4. content form "href" attribute if it is link (only for "content" option) (e.g. <a href="#modal">show modal</a>)
  5. content from "title" attribute (or other attribute form options, only for "title" option) (e.g. <a href="pathToImg" title="My awesome image!">show modal</a>)
  6. data-njb-* separate options (e.g. data-njb-content="test3")
<a href="content from href" class="modal" data-njb-content="content from separate data" data-njb-options='{"content": "content from data options"}'>image</a>
var modal = new njBox({elem: '.modal', content: 'content from constructor'});

In this example "content" option calculated in next priority:

  1. njBox plugin: meow, put some content here... (default text if "content" is undefined)
  2. content from constructor
  3. content from data options
  4. content from href
  5. content from data-njb-content

"content from separate data" eventually won and modal will show this text.


templates: {
  wrap: '<div class="njb-wrap"><div class="njb-items"></div></div>',
  backdrop: '<div class="njb-backdrop"></div>',
  modalOuter: '<div class="njb-outer" data-njb-outer></div>',
  modal: '<aside class="njb" tabindex="-1"></aside>',
  body: '<div class="njb__body" data-njb-body></div>',
  header: '<header class="njb__header" data-njb-header></header>',
  footer: '<footer class="njb__footer" data-njb-footer></footer>',
  close: '<button type="button" class="njb-ui__close" data-njb-close>×</button>',
  focusCatcher: '<a href="#!" class="njb-focus-catch">This link is just focus catcher of modal window, link do nothing.</a>',
  preloader:   '<div class="njb-preloader"><div class="njb-preloader__inner"><div class="njb-preloader__bar1"></div><div class="njb-preloader__bar2"></div><div class="njb-preloader__bar3"></div></div></div>',
  ui:          '<div class="njb-ui"></div>',
  title:       '<div class="njb-ui__title-outer"><div class="njb-ui__title-inner" data-njb-title></div></div>',

  //Gallery addon templates
  count:       '<div class="njb-ui__count"><span data-njb-current>1</span> / <span data-njb-total>2</span></div>',
  prev:        '<button type="button" class="njb-ui__arrow njb-ui__arrow--prev" data-njb-prev></button>',
  next:        '<button type="button" class="njb-ui__arrow njb-ui__arrow--next" data-njb-next></button>'


text: {
  _missedContent: 'njBox plugin: meow, put some content here...',//text for case, when slide have no content
  preloader:      'Loading...',//title on preloader element
  imageError:     '<a href="%url%">This image</a> can not be loaded.',
  close:          'Close (Esc)',//title on close button
  ok:             'Ok',//text on 'ok' button when dialog modal(alert, prompt, confirm) or in any other custom type
  cancel:         'Cancel',//text on 'cancel' button when dialog modal(alert, prompt, confirm) or in any other custom type
  placeholder:    ''//placeholder for prompt input
  //Gallery addon text
  current:        'Current slide',
  total:          'Total slides',
  prev:           'Previous (Left arrow key)',//prev slide button title
  next:           'Next (Right arrow key)',//next slide button title

Changing default settings

If you need to change default settings to all modals in your project, you can do it via changing njBox.defaults

njBox.defaults.autobind = '.myAutoBindSelector';
njBox.defaults.scrollbar = 'show';
njBox.defaults.backdrop =  false;


Title Callback name Arguments Description
init oninited - First event, here you can set some defaults.
options_set onoptions_set - When options set... Here you can manipulate options, add/change. (this.o)
options_gathered onoptions_gathered optionsObject, element Options gathered from dom element (data-njb-* attributes, href, title, etc)
options_setted onoptions_setted optionsObject Helper for options_set. See description below table.
dom_create ondom_create - When most global dom elements creates, wrapper, ui, etc (this.dom)
dom_created ondom_created - Helper for dom_create. See description below table.
items_gather onitems_gather - When the rough data is collected (this._g.rawItems). From this we will create items (slides) for show.
items_gathered onitems_gathered itemsArray Helper for items_gather. See description below table.
item_normalized onitem_normalized itemNormalizedObject, itemRawDataObject When from raw data we create normalized item to show.
item_create onitem_create itemObject, index When we create dom for item from state. Index can be used in array with all items (this.items).
item_loaded onitem_item_loaded itemObject Can be async! When content inserted in item, this event can be async in images slides for examples.
item_created onitem_created itemObject, index Helper for item_create. See description below table.
items_created onitems_created itemsArray When all items created. For usual modal or popover it always will be 1 item.
inited oninited - When plugin initialized and all preliminary work done.
show onshow - When modal begin to show.
P.S. If you return false in onshow callback, showing modal will be canceled.
show_prepare onshow_prepare - When you should do some related stuff before showing modal. As example at this step plugin hides scrollbar, shows backdrop overlay, etc.
listeners_added onlisteners_added - Here you can add your custom event listeners.
show_prepared onshow_prepared - Helper for show_prepare. See description below table.
dom_insert ondom_insert - When inserting global wrapper/ui into page.
item_inserted onitem_inserted itemObject When inserting item to plugin wrapper. (as example used in gallery addon, when you need to do some actions when new slide inserted into page)
item_ready onitem_ready itemObject When item(slide) in dom and fully loaded. As example, image type can be inserted in dom, but still loading with preloader, those not ready, and only after loading this event will fire.
dom_inserted ondom_inserted - Helper for dom_insert. See description below table.
position onposition - When position needs changes and we should set coordinates for our element.
positioned onpositioned - Helper for position. See description below table.
animation_show onanimation_show - When showing animation starts.
shown onshown - When show animation finished.
hide onhide - When modal begin to hide.
P.S. If you return false in onhide callback, hiding modal will be canceled.
hide_prepare onhide_prepare - When you should do some related stuff before hiding modal. As example at this step plugin shows scrollbar, hides backdrop overlay, etc.
listeners_removed onlisteners_removed - Here you can remove your custom event listeners.
animation_hide onanimation_hide - When hiding animation starts.
clear onclear - When hide animation finished and we should remove stuff from dom and similar work.
hidden onhidden - When hide animation finishedand all stuff removed from dom.
item_img_ready onitem_img_ready itemObject When we have data about image size, but image not fully loaded. P.S. image dom element can be found in itemObject.dom.img[0]
item_img_load onitem_img_load itemObject When image fully loaded. P.S. image dom element can be found in itemObject.dom.img[0]
item_img_true onitem_img_true itemObject When image is ready for inserting in dom, depending on o.img option. P.S. image dom element can be found in itemObject.dom.img[0]
ok onok - When closing by clicking on element with data-njb-ok attribute. Used for callbacks in dialogs. Fires before hide event.
cancel oncancel - When closing by clicking on element with data-njb-cancel attribute. Used for callbacks in dialogs. Fires before hide event.
cb oncb event, event_arguments Global callback that calls for EVERY event (first argument) that you can use for making some global changes.
P.S. Using this callback allow you to listen callback twice, first event will fire in oncb callback where you can do some magic with all events, and later when you initialize modal in code with usual oninited, onshow, etc callbacks.
  • Helper events pursue a single goal - when they fire, all user/addons callbacks related to helper already fired. It's important for addons, as example we can use options_set event. One addon change some option, and second addon also changes this option. You can use options_setted event to be sure all callbacks/addons fires and now options are final.
  1. Using callbacks

Codepen example: callbacks

var modal = new njBox({
  onshow: function() {
    console.log('Show my modal! :)')
    // this in callbacks always refers to modal instance, so you have access to: this.o, this.dom, this.items, this.state
  onhidden: function() {
    console.log('My modal is hidden :(')
    // this in callbacks always refers to modal instance, so you have access to: this.o, this.dom, this.items, this.state
  1. Listen events on created modal instance with .on method

Codepen example: events

var modal = new njBox({elem:'#myModalLink'});
modal.on('shown', function() {
  console.log('My modal is shown!')
//or at once
var modal = new njBox({elem:'#myModalLink'})
                                            .on('shown', function() {
                                              console.log('My modal is shown!')
                                              // this in event callbacks always refers to modal instance, so you have access to: this.o, this.dom, this.items, this.state
                                            }).on('hidden', function() {
                                              console.log('My modal is hidden!')

Tips && tricks

  • By default initialization of plugin is async. If you need sync initialization you can call it directly
var modal = new njBox({elem:'.el'})._init();
  • Common case when you need custom close button. You can do it by adding data-njb-close attribute to some element inside modal without any javascript. As variant you can set close option to "inside".
<div id="modal">
  some content
  <button data-njb-close>close modal</button>
  • You can open modal only with html. See Usage section.
  • You can open modal only with js. "content" option is required.
  var modal = new njBox({content:'<h1>My awesome modal</h1>'});
  new njBox({content:'<h1>My awesome modal</h1>'}).show()
  • Options "content" and "placement"(from gallery addon) can be a function. As example lets see on static njBox.alert method.
export function alert(content, okCb, cancelCb) {
  return new njBox({
    content: function () {
      return (
`<div class="njb__body">
${content || this._text._missedContent}
<div class="njb__footer">
  <button data-njb-ok>${this._text.ok}</button>
    type: 'template',
    role: 'alertdialog',
    out: false,
    onok: okCb,
    oncancel: cancelCb
  • return false from show/hide callbacks will prevent action. As example - situation when window width is small - open image link directly in browser, without popup.
<a href="linkToImage" class="el">Show image</a>
var modal = new njBox({
  content: 'test content',
  onshow: function() {
    var open = true;
    if(window.innerWidth <= 480) {
      open = false;

    return window.innerWidth <= 480;
  • Static margin top. Some people wants plugin not centered and be fixed somwhere at top like bootstrap, and here you can find way to do this. Plugin make centering via pure ccs, so we can change it via css styles.
  .modalStaticTop .njb-outer:before {
    display: none;
  .modalStaticTop .njb {
    margin-top: 50px;
new njBox({
  elem: '.el',
  class: 'modalStaticTop'
  • Fixed width/height. Because of pure css centering, you can set your custom width/height via usual css. But its not good idea, due to loss of responsiveness.
  .fixedWidthHeight .njb {
    width: 600px;
    height: 450px;
new njBox({
  elem: '.el',
  class: 'fixedWidthHeight'
  • If you need to use image from url like this ( without proper extension (.jpg, .png, etc) autodetection of image will fail, just set type manual.
<a href="" data-njb-type="image">img1</a>

Modal instance structure

Receiving instance

new njBox() returns modal instance. Also every public method return instance, thats why all public methods chainable like jQuery methods. You can get accesss to instance by 4 ways:

  1. save to variables on creation
var modalInstance = new njBox();

var modalInstance = new njBox().show();
  1. use static method njBox.get(elem)
var modalInstance = njBox.get(selector)
  1. from dom property on inited element (of course after initialization and you should remember that initialization is async, examples in Tips && tricks)
<a href="#modal" class="modalLink">open modal</a>
var modalInstance = document.querySelector('.modalLink').njBox
  1. "this" in all callbacks binds to modalInstance
new njBox({
  elem: '.el',
  onshown: function() {
    var modalInstance = this;
new njBox({
      elem: '.el'
    }).on('shown', function() {

Instance description

Now lets see to instance structure:

  var modal = {
    $: function(){},//link to jQuery if it included in page, if no - link to light custom wrapper that have same as jquery syntax
    dom: {},//object with links to created by plugin dom elements (wrappers, buttons, ui)
    items: [],//array with object items (slides) to show. For usual modal always 1 item will be present, for galleries here will be object for every slide
    o: {},//options, object with computed options
    state: {},//internal state of plugin (this state resetted after every hiding modal)
    _defaults: {},//default settings
    _events: {},//all callbacks lives here
    _g: {},//internal global state that not resetted after every hide like "this.state"
    _handlers: {},//all links to event handlers lives here
    _templates: {},//self-explanatory object. html templates.
    _text: {}//all text lives here

Public and static njBox methods can be found here.


njBox is licensed under the MIT License