Releases: NetLah/EchoServiceApi
Releases · NetLah/EchoServiceApi
Support .NET 9.0
Support .NET 8.0
- Support .NET 8.0
- New Directory.Build.targets with Common.props, Directory.Build.initial.targets and Directory.Build.override.targets
.NET 8.0 (GA)
Support .NET 8.0
.NET 8.0
Better TokenCredential and Refactoring
- Better TokenCredential with DiagnosticInfo
- Apply TokenCredential to CosmosDB and ServiceBus
- Rename MessageBus to ServiceBus
- Apply file-scoped namespace
- Get multi version of certificates
- Add multi connections query
- Add Diagnostics/GetInfo with application assembly info and timezone info
- Consolidate Directory.Build.targets
- Update ApiExplorer
- Use nuget NetLah.Extensions.HttpOverrides
Add more Azure features
Add more Azure features:
- Managed Identities
Add more diagnostic features
Add more diagnostic features
- Azure Cosmos
- Azure MessageBus
- Azure KeyVault
- Azure Storage
- etc
First release
- Echo service on RESTful support any HTTP method and path under
- Docker support Linux and Windows Nanoserver 1809
- Docker hub:
- Logging integrate with Serilog default target to console
- Tested with ASPNETCORE environment setting