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This section describes the features and steps for performing maintenance procedures on the existing Kubernetes cluster.


Before you start any maintenance procedure, you must complete the following mandatory steps:

  1. Verify the environment for compliance with the prerequisites described in the Kubemarine Installation Prerequisites section in Kubemarine Installation Procedure.

  2. Ensure that all the nodes are up, online, and healthy (except dead nodes, when you trying to remove them). This applies to the new nodes as well as the existing nodes.

  3. If using custom registries, make sure they are online, accessible from nodes, and you are able to download images from the registries.

  4. If using custom RPM repositories, make sure they are online, accessible from nodes, and you are able to perform repository updates.

  5. Prepare the latest actual cluster.yaml that should contain information about the current cluster state. For more information, refer to the Kubemarine Inventory Preparation section in Kubemarine Installation Procedure.

    Note: If you provide an incorrect config file, it can cause unknown consequences. For more information, refer to Basics.

  6. Prepare procedure.yaml file containing the configuration for the procedure that you are about to perform. Each procedure has its own configuration format. Read documentation below to fill procedure inventory data.


According to the Kubemarine concept, cluster.yaml is a reflection of the Kubernetes cluster state. Therefore, any changes on the cluster must be reflected in cluster.yaml in the corresponding section to be consistent with the cluster state. This is an important practice even if the cluster.yaml section or option is applicable only for the installation procedure because the particular cluster.yaml can be used for the reinstallation or reproduction of some cases. For the changes that cannot be reflected in cluster.yaml, the appropriate comments can be used.

The maintenance of the cluster can be done in two scenarios:

  • It can be performed using some Kubemarine procedure. In this case, Kubemarine does its best to keep cluster.yaml and the cluster consistent to each other.
  • The cluster can be reconfigured manually. In this case, the user should also manually reflect the changes in the cluster.yaml.

Provided Procedures

The information about the procedures for nodes is described in the following sections.

Kubemarine Migration Procedure

The Kubemarine migration procedure allows you to automatically adopt your current Kubernetes cluster and cluster.yaml to a newer version of Kubemarine. This procedure should always be considered when taking new versions of Kubemarine if it is going to be used on the existing clusters that are managed by the previous versions of Kubemarine.

Remember the following when upgrading Kubemarine:

  • Inspect all Kubemarine intermediate tags if they require some additional steps for migration.
  • Decide whether these steps should be applied.
  • If the steps should be done manually, perform them. If they can be automated, checkout the necessary Kubemarine tag and apply the necessary patches. For more information, refer to the Patch Identifiers section.

Note: As much as any other maintenance procedure, migrate_kubemarine can make the cluster temporarily unavailable. Note: Rollback is not supported. To revert to previous Kubemarine version need to reinstall it.

Patch Identifiers

To know if the given Kubemarine tag provides any automatic patch, it is necessary to inspect its release notes. Alternatively, it is possible to checkout this tag and call migrate_kubemarine --list. The output contains zero or more patch identifiers, each listed on a new line.

To receive more information about the chosen patch, it is necessary to call migrate_kubemarine --describe <patch identifier>.

Migration Process

If called without arguments, migrate_kubemarine tries to apply all patches in the current tag. Kubemarine applies the patches in a strict order, though it is possible to choose only a subset of patches or skip not necessary patches. Use migrate_kubemarine --force-apply <patches> or migrate_kubemarine --force-skip <patches> correspondingly, where, <patches> are the patch identifiers separated by comma.

Kubemarine Migration Procedure Parameters

The procedure accepts optional positional argument with the path to the procedure inventory file. You can find description and examples of the accepted parameters in the next sections.

The JSON schema for procedure inventory is available by URL. For more information, see Validation by JSON Schemas.

Software Upgrade Patches

The new Kubemarine version may have new recommended versions of different types of software in comparison to the old version. To make the new Kubemarine and installed cluster consistent to each other, it is necessary to upgrade the corresponding software.

For each software, it is possible to supply additional parameters in the procedure configuration. After each upgrade, the cluster.yaml is regenerated to reflect the actual cluster state. Use the latest updated cluster.yaml configuration to further work with the cluster.

Note: The upgrade procedure is as much fine-grained as possible. The cluster is unaffected if the upgrade is not relevant for the currently used Kubernetes version, OS family, container runtime, and so on.

Upgrade CRI Patch

The container runtime is upgraded by the upgrade_cri patch. For more information, refer to Packages Upgrade Patches.

The upgrade is performed node-by-node. The process for each node is as follows:

  1. All the pods are drained from the node.
  2. Containerd is upgraded.
  3. All containers on the node are deleted.
  4. The node is returned to the cluster for scheduling.

By default, node drain is performed using disable-eviction=True to ignore the PodDisruptionBudget (PDB) rules. For more information, refer to the Kubernetes Upgrade Task section of the Kubernetes upgrade procedure.

The upgrade procedure is always risky, so you should plan a maintenance window for this procedure. You may encounter issues that are similar to that of the Kubernetes Upgrade Task of the Kubernetes upgrade procedure. In such a case, refer to the corresponding section in the Troubleshooting Guide.

Note: All containers on the node are deleted after the upgrade. Kubernetes re-creates all the pod containers. However, your custom containers may be deleted, and you need to start them manually.

Note: Grace Period and Drain Timeout additional parameters are also applicable.

Thirdparties Upgrade Patches

Patches that upgrade thirdparties have the following identifiers:

  • upgrade_crictl - It upgrades the /usr/bin/crictl third-party, if necessary.
  • upgrade_calico - It upgrades the /usr/bin/calicoctl third-party as part of the Calico plugin upgrade.

If the cluster is located in an isolated environment, it is possible to specify the custom paths to new thirdparties with a similar syntax as in the cluster.yaml as shown in the following snippet:


This configuration replaces the configuration contained in the current cluster.yaml.

By default, it is not required to provide information about thirdparties. They are upgraded automatically as required. You can provide this information if you want to have better control over their versions. Also, you have to explicitly provide thirdparties source if you have specified this information in the cluster.yaml. It is because in this case, you take a full control over the thirdparties' versions and the defaults do not apply.

Packages Upgrade Patches

Patches that upgrade system packages have the following identifiers:

  • upgrade_cri - It upgrades packages participating in the container runtime. For more information, refer to Upgrade CRI Patch.
  • upgrade_haproxy - It upgrades the Haproxy service on all balancers.
  • upgrade_keepalived - It upgrades the Keepalived service on all balancers.

System packages such as containerd, haproxy, and keepalived are upgraded automatically as required. You can influence the system packages' upgrade using the packages section as follows:

          - '*'

The configuration from the procedure inventory is merged with the configuration in the cluster.yaml.

By default, it is not required to provide information about system packages through associations. You can provide this information if you want to have better control over system packages' versions. Also, you have to explicitly provide system packages' information if you have specified this information in the cluster.yaml. It is because in this case, you take full control over the system packages and the defaults do not apply.

Note: Upgrade of Haproxy and Keepalived makes the cluster temporarily unavailable.

Plugins Upgrade Patches

Patches that upgrade the OOB plugins have the following identifiers:

  • upgrade_calico - It upgrades the Calico plugin.
  • upgrade_nginx_ingress_controller - It upgrades the NGINX Ingress Controller plugin.
  • upgrade_kubernetes_dashboard - It upgrades the Kubernetes dashboard plugin.
  • upgrade_local_path_provisioner - It upgrades the Local Path Provisioner plugin.

The plugins are upgraded automatically, but you can influence their upgrade using the plugins section as follows:

        image: 'calico/node:v3.25.1'

After applying, this configuration is merged with the plugins' configuration contained in the current cluster.yaml.

Note: If you have changed images for any of the plugins in the cluster.yaml, it is required to explicitly specify new images in the procedure inventory for those plugins. The configuration format for the plugins is the same.

Upgrade Procedure


  • Follow Kubernetes upgrade best practises, like:
  • API versions extensions/v1beta1 and are not supported starting from Kubernetes 1.22 and higher. Need to update ingress to the new API More info:
  • Before starting the upgrade, make sure you make a backup. For more information, see the section Backup Procedure.
  • The upgrade procedure only maintains upgrading from one supported version to the higher supported version. The target version must also be the latest patch version supported by Kubemarine. For example, upgrade is allowed from v1.26.7 to v1.26.11, or from v1.26.7 to v1.27.8, or from v1.26.7 to v1.28.4 through v1.27.8, but not from v1.26.7 to v1.27.1 as v1.27.1 is not the latest supported patch version of Kubernetes v1.27.

Upgrade Procedure Parameters

The procedure accepts required positional argument with the path to the procedure inventory file. You can find description and examples of the accepted parameters in the next sections.

The JSON schema for procedure inventory is available by URL. For more information, see Validation by JSON Schemas.

Upgrade Plan

The upgrade procedure allows you to automatically update Kubernetes cluster and its core components to a new version. To do this, you must specify the upgrade_plan in the procedure config, and fill in the new version of the Kubernetes cluster you want to upgrade to. For example:

  - v1.18.8
  - v1.19.3

Note: Be sure to check the version string format and do not forget to specify the letter v at the beginning of the string.

Note: It is not possible to skip minor Kubernetes versions. For example, to upgrade from 1.18.8 to 1.20.2, you have to first upgrade to the intermediate 1.19.3 version.

After starting the upgrade procedure, the script validates the correctness of the entered upgrade plan. If it contains issues, the update does not start, and a message with the problem description is displayed. If there are no errors, the following log with loaded update plan is displayed:

Loaded upgrade plan: current ⭢ v1.16.12
Loading inventory file 'cluster.yaml'

UPGRADING KUBERNETES v1.18.8 ⭢ v1.19.3

The script upgrades Kubernetes versions one-by-one. After each upgrade, the cluster.yaml is regenerated to reflect the actual cluster state. Use the latest updated cluster.yaml configuration to further work with the cluster.

Additionally, Kubemarine cleans up the /etc/kubernetes/tmp directory before the upgrade, where kubeadm stores the backup files during the upgrade. For this reason, only the backups for the latest upgrade through Kubemarine are placed here after the upgrade procedure.

Note: It is not recommended to use the backup files for rolling back after the upgrade because it can follow an inconsistent state for cluster.yaml. Use the Kubemarine backup and restore procedures instead of manual restoration.

Upgrading Specific Nodes

Note: Kubemarine automatically determines already upgraded nodes and excludes them from the Kubernetes upgrade procedure. Use manual nodes specifying for updating in exceptional cases when the problem cannot be solved automatically. Also, if any of the nodes are not available, first remove the node from the cluster, instead of changing the list of nodes for the upgrade.

Warning: By manually specifying the nodes for the upgrade, you completely take control of yourself and bear all the consequences of an unsuccessful upgrade.

In special cases, a situation may arise when you need to manually specify certain nodes that need to be upgraded. For such situations, a parameter, upgrade_nodes, is available in the procedure configuration. Within this parameter, list all the nodes that you want to upgrade. Specify the nodes in the same format in which they are specified in your main cluster.yaml config.

For Example:

  - name: worker-10
    roles: [worker]
  - name: worker-11
    roles: [worker]

A shortened format is also supported.

  - worker-10
  - worker-11

Based on the example above, only the nodes worker-10 and worker-11 are updated, the rest are skipped.

Note: The nodes are excluded only from the Kubernetes upgrade. All other upgrade tasks like thirdparties, coredns, and so on are performed for all the nodes as they are.

Nodes Saved Versions Before Upgrade

During the upgrade, a temporary file /etc/kubernetes/nodes-k8s-versions.txt is created on first control-plane node that saves the state and versions of the nodes prior to the initial upgrade. If the procedure fails and certain nodes for the upgrade are not manually specified, the saved versions of the nodes before the upgrade are used to determine the initial state of the nodes. In case of a successful upgrade of a node, the information about it is deleted from the state file so as to not upgrade it again. If the entire update cycle completes successfully, this temporary file is deleted, and in further upgrades it is generated anew. At the same time, there may be situations when this file interferes with a normal upgrade - in this case, you can erase it or use manually specified nodes for the upgrade.

Custom Settings Preservation for System Service

If the system service (etcd, kube-apiserver,kube-controller, kube-scheduler) configuration changes during the operation process, the changes should be reflected in the kubeadm-config configmap. Following is an example for etcd. Pay attention to the fact that the manifest file and configmap structure are different.


  - command:
    - etcd
    - --heartbeat-interval=1000
    - --election-timeout=10000

kubeadm-config configmap:

      heartbeat-interval: "1000"
      election-timeout: "10000"

Thirdparties Upgrade Section and Task

If the cluster is located in an isolated environment, it is possible to specify the custom paths to new thirdparties with the same syntax as in the cluster.yaml as shown in the following script:


This configuration replaces the configuration contained in the current cluster.yaml.

Kubernetes Upgrade Task

This task is required to actually upgrade the Kubernetes cluster to the next version. The upgrade is performed node-by-node. On each node, containerd is upgraded, if required. After all the pods are drained from the node, the node is upgraded and finally returned to the cluster for scheduling.

By default, node drain is performed using disable-eviction=True to ignore the PodDisruptionBudget (PDB) rules. If you want to enforce PDB rules during the upgrade, set disable-eviction to False. However, in this case, the upgrade may fail if you are unable to drain the node due of PDB rules. disable-eviction works only for upgrades on Kubernetes versions >= 1.18. An example configuration to enforce PDB rules is as follows:

  - v1.30.1

disable-eviction: False # default is True

The upgrade procedure is always risky, so you should plan a maintenance window for this procedure. If you encounter issues during the Kubernetes cluster upgrade, refer to the Troubleshooting guide.

Note: During the upgrade, some or all internal Kubernetes certificates are updated. Do not rely on upgrade procedure to renew all certificates. Check the certificates' expiration using the cert_renew procedure for every 3 months independently of the upgrades and plan the certificates' renewal accordingly.

CoreDNS Upgrade Task

This task is executed to restore the required CoreDNS configuration.

Warning: To prevent the loss of the modified CoreDNS configuration (in case the configuration was modified by the cloud administrator and etc) - you must specify this CoreDNS configuration in the cluster.yaml, otherwise the configuration will be lost.

Packages Upgrade Section and Task

This inventory section contains the configuration to upgrade custom and system packages, such as containerd. The system packages are upgraded by default, if necessary. You can influence the system packages' upgrade and specify custom packages for the upgrade/installation/removal using the packages section as follows:

      - curl
      - unzip
      - policycoreutils-python
      - openssl
          - '*'

The requested actions for custom packages are performed in the packages task. The configuration from the procedure inventory replaces the configuration specified in the cluster.yaml. If you do not want to lose the packages specified in the cluster.yaml, then it is necessary to copy them to the procedure inventory.

By default, it is not required to provide information about system packages through associations. They are upgraded automatically as required. You can provide this information if you want to have better control over system packages' versions, such as containerd. Also, you have to explicitly provide system packages' information if you have specified this information in the cluster.yaml. It is because in this case, you take full control over the system packages and the defaults do not apply. The provided configuration for system packages is merged with configuration in the cluster.yaml.

Note: The system packages are updated in separate tasks. For example, the container runtime (containerd) is upgraded during the Kubernetes upgrade.

Note: During the container runtime upgrade, the containers may be broken, so all containers on the node are deleted after the upgrade. Kubernetes re-creates all the pod containers. However, your custom containers may be deleted, and you need to start them manually.

Plugins Upgrade Section and Task

This task is required to upgrade OOB plugins and specified user plugins.

The OOB plugins are upgraded automatically if the supported versions are changed for them. For more information about the supported versions, refer to Supported Versions.

The previously configured custom plugins are also re-installed if the effectively resolved inventory configuration is changed for them. For example, they may depend on Kubernetes version using Dynamic Variables.

You can also configure your own plugins for the upgrade as follows:

          - template:
              source: /var/data/template.yaml.j2
              destination: /etc/example/configuration.yaml
              apply_required: true
              sudo: true
              destination_groups: ['control-plane']
              destination_nodes: ['worker-1']
              apply_groups: None
              apply_nodes: ['control-plane-1', 'worker-1']
              apply_command: 'testctl apply -f /etc/example/configuration.yaml'

You can also re-install custom or OOB plugins even without changes in the inventory configuration.

    calico: {}
    example-plugin: {}

After applying, this configuration is merged with the plugins' configuration contained in the current cluster.yaml. Only the installation section for each plugin is overwritten, if specified.

Note: The plugins should be idempotent and it should be possible to install them several times. Also, note that plugins are installed over previously installed plugins, so they should perform the necessary clean-ups.

Note: If you have changed images for any of the OOB plugins in the cluster.yaml, it is required to explicitly specify new images in the procedure inventory for that particular plugin. The configuration format for OOB plugins is the same.

Upgrade Procedure Tasks Tree

The upgrade procedure executes the following sequence of tasks:

  • verify_upgrade_versions
  • thirdparties
  • prepull_images
  • kubernetes
  • kubernetes_cleanup
  • packages
  • plugins
  • overview

Backup Procedure

Note: Before starting the backup, make sure all nodes are online and accessible.

The backup procedure automatically saves the following entities:

  • ETCD snapshot
  • Files and configs from cluster nodes
  • Kubernetes resources (if it's configured in procedure.yaml)

As a result of the procedure, you receive an archive with all the stored objects inside. The archive has approximately the following structure inside:

├── descriptor.yaml
├── cluster.yaml
├── ansible-inventory.ini
├── etcd.db
├── kubernetes_resources
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── ...
│   └──
│   ├── default
│   │   ├── endpoints.yaml
│   │   ├──
│   │   ...
│   │   ├── serviceaccounts.yaml
│   │   └── services.yaml
│   ├── ingress-nginx
│   │   ├── configmaps.yaml
│   │   ├── controllerrevisions.apps.yaml
│   │   ...
│   │   ├── secrets.yaml
│   │   └── serviceaccounts.yaml
│   ├── kube-node-lease
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── secrets.yaml
│   │   └── serviceaccounts.yaml
│   ├── kube-public
│   │   ├── configmaps.yaml
│   │   ├──
│   │   ...
│   │   ├── secrets.yaml
│   │   └── serviceaccounts.yaml
│   ├── kube-system
│   │   ├── configmaps.yaml
│   │   ├── controllerrevisions.apps.yaml
│   │   ...
│   │   ├── serviceaccounts.yaml
│   │   └── services.yaml
│   └── kubernetes-dashboard
│       ├── configmaps.yaml
│       ├── deployments.apps.yaml
│       ...
│       ├── serviceaccounts.yaml
│       └── services.yaml
└── nodes_data
    ├── balancer-1.tar.gz
    ├── control-plane-1.tar.gz
    ├── control-plane-2.tar.gz
    └── control-plane-3.tar.gz

Backup Procedure Parameters

The procedure accepts optional positional argument with the path to the procedure inventory file. You can find description and examples of the accepted parameters in the next sections.

The JSON schema for procedure inventory is available by URL. For more information, see Validation by JSON Schemas.

Note: There are some examples located in procedure.yaml examples.

By default, no parameters are required. However, if necessary, you can specify custom.

backup_location Parameter

By default, the backup is placed into the workdirectory. However, if you want to specify a different location, you can specify it through backup_location parameter. You can specify two types of path in it:

  • The full path of the file, including the name. In this case, the file is saved to the specified path with the name you specified.
  • Full path to the directory, without file name. In this case, the file is saved to the directory you specified, with the default name that contains the timestamp of the backup. For example:

etcd Parameters

You can specify custom parameters for ETCD snapshot creation task. The following options are available:

  • source_node - the name of the node to create snapshot from. The node must be a control-plane and have a ETCD data located on it.

Parameters example:

    source_node: control-plane-1

nodes Parameter

By default, the following files are backed up from all nodes in the cluster:

  • /etc/resolv.conf
  • /etc/hosts
  • /etc/chrony.conf
  • /etc/selinux/config
  • /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service
  • /etc/containerd/config.toml
  • /etc/containerd/certs.d
  • /etc/crictl.yaml
  • /etc/ctr/kubemarine_ctr_flags.conf
  • /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
  • /etc/systemd/system/{haproxy_service_name}.service.d/{haproxy_service_name}.conf
  • /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf
  • /etc/systemd/system/{keepalived_service_name}.service.d/{keepalived_service_name}.conf
  • /usr/local/bin/
  • /etc/yum.repos.d/
  • /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
  • /etc/modules-load.d/
  • /etc/audit/rules.d/
  • /etc/kubernetes/
  • /var/lib/kubelet/pki/
  • /root/.kube/config

Note: If the file does not exist on the node, it is skipped without error.

Note: It is possible to backup not only files, but also directories.

If you need to add additional files for backup, or disable the default ones, you can specify this in the parameter node via key-value, where the key is the full file or directory path, and the value is the enable or exclude indicator. For example:

    /etc/resolv.conf: True
    /root: True
    /etc/hosts: False

kubernetes Parameter

The procedure can export any available Kubernetes resources from the cluster to yaml files. There are two types of resources - namespaced and non-namespaced. If you need to export resources, you can specify which ones you need. By default, no resources from all namespaces are exported.

Note: If the specified resource is missing, it is skipped without an error.

For the namespaced resources, you can specify the namespaces from which to export, as well as the full names of the resources to be exported. For example:

        - default
        - kube-system
        - secrets
        - services
        - serviceaccounts

Moreover, if you need to export everything, you can specify the special word all, as is follows:

      namespaces: all
      resources: all

For the non-namespaced resources, you can specify only full names of the resources to be exported. For example:

      - secrets
      - services
      - serviceaccounts

Another example:

    nonnamespaced_resources: all

If you do not specify backup_plan.kubernetes, the following configuration will be used:

      namespaces: all
      resources: []
    nonnamespaced_resources: []

Backup Procedure Tasks Tree

The backup procedure executes the following sequence of tasks:

  • verify_backup_location
  • export
    • inventory
      • cluster_yaml
      • ansible_inventory
    • lists
      • rpms
      • hostname
    • nodes
    • etcd
    • cluster_version
    • kubernetes
  • make_descriptor
  • pack

Restore Procedure

Note: Before starting the restore, make sure that all nodes are online and accessible.

Note: the topology of the cluster being restored must be the same as the topology of the cluster from which the backup was created. Everything should be the same, down to the names and addresses of the nodes, their amounts and roles. If they differ, then it is recommended to perform manual recovery using the backed up Kubernetes resources from your backup archive.

Note: It is not necessary to define cluster.yaml for the restore procedure. In case of a missing or empty cluster, the yaml is retrieved from the backup archive.

The restore procedure automatically restores the following parts of the cluster:

  • Thirdparties
  • Nodes files and configs
  • ETCD database

After recovery, the procedure reboots all cluster nodes.

Restore Procedure Parameters

The procedure accepts required positional argument with the path to the procedure inventory file. You can find description and examples of the accepted parameters in the next sections.

The JSON schema for procedure inventory is available by URL. For more information, see Validation by JSON Schemas.

Note: There are some examples located in procedure.yaml examples.

To start the procedure, you must mandatory specify backup_location parameter. Other parameters are optional, if necessary, you can also specify them.

backup_location Parameter

You need to specify the required path to the file with the backup - the recovery is performed from it.


backup_location: /home/centos/backup-{cluster_name}-20201214-162731.tar.gz

etcd Parameters

By default, ETCD restore does not require additional parameters, however, if required, the following are supported:

  • image - the full name of the ETCD image, including the registry address. On its basis, the restoration is performed.
  • certificates - ETCD certificates for etcdctl connection to ETCD API. You can specify some certificates, or specify them all. Certificates should be presented on all nodes.

thirdparties Parameter

The procedure recovers thirdparties based on the cluster.yaml. If rpm thirdparties outdated or incorrect, specify the correct ones in this section, in the same format. For example:


Note: The version must match the version of Kubernetes indicated in the cluster.yaml.

Restore Procedure Tasks Tree

The restore procedure executes the following sequence of tasks:

  • prepare
    • stop_cluster
  • restore
    • dns
      • resolv_conf
    • thirdparties
  • import
    • nodes
    • etcd
  • reboot

Add Node Procedure

The add_node procedure allows you to add new nodes to an existing Kubernetes cluster. It is possible to add several nodes at a time. Each node can have different combination of roles.

The procedure works as shown in the following table:

Case Expected Result Important Note
Add load balancer A new load balancer is configured. If vrrp_ip is present, then all the Keepalived nodes are reconfigured and restarted. Kubernetes installation should not start. Keepalived installation should start only if vrrp_ip is present.
Add load balancer + Keepalived A new load balancer is configured. Keepalived is installed and configured on all the load balancers. Kubernetes installation should not start.
Add control-plane Kubernetes is installed only on a new node. A new control-plane is added to the Kubernetes cluster, and all Haproxy nodes are reconfigured and restarted. Haproxy and Keepalived installation should not start.
Add worker Kubernetes is installed only on a new node. A new worker is added to the Kubernetes cluster, and all Haproxy nodes are reconfigured and restarted. Haproxy and Keepalived installation should not start.

Also pay attention to the following:

  • Thirdparties, if any, should be installed only on new nodes. They should not be installed or updated on other nodes.
  • Packages should be installed only on new nodes, and can be upgraded if the upgrade is available. Nodes that are already present in the cluster should not install or update the packages. Before running the procedure, refer to the details about the cache_versions option under associations section in the installation procedure.
  • Configs should be generated and applied only to new nodes. The only exceptions are balancers and Keepalived.
  • Plugins are not reinstalled.
  • System configurations like selinux, modprobe, sysctl, and others should be verified and configured only on new nodes.
  • Only new nodes can be rebooted.
  • The file /etc/hosts is updated and uploaded to all nodes in the cluster.
  • If there are some offline workers during the procedure, you should exclude prepare.dns.etc_hosts task and update /etc/hosts on new nodes manually.

Note: It is not possible to change a node's role by adding an existing node again with a new role. You have to remove the node and add it again.

Warning: To prevent the loss of the modified CoreDNS configuration (in case the configuration was modified by the cloud administrator and etc) - you must specify this CoreDNS configuration in the cluster.yaml, otherwise the configuration will be lost.

Configuring Add Node Procedure

The procedure accepts required positional argument with the path to the procedure inventory file.

The JSON schema for procedure inventory is available by URL. For more information, see Validation by JSON Schemas.

The nodes configuration format for specifying new nodes is the same as that of the installation procedure. For more information, refer to Kubemarine Inventory Nodes section in Kubemarine Installation Procedure.

The following example demonstrates the configuration of two nodes for adding:

  - name: "lb"
    internal_address: ""
    roles: ["balancer"]
  - name: "control-plane"
    internal_address: ""
    roles: ["control-plane"]


  • The connection information for new nodes can be used from defaults as described in the Kubemarine Inventory Node Defaults section in Kubemarine Installation Procedure. If the connection information is not present by default, define the information in each new node configuration.
  • If you intend to add a new balancer node with VRRP IP, and have previously not configured the vrrp_ips section, you need to do the following preliminarily:
    • And the section to the main cluster.yaml.
    • If you already have balancers without VRRP IPs, reconfigure the balancers and DNS, for example, using kubemarine install --tasks prepare.dns.etc_hosts,deploy.loadbalancer.haproxy.configure,deploy.loadbalancer.keepalived,deploy.coredns.
  • If you intend to add a new balancer node with VRRP IP, and have previously configured the vrrp_ips section in the cluster.yaml with the hosts subsection, then add the new balancer node to the vrrp_ips.*.hosts section in the cluster.yaml in the same way as the old balancer nodes if this new node has to share the same VRRP IP address.

For example, if you want new-balancer-node-1 to be added to a subset of balancer nodes that share VRRP IP

- hosts:
  - name: balancer-node-1
    priority: 254
  - name: balancer-node-2
    priority: 253
  - name: new-balancer-node-1

It may be useful, if you have some VRRP IPs working at different subsets of balancer nodes. If you have one VRRP IP and all the balancer nodes must share it, just remove the hosts section from vrrp_ips.

Add Node Tasks Tree

The add_node procedure executes the following sequence of tasks:

  • cache_packages
  • prepare
    • check
      • sudoer
      • system
      • cluster_installation
    • dns
      • hostname
      • etc_hosts
      • resolv_conf
    • package_manager
      • configure
      • disable_unattended_upgrades
      • manage_packages
    • ntp
      • chrony
      • timesyncd
    • system
      • setup_selinux
      • setup_apparmor
      • disable_firewalld
      • disable_swap
      • modprobe
      • sysctl
      • audit
        • install
        • configure
    • cri
      • install
      • configure
    • thirdparties
  • deploy
    • loadbalancer
      • haproxy
        • install
        • configure
      • keepalived
        • install
        • configure
    • kubernetes
      • reset
      • install
      • prepull_images
      • init (as join)
      • audit
    • coredns
    • plugins
  • overview

Remove Node Procedure

The remove_node procedure removes nodes from the existing Kubernetes cluster. It is possible to remove several nodes with different combination of roles at a time.

The procedure works as follows:

Case Expected Result Important Note
Remove load balancer Haproxy and Keepalived are disabled on removed nodes. Keepalived is reconfigured on all balancers. Keepalived installation should not start.
Remove control-plane Kubernetes node is deleted from the cluster and Haproxy is reconfigured on all balancers. Haproxy and Keepalived installation should not start. Keepalived should not be reconfigured.
Remove worker Kubernetes node is deleted from the cluster and Haproxy is reconfigured on all balancers. Haproxy and Keepalived installation should not start. Keepalived should not be reconfigured.

Also pay attention to the following:

  • The vrrp_ips section is not touched. If it specifies some hosts to enable the Keepalived on, and some of these hosts no longer exist, such hosts are ignored with warnings.
  • The file /etc/hosts is updated and uploaded to all remaining nodes in the cluster. The control plane address may change.
  • This procedure only removes nodes and does not restore nodes to their original state. Packages, configurations, and Thirdparties are also not deleted.
  • If there are some offline workers during the procedure, you should exclude update.etc_hosts task.

Removing a node from a Kubernetes cluster is done in the following order:

  1. Pods are gracefully evacuated.
  2. The ETCD member is stopped and removed from the ETCD cluster.
  3. Kubelet is stopped.
  4. ETCD and Kubernetes data is deleted.
  5. Containers are stopped and deleted. Images are deleted and container runtime is entirely pruned.
  6. Kubernetes node is deleted from the Kubernetes cluster.

Warning: To prevent the loss of the modified CoreDNS configuration (in case the configuration was modified by the cloud administrator and etc) - you must specify this CoreDNS configuration in the cluster.yaml, otherwise the configuration will be lost.

Configuring Remove Node Procedure

The procedure accepts required positional argument with the path to the procedure inventory file.

The JSON schema for procedure inventory is available by URL. For more information, see Validation by JSON Schemas.

To remove nodes, it is possible to use the configuration format similar to installation or adding. For more information, refer to Kubemarine Inventory Nodes section in Kubemarine Installation Procedure.

For example:

  - name: "lb"
    internal_address: ""
    roles: ["balancer"]
  - name: "control-plane"
    internal_address: ""
    roles: ["control-plane"]

However, it is allowed to use a simple configuration, where only the node name is present.

For example:

  - name: "lb"
  - name: "control-plane"

Remove Node Tasks Tree

The remove_node procedure executes the following sequence of tasks:

  • loadbalancer
    • remove
      • haproxy
      • keepalived
    • configure
      • haproxy
      • keepalived
  • update
    • etc_hosts
    • coredns
    • plugins
  • remove_kubernetes_nodes
  • overview

Operating System Migration

To change the operating system on an already running cluster:

  1. Start Kubemarine IAAS and PAAS checks, make sure that the cluster is operating correctly and without any problems.
  2. Backup the entire cluster and virtual machine snapshots.
  3. Run the Remove node procedure for the node you want to migrate with an old OS.
  4. Backup/restore/migrate service-specific data from the old node to a new one.
  5. Run the Add node procedure for the node you are migrating with the new OS. The old node can be redeployed with the new OS, or another with a new OS used.
  6. Start Kubemarine IAAS and PAAS checks, make sure all services, pods, entire cluster are healthy and running correctly.
  7. If something is not functioning correctly in the cluster, manually correct it before resuming.
  8. Start the migration for the next node, and migrate all the remaining nodes.
  9. After the migration finished, manually replace all OS-specific information in your cluster.yaml: repositories, packages, and associations, if any. Also pay attention to their versions. In further procedures, use only the new inventory instead of the old one.

Note: It is possible to migrate the OS removing/adding groups of nodes, not only for a single node. However, be careful with the selected group of nodes - incorrectly selected nodes for removal or their amount can damage the cluster or lead it to an unusable state. Select the nodes at your discretion.

Warning: It is necessary to complete the procedure and completely migrate all nodes to a single operating system. The cluster and services can exist on different operating systems, but if you need to immediately perform any maintenance procedure, Kubemarine does not allow you to do this, since the cluster is in an inconsistent state with another maintenance procedure not yet completed.

Warning: In case when you use custom associations, you need to specify them simultaneously for all types of operating systems. For more information, refer to the associations section in the Kubemarine Installation Procedure.

Reconfigure Procedure

This procedure is aimed to reconfigure the cluster.

It is supposed to reconfigure the cluster as a generalized concept described by the inventory file. Though, currently the procedure supports to reconfigure only Kubeadm-managed settings, and services.sysctl. If you are looking for how to reconfigure other settings, consider the following:

Basic prerequisites:

  • Make sure to follow the Basics.
  • Before starting the procedure, consider making a backup. For more information, see the section Backup Procedure.

Reconfigure Procedure Parameters

The procedure accepts required positional argument with the path to the procedure inventory file. You can find description and examples of the accepted parameters in the next sections.

The JSON schema for procedure inventory is available by URL. For more information, see Validation by JSON Schemas.

Common Considerations

Each section from the procedure inventory is merged with the corresponding section in the main cluster.yaml, and the related services are reconfigured based on the resulting inventory.

Additionally, it is possible to supply empty section describing a particular service for most services. This does not introduce new changes in the cluster.yaml, but still triggers the reconfiguring, and thus allows to make the cluster and the inventory consistent to each other.

Also, Kubemarine detects effectively changed settings of the services, if ones depend on the others, and reconfigures the dependent services accordingly.

Reconfigure Kubeadm

The following Kubeadm-managed sections can be reconfigured:

  • services.kubeadm.apiServer
  • services.kubeadm.apiServer.certSANs
  • services.kubeadm.scheduler
  • services.kubeadm.controllerManager
  • services.kubeadm.etcd.local.extraArgs
  • services.kubeadm_kubelet
  • services.kubeadm_kube-proxy
  • services.kubeadm_patches

For more information, refer to the description of these sections:

Example of procedure inventory that reconfigures all the supported sections:

Click to expand
        - k8s-lb
        enable-admission-plugins: NodeRestriction,PodNodeSelector
        profiling: "false"
        audit-log-path: /var/log/kubernetes/audit/audit.log
        audit-policy-file: /etc/kubernetes/audit-policy.yaml
        audit-log-maxage: "30"
        audit-log-maxbackup: "10"
        audit-log-maxsize: "100"
        profiling: "false"
        profiling: "false"
        terminated-pod-gc-threshold: "1000"
          heartbeat-interval: "1000"
          election-timeout: "10000"
    protectKernelDefaults: true
      min: 1000000
      - groups: [control-plane]
          max-requests-inflight: 500
      - nodes: [master-3]
          max-requests-inflight: 600
      - nodes: [master-1]
          snapshot-count: 110001
      - nodes: [master-2]
          snapshot-count: 120001
      - nodes: [master-3]
          snapshot-count: 130001
      - groups: [control-plane]
          authorization-webhook-cache-authorized-ttl: 30s
      - nodes: [master-2,master-3]
          profiling: true
      - nodes: [worker5]
          maxPods: 100
      - nodes: [worker6]
          maxPods: 200

The above configuration is merged with the corresponding sections in the main cluster.yaml, and the related Kubernetes components are reconfigured based on the resulting inventory.

In this way it is not possible to delete some property, allowing the corresponding Kubernetes component to fall back to the default behaviour. This can be worked around by manual changing of the cluster.yaml and running the reconfigure procedure with empty necessary section. For example, you can delete services.kubeadm.etcd.local.extraArgs.election-timeout from cluster.yaml and then run the procedure with the following procedure inventory:

    etcd: {}

Note: It is not possible to delete default parameters offered by Kubemarine.

Note: The mentioned hint to delete custom properties is not enough for services.kubeadm_kube-proxy due to existing restrictions of Kubeadm CLI tool. One should additionally edit the kube-proxy ConfigMap and set the value that is considered the default.

Note: Passing of empty services.kubeadm.apiServer section reconfigures the kube-apiserver, but does not write new certificate. To additionally write new certificate, pass the desirable extra SANs in services.kubeadm.apiServer.certSANs.


  • Very few options of services.kubeadm_kubelet section can be reconfigured currently. To learn exact set of options, refer to the JSON schema.
  • Some properties cannot be fully redefined. For example, this relates to some settings in services.kubeadm.apiServer. For details, refer to the description of the corresponding sections in the installation guide.

Basic flow:

If the procedure affects the particular set of Kubernetes components, all the components are reconfigured on each relevant node one by one. The flow proceeds to the next nodes only after the affected components are considered up and ready on the reconfigured node. Control plane nodes are reconfigured first.

Working kube-apiserver is not required to reconfigure control plane components (more specifically, to change their static manifests), but required to reconfigure kubelet and kube-proxy.

Reconfigure sysctl

The reconfigure procedure allows to supply new kernel parameters or change the existing ones in the same format, and with the same caveats, as for the installation procedure. For more information, refer to sysctl.

It is also possible to trigger reconfiguring using empty services.sysctl section:

  sysctl: {}

Note: kernel parameters can also be reconfigured using patches.

Warning: Be careful with these settings, they directly affect the hosts operating system.

Warning: In comparison to the installation procedure, the new parameters are validated, but reboot is not scheduled. To make sure that the new settings are preserved after reboot, perform the reboot using Reboot Procedure, and run PaaS check, namely 232 Kernel Parameters Configuration.

Append Patches

It is possible to append new patches to the main cluster.yaml, and trigger reconfiguring of the corresponding services.

The following sections are supported in the new patches:

  • services.sysctl

Since the new patches are appended, the same settings have precedence in the last patch of the procedure inventory if overridden few times for the same node.

Reconfigure Procedure Tasks Tree

The reconfigure procedure executes the following sequence of tasks:

  • prepare
    • system
      • sysctl
  • deploy
    • kubernetes
      • reconfigure

Manage PSS Procedure

The manage PSS procedure allows:

  • enable/disable PSS
  • change default settings
  • change exemptions
  • set PSS labels on namespaces

Configure Manage PSS Procedure

The procedure accepts required positional argument with the path to the procedure inventory file.

The JSON schema for procedure inventory is available by URL. For more information, see Validation by JSON Schemas.

To manage PSS on existing cluster one should configure the procedure.yaml file similar the following:

  pod-security: enabled/disabled
    enforce: privileged/baseline/restricted
    enforce-version: latest
    audit: privileged/baseline/restricted
    audit-version: latest
    warn: privileged/baseline/restricted
    warn-version: latest
    usernames: ["example-user1", "example-user2"]
    runtimeClasses: ["example-class-1", "example-class-2"]
    namespaces: ["kube-system", "example-namespace-1", "example-namespace-2"]
    - example-namespace-1
    - example-namespace-2:
        enforce: privileged/baseline/restricted
        enforce-version: latest
        audit: privileged/baseline/restricted
        audit-version: latest
        warn: privileged/baseline/restricted
        warn-version: latest
    - example-namespace-3
    - example-namespace-4
    enforce: privileged/baseline/restricted
    enforce-version: latest
    audit: privileged/baseline/restricted
    audit-version: latest
    warn: privileged/baseline/restricted
    warn-version: latest
restart-pods: false

The following sections are optional: defaults, exemptions, namespaces. The namespaces section describes the list of namespaces that will be labeled during the maintenance procedure. The restart-pods options enforce restart all pods in cluster. The namespaces_defaults option is useful for bulk labels setting. In case of namespaces_defaults is set labels in namespaces section may be omitted. The labels from namespaces_defaults will be applied on namespaces list from namespaces then any labels from particular namespaces will be applied.


  • Be careful with the exemptions section it may cause cluster instability.
  • Do not delete kube-system namespace from exemptions list without strong necessity.
  • The PSS labels in namespaces for Kubemarine supported plugins ('nginx-ingress-controller', 'local-path-provisioner', 'kubernetes-dashboard', and 'calico' (calico-apiserver)) are managed automatically. They are deleted during the procedure in case of using pod-security: disabled, and changed accordingly in case pss.defaults.enforce is changed.
  • Be careful with the restart-pods: true options it drains nodes one by one and may cause cluster instability. The best way to restart pods in cluster is a manual restart according to particular application. The restart procedure should consider if the application is stateless or stateful. Also shouldn't use restart-pod: true option if Pod Disruption Budget is configured.
  • Pay attention to the fact that PSS is implicitly enabled by default (that is reflected in kube-apiserver Feature Gates prior to Kubernetes v1.28). Therefore, all PSS labels on namespaces should be deleted during the maintenance procedure so as not to face unpredictable cluster behavior.

Manage PSS Tasks Tree

The manage_pss procedure executes the following sequence of tasks:

  1. manage_pss
  2. restart_pods

Reboot Procedure

This procedure allows you to safely reboot all nodes in one click. By default, all nodes in the cluster are rebooted. Gracefully reboot is performed only if installed Kubernetes cluster is detected on nodes. You can customize the process by specifying additional parameters.

Reboot Procedure Parameters

The procedure accepts optional positional argument with the path to the procedure inventory file. You can find description and examples of the accepted parameters in the next sections.

The JSON schema for procedure inventory is available by URL. For more information, see Validation by JSON Schemas.

graceful_reboot Parameter

The parameter allows you to forcefully specify what type of reboot to perform. Possible values:

  • False - All cluster nodes are forced to restart at the same time and immediately. This is a quick operation. If you have a cluster installed, this causes it to be temporarily unavailable.
  • True - All cluster nodes are rebooted, pods drained to other nodes and rebooted one after another, after which the pods are scheduled back to the nodes. This is a very long operation. This procedure should not cause the cluster to be unavailable, but may slow down some applications in the cluster.


graceful_reboot: False

nodes Parameter

This parameter allows you to specify which nodes should be rebooted. Other nodes are not affected. In this parameter, you must specify a list of node names, as is follows:

  - name: control-plane-1
  - name: control-plane-2
  - name: control-plane-3

Certificate Renew Procedure

The cert_renew procedure allows you to renew some certificates on an existing Kubernetes cluster.

For Kubernetes, most of the internal certificates could be updated, specifically: apiserver, apiserver-etcd-client, apiserver-kubelet-client, etcd-healthcheck-client, etcd-peer, etcd-server, admin.conf, super-admin.conf, controller-manager.conf, scheduler.conf, front-proxy-client. Certificate used by kubelet.conf by default is updated automatically by Kubernetes, link to Kubernetes docs regarding kubelet.conf rotation:

Note: Each time you run this procedure, kubelet and all control plane containers are restarted.

Note: CA certificates cannot be updated automatically and should be updated manually after 10 years.

Note: The cert_renew procedure does not renew the kubelet server certificate. To avoid this, implement the changes mentioned in the Kubelet Server Certificate Approval section.

For nginx-ingress-controller, the config map along with the default certificate is updated with a new certificate and key. The config map update is performed by plugin re-installation.

For Calico, the certificate is updated for the Calico API server.

The cert_renew procedure also allows you to monitor Kubernetes internal certificates expiration status.

Configuring Certificate Renew Procedure

The procedure accepts required positional argument with the path to the procedure inventory file. You can find description and examples of the accepted parameters in the next sections.

The JSON schema for procedure inventory is available by URL. For more information, see Validation by JSON Schemas.

Configuring Certificate Renew Procedure for nginx-ingress-controller

To update the certificate and key for nginx-ingress-controller, use the following configuration:

    cert: |
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    key: |
      -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
      -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

Similar to the plugin configuration, you can either use the data format or the paths format. For more information about these formats, refer to the nginx-ingress-controller section in the Kubemarine Installation Procedure.

Configuring Certificate Renew Procedure for Calico

To update the certificate and key for calico API server, use the following configuration:

    renew: true

Note: The certificate update procedure follows the default Calico API server installation procedure. If you have custom Calico installation steps in the plugins.calico.installation.procedures section of the cluster.yaml that in particular renews the certificate in a custom way, you may want to repeat the corresponding steps using Plugins Reinstallation.

Configuring Certificate Renew Procedure for Kubernetes Internal Certificates

To update internal Kubernetes certificates you can use the following configuration:

    - apiserver
    - apiserver-etcd-client
    - apiserver-kubelet-client
    - etcd-healthcheck-client
    - etcd-peer
    - etcd-server
    - admin.conf
    - super-admin.conf
    - controller-manager.conf
    - scheduler.conf
    - front-proxy-client

Above list contains all possible certificates for update. You can pick all or some of them, as you need. Alternatively to specifying the full list, you can use shorter form:

    - all

Certificate Renew Tasks Tree

The cert_renew procedure executes the following sequence of tasks:

  1. kubernetes
  2. nginx_ingress_controller
  3. calico
  4. certs_overview

Procedure Execution

The following sections describe the execution of procedures using CLI.

Procedure Execution from CLI

The command line executive for maintenance procedures has the same parameters as the installation executive. For more details, refer to the Installing Kubernetes Using CLI section in Kubemarine Installation Procedure.

The following features described in the Kubemarine Installation Procedure are also available for maintenance procedures:

For maintenance procedures, it is mandatory to provide procedure-specific procedure.yaml configuration as positional argument, in addition to an ordinary cluster.yaml cluster inventory. You can redefine the tasks list for execution/exclusion according to the selected procedure Tasks Tree. For more information, refer to the Tasks List Redefinition section in Kubemarine Installation Procedure.

Also it is possible to get the list of supported options and their meaning by executing the maintenance procedure with --help flag.

Note: After the maintenance procedure is completed, you can find the updated inventory files in place of the old ones. After each procedure, the old version of cluster.yaml is backed up to dump/cluster.yaml_mm-dd-yyyy-hh:MM:ss.

An example for running add_node procedure without the cluster.yaml definition is as follows:

kubemarine add_node procedure.yaml

It is used from the current location.

An example for running remove_node procedure with explicit cluster.yaml is as follows:

kubemarine remove_node procedure.yaml --config="${PATH_TO_CONFIG}/cluster.yaml"

An example for running the add_node procedure with overridden tasks is as follows:

kubemarine add_node procedure.yaml --tasks="deploy" --exclude="deploy.loadbalancer"


Kubemarine has the ability to customize the output of logs, as well as customize the output to a separate file or graylog. For more information, refer to the Configuring Kubemarine Logging guide.

Inventory Preservation

The Kubemarine collects information about each successful procedure operation with the cluster and stores it on all master nodes under the following path:


The list of preserved information:


Description of the following files:

  • cluster.yaml - Input cluster inventory
  • version - Kubemarine version
  • procedure_parameters - List of finished tasks

Additional Parameters

The Kubernetes cluster has the following additional parameters.

Grace Period and Drain Timeout

The remove_node, upgrade, and migrate_kubemarine (in some cases) procedures perform pods' draining before next actions. The pods' draining gracefully waits for the pods' migration to other nodes, before killing them. It is possible to modify the time to kill using the grace_period parameter in the procedure.yaml as follows (time in seconds):

grace_period: 180

Note: To disable the grace_period parameter, simply set the value to "0".

Also, these procedures wait for the pods' killing. This waiting time also is configurable with the drain_timeout parameter in the procedure.yaml as follows (time in seconds):

drain_timeout: 260

Images Prepull

For the add_nodes and upgrade procedures, an images prepull task is available. This task prepulls images on specified nodes, but separates them on subgroups by 20 nodes per group, by default. This is required to avoid high load on the registry server. This value can be modified by setting the prepull_group_size parameter in the procedure.yaml, for example:

prepull_group_size: 100

Additional Procedures

The following Kubemarine procedures are available additionally:

  • version Print current release version
  • do Execute shell command on cluster nodes

Changing Calico Settings

Sometimes, during the operation you have to change the parameters of the Calico plugin. To do this, you can use the standard Kubemarine tools.

Warning: This procedure is performed on all nodes.

The parameters are changed using the command, kubemarine install --config='file' --tasks=deploy.plugins.

Before the installation, you have to change the yaml file responsible for the cluster deployment:

    install: true
    version: v3.10.1

Changing Cluster CIDR

There might be a situation when you have to change the pod network used in a cluster. The default podSubnet ( for IPv4 and fd02::/48 for IPv6) may be inappropriate for some reason.

Note: Before proceeding, choose networks for podSubnet and serviceSubnet carefully, especially in case of IPv6 environments. For example, it is not recommended to use networks from deprecated Site-Local scoped address prefix (fec0::/10). It is better to use the Unique Local Unicast range (fc00::/7).

If you are going to deploy a cluster from scratch, you can set custom podSubnet in the cluster.yaml:

      podSubnet: '<NEW_NETWORK>'

If an existing cluster has to be updated with a new podSubnet, the following steps should be considered:

  1. Check that any network security policies are disabled or new podSubnet is whitelisted. This is especially important for OpenStack environments.

  2. Create an ippool for new podSubnet:

# cat <<EOF | calicoctl apply -f -
kind: IPPool
  name: new-ipv4-pool
  ipipMode: CrossSubnet
  natOutgoing: true

Note: The pod subnet mask size for a node cannot be greater than 16, more than the cluster mask size. This is especially important for IPv6 networks. The default node-cidr-mask-size for IPv6 is 64. Therefore, you should use a cluster network mask not shorter than 48 or change the node-cidr-mask-size value respectively.

  1. Disable the old ippool:
# calicoctl get ippool -o yaml > ./ippools.yaml
# vi ippools.yaml
- apiVersion:
  kind: IPPool
    name: <OLD_IPPOOL_NAME>
    disabled: true
# calicoctl apply -f ./ippools.yaml
  1. Change the podCIDR parameter for all nodes:
# kubectl get node ${NODENAME} -o yaml > ${NODENAME}.yaml
# kubectl delete node ${NODENAME} && kubectl create -f ${NODENAME}.yaml
  1. Change cluster-cidr in kube-controller-manager manifest at all the master nodes:
# vi /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-controller-manager.yaml
    - --cluster-cidr=

After changing the manifest, the kube-controller-manager pod restarts automatically. Check that it has restarted successfully.

  1. Edit the calico-config configmap, remove the old ippool name, and change the ip range:
# kubectl -n kube-system edit cm calico-config
          "ipam": {"assign_ipv4": "true", "ipv4_pools": [""], "type": "calico-ipam"},
  1. Edit the calico-node daemonset, and change the ip range:
# kubectl -n kube-system edit ds calico-node
        - name: CALICO_IPV4POOL_CIDR

Check whether all calico-node pods have restarted successfully.

  1. Change clusterCIDR in the kube-proxy configmap and restart kube-proxy:
# kubectl -n kube-system edit cm kube-proxy
# kubectl -n kube-system rollout restart ds kube-proxy
  1. Delete pods with ip addresses from the old ippool and check that they have restarted with addresses from the new pool successfully.

  2. Update the kubeadm-config configmap with a new cluster network:

# kubectl -n kube-system edit cm kubeadm-config
  ClusterConfiguration: |
  1. Check that everything works properly and remove the old ippool if necessary.

Common Practice

The common practice information is given below.

Security Hardening Guide

For more information, refer to the Security Hardening Guide.

Worker Nodes Should be Managed by Kubelet

You should not run any containers on worker nodes that are not managed by kubelet to avoid breaking the kube-scheduler precision.