From ad8518c276cf072acd6d080a10a2695b8bb72610 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mason Protter <>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2024 17:00:45 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/7] remove soem junk

 src/GraphDynamicsInterop/GraphDynamicsInterop.jl | 15 ++-------------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/GraphDynamicsInterop/GraphDynamicsInterop.jl b/src/GraphDynamicsInterop/GraphDynamicsInterop.jl
index 66cbcd53..8cf86728 100644
--- a/src/GraphDynamicsInterop/GraphDynamicsInterop.jl
+++ b/src/GraphDynamicsInterop/GraphDynamicsInterop.jl
@@ -256,12 +256,6 @@ function populate_flatgraph(h, g, blox, v, g_i, h_i)
     if length(components(blox)) == 1 && only(components(blox)) == blox
         h_i += 1
         add_subsystem!(h, to_subsystem(blox), Neuroblox.namespaced_nameof(blox))
-        # add_vertices!(h, 1)
-        # subsystem = to_subsystem(blox)
-        # name = Neuroblox.namespaced_nameof(blox)
-        # set_subsystem!(h, to_subsystem(blox), h_i)
-        # set_name!(h, name, h_i)
         if v isa Dict
             @assert !haskey(v, g_i)
             v[g_i] = h_i
@@ -341,14 +335,9 @@ situations where tiny matrices like (e.g. 5x5) get stored as sparse arrays rathe
 function graphsystem_from_graph(_g::MetaDiGraph; sparsity_heuristic=1.0, sparse_length_cutoff=0)
     g = flat_graph(_g)
-    total_eltype = mapreduce(promote_type, vertices(g)) do i
-        eltype(get_subsystem(g, i))
-    end
-    fix_eltype(s::Subsystem{Name}) where {Name} = convert(Subsystem{Name, total_eltype}, s)
     subsystems_and_names_flat = map(vertices(g)) do i
-        (subsystem = fix_eltype(get_subsystem(g, i)), name = get_name(g, i))
+        (subsystem = get_subsystem(g, i), name = get_name(g, i))
     names_flat = map(last, subsystems_and_names_flat)
     subsystems_flat = map(first, subsystems_and_names_flat)

From 4cec4b8ecadc066f624df7d39ccd132e1c3ddd72 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mason Protter <>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2024 19:42:46 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/7] more junk

 src/GraphDynamicsInterop/GraphDynamicsInterop.jl | 9 ++++-----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/GraphDynamicsInterop/GraphDynamicsInterop.jl b/src/GraphDynamicsInterop/GraphDynamicsInterop.jl
index 8cf86728..a087494c 100644
--- a/src/GraphDynamicsInterop/GraphDynamicsInterop.jl
+++ b/src/GraphDynamicsInterop/GraphDynamicsInterop.jl
@@ -72,8 +72,7 @@ using GraphDynamics:
-    calculate_inputs,
-    connection_index
+    calculate_inputs
 using Random:
@@ -422,9 +421,9 @@ function graphsystem_from_graph(_g::MetaDiGraph; sparsity_heuristic=1.0, sparse_
-    states_partitioned           = map(v -> map(get_states, v), subsystems)
+    states_partitioned = map(v -> map(get_states, v), subsystems)
     params_partitioned = map(v -> map(get_params, v), subsystems)
-    names_partitioned            = map(v -> map(last, v), subsystems_and_names)
+    names_partitioned  = map(v -> map(last, v), subsystems_and_names)
     composite_continuous_events_partitioned = let
         if isempty(g.composite_continuous_events_builder)
@@ -468,5 +467,5 @@ function graphsystem_from_graph(_g::MetaDiGraph; sparsity_heuristic=1.0, sparse_
 end#module GraphDynamicsInterop

From f820b7c2471ddff7f2a6be3020a3ecd251abfbfb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mason Protter <>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2024 19:44:39 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/7] switch to using `ForeachConnectedSubsystem` instead of
 composite events

 .../connection_interop.jl                     | 212 ++++++------------
 src/GraphDynamicsInterop/neuron_interop.jl    |  33 ++-
 test/GraphDynamicsTests/test_suite.jl         |  49 ++--
 3 files changed, 120 insertions(+), 174 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/GraphDynamicsInterop/connection_interop.jl b/src/GraphDynamicsInterop/connection_interop.jl
index 9b8e2af2..4b5f37bd 100644
--- a/src/GraphDynamicsInterop/connection_interop.jl
+++ b/src/GraphDynamicsInterop/connection_interop.jl
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ end
 struct BasicConnection <: ConnectionRule
 end ={<:BasicConnection}) = BasicConnection(0.0)
 function (c::BasicConnection)(blox_src, blox_dst)
     (; jcn = c.weight * output(blox_src))
@@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ end
-# Kuramoto 
+# Kuramoto
 function get_connection(src::KuramotoOscillator, dst::KuramotoOscillator, kwargs)
     (;w_val, name) = generate_weight_param(src, dst, kwargs)
     (;conn=BasicConnection(w_val), names=[name])
@@ -227,40 +228,12 @@ end
 # LIFExci / LIFInh
-function blox_wiring_rule!(h, blox::Union{LIFExciNeuron, LIFInhNeuron}, v, kwargs)
-    evbs = h.composite_discrete_events_builder
-    i = only(v)
-    push!(evbs, SpikeAffectEventBuilder(i, Int[], Int[]))
-function blox_wiring_rule!(h,
-                           blox_src::Union{LIFExciNeuron, LIFInhNeuron}, 
-                           blox_dst::Union{LIFExciNeuron, LIFInhNeuron},
-                           v_src, v_dst, kwargs)
-    #this is the fallback method for non-composite blox, hence vi and vj should have only one element
-    i, j = only(v_src), only(v_dst)
-    (; w_val, name) = generate_weight_param(blox_src, blox_dst, kwargs)
-    conn = BasicConnection(w_val)
-    let evbs = h.composite_discrete_events_builder
-        idx = findfirst(evb -> (evb isa SpikeAffectEventBuilder) && (evb.idx_src == i), evbs)
-        if isnothing(idx)
-            error("SpikeAffectEventBuilder for neuron not found, this indicates its blox wiring rule never ran.")
-        else
-            if blox_dst isa LIFExciNeuron
-                push!(evbs[idx].idx_dsts_exci, j)
-            elseif blox_dst isa LIFInhNeuron
-                push!(evbs[idx].idx_dsts_inh, j)
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    add_edge!(h, i, j, Dict(:conn => conn, :names => [name]))
 function (c::BasicConnection)(sys_src::Subsystem{LIFExciNeuron},
                               sys_dst::Union{Subsystem{LIFExciNeuron}, Subsystem{LIFInhNeuron}})
-    (; jcn = 0.0)
+    w = c.weight
+    (; jcn = w * sys_src.S_NMDA * sys_dst.g_NMDA * (sys_dst.V - sys_dst.V_E) / 
+        (1 + sys_dst.Mg * exp(-0.062 * sys_dst.V) / 3.57))
 function (c::BasicConnection)(::Subsystem{LIFInhNeuron},
@@ -268,111 +241,65 @@ function (c::BasicConnection)(::Subsystem{LIFInhNeuron},
     (; jcn = 0.0)
-struct SpikeAffectEventBuilder
-    idx_src::Int
-    idx_dsts_inh::Vector{Int}
-    idx_dsts_exci::Vector{Int}
+const LIFExciInhNeuron = Union{LIFExciNeuron, LIFInhNeuron}
+GraphDynamics.has_discrete_events(::Type{LIFExciNeuron}) = true
+GraphDynamics.has_discrete_events(::Type{LIFInhNeuron}) = true
+function GraphDynamics.discrete_event_condition((; t_refract_end, V, θ)::Subsystem{LIF}, t, _) where {LIF <: LIFExciInhNeuron}
+    # Triggers when either a refractory period is ending, or the neuron spiked (voltage exceeds threshold θ)
+    (V > θ) || (t_refract_end == t)
+function GraphDynamics.apply_discrete_event!(integrator,
+                                             states_view_src, params_view_src,
+                                             neuron_src::Subsystem{LIF},
+                                             foreach_connected_neuron) where {LIF <: LIFExciInhNeuron}
+    t = integrator.t
+    if t == neuron_src.t_refract_end # Refreactory period is over
+        params = params_view_src[]
+        params_view_src[] = @set params.is_refractory = 0
+    else # Neuron fired
+        # Begin refractory period
+        params_src = params_view_src[]
+        @reset params_src.t_refract_end = t + params_src.t_refract_duration
+        @reset params_src.is_refractory = 1
+        add_tstop!(integrator, params_src.t_refract_end)
+        params_view_src[] = params_src
-struct SpikeAffectEvent{i_src, i_LIFInh, i_LIFExci}
-    j_src::Int
-    j_dsts_inh::Vector{Int}
-    j_dsts_exci::Vector{Int}
+        # Reset the neuron voltage
+        states_view_src[:V] = params_src.V_reset
-function (ev::SpikeAffectEventBuilder)(index_map)
-    (i_src, j_src) = index_map[ev.idx_src]
-    i_inh, j_dsts_inh = let v = ev.idx_dsts_inh
-        if isempty(v)
-            nothing, Int[]
-        else
-            index_map[first(v)][1], map(idx -> index_map[idx][2], v)
+        # Now apply a function to each connected dst neuron
+        foreach_connected_neuron() do conn, neuron_dst, states_view_dst, params_view_dst
+            lif_exci_inh_update_connected_neuron(neuron_src, states_view_src, conn, neuron_dst, states_view_dst)
-    i_exci, j_dsts_exci = let v = ev.idx_dsts_exci
-        if isempty(v)
-            nothing, Int[]
-        else
-            index_map[first(v)][1], map(idx -> index_map[idx][2], v)
-        end
+function lif_exci_inh_update_connected_neuron(neuron_src::Subsystem{LIFExciNeuron},
+                                              states_view_src,
+                                              conn::BasicConnection,
+                                              neuron_dst::Subsystem{<:LIFExciInhNeuron},
+                                              states_view_dst)
+    w = conn.weight
+    # check if the neuron is connected to itself
+    if states_view_src === states_view_dst
+        # x is the rise variable for NMDA synapses and it only applies to self-recurrent connections
+        states_view_dst[:x] += w
-    SpikeAffectEvent{i_src, i_inh, i_exci}(j_src, j_dsts_inh, j_dsts_exci)
+    states_view_dst[:S_AMPA] += w
+    nothing
-function GraphDynamics.discrete_event_condition(states,
-                                               params,
-                                               connection_matrices,
-                                               ev::SpikeAffectEvent{i_src, i_dst_inh, i_dsts_exci},
-                                               t) where {i_src, i_dst_inh, i_dsts_exci}
-    (; j_src) = ev
-    neuron_src = Subsystem(states[i_src][j_src], params[i_src][j_src])
-    neuron_src.V > neuron_src.θ
+function lif_exci_inh_update_connected_neuron(neuron_src::Subsystem{LIFInhNeuron},
+                                              states_view_src,
+                                              conn::BasicConnection,
+                                              neuron_dst::Subsystem{<:LIFExciInhNeuron},
+                                              states_view_dst)
+    w = conn.weight
+    states_view_dst[:S_GABA] += w
+    nothing
-function GraphDynamics.apply_discrete_event!(integrator,
-                                            states::NTuple{Len, Any},
-                                            params::NTuple{Len, Any},
-                                            connection_matrices,
-                                            t,
-                                            ev::SpikeAffectEvent{i_src, i_dst_inh, i_dst_exci}
-                                             ) where {i_src, i_dst_inh, i_dst_exci, Len}
-    (; j_src, j_dsts_inh, j_dsts_exci) = ev
-    nc = connection_index(BasicConnection, connection_matrices)
-    params_src = params[i_src][j_src]
-    @reset params_src.t_refract_end = t + params_src.t_refract_duration
-    @reset params_src.is_refractory = 1
-    params[i_src][j_src] = params_src
-    add_tstop!(integrator, params_src.t_refract_end)
-    states_src = states[i_src][j_src]
-    states[i_src][:V, j_src] = params_src.V_reset
-    if (states_src isa SubsystemStates{LIFExciNeuron}) && (j_src ∈ j_dsts_exci)
-        # x is the rise variable for NMDA synapses and it only applies to self-recurrent connections
-        w = connection_matrices[nc][i_src, i_src][j_src, j_src].weight
-        states[i_src][:x, j_src] += w
-    end
-    if states_src isa SubsystemStates{LIFExciNeuron}
-        if !isnothing(i_dst_inh)
-            M = connection_matrices[nc][i_src, i_dst_inh]
-            for j_dst ∈ j_dsts_inh
-                w = M[j_src, j_dst].weight
-                states[i_dst_inh][:S_AMPA, j_dst] += w
-            end
-        end
-        if !isnothing(i_dst_exci)
-            M = connection_matrices[nc][i_src, i_dst_exci]
-            for j_dst ∈ j_dsts_exci
-                w = M[j_src, j_dst].weight
-                states[i_dst_exci][:S_AMPA, j_dst] += w
-            end
-        end
-    elseif states_src isa SubsystemStates{LIFInhNeuron}
-        if !isnothing(i_dst_inh)
-            M = connection_matrices[nc][i_src, i_dst_inh]
-            for j_dst ∈ j_dsts_inh
-                w = M[j_src, j_dst].weight
-                states[i_dst_inh][:S_GABA, j_dst] += w
-            end
-        end
-        if !isnothing(i_dst_exci)
-            M = connection_matrices[nc][i_src, i_dst_exci]
-            for j_dst ∈ j_dsts_exci
-                w = M[j_src, j_dst].weight
-                states[i_dst_exci][:S_GABA, j_dst] += w
-            end
-        end
-    else
-        error("this should be unreachable")
-    end
 function blox_wiring_rule!(h,
                            blox_dst::Union{LIFExciNeuron, LIFInhNeuron},
@@ -391,23 +318,29 @@ function ((;w)::PoissonSpikeConn)(stim::Subsystem{PoissonSpikeTrain},
                                   blox_dst::Union{Subsystem{LIFExciNeuron}, Subsystem{LIFInhNeuron}})
     (; jcn = 0.0)
-GraphDynamics.has_discrete_events(::PoissonSpikeConn) = true
-GraphDynamics.has_discrete_events(::Type{PoissonSpikeConn}) = true
 GraphDynamics.event_times((;t_spikes)::PoissonSpikeConn) = (t_spikes)
-GraphDynamics.discrete_event_condition((;t_spikes)::PoissonSpikeConn, t) = (t ∈ t_spikes)
+GraphDynamics.has_discrete_events(::Type{PoissonSpikeTrain}) = true
+function GraphDynamics.discrete_event_condition(p::Subsystem{PoissonSpikeTrain}, t, foreach_connected_neuron::F) where {F}
+    # check if any of the downstream connections from p spike at time t.
+    cond = mapreduce(|, foreach_connected_neuron; init=false) do conn, _, _, _
+        t ∈ conn.t_spikes
+    end
 function GraphDynamics.apply_discrete_event!(integrator,
-                                            _, _,
-                                            vstates_dst, _,
-                                            _::PoissonSpikeConn,
-                                            _::Subsystem{PoissonSpikeTrain},
-                                             _::Union{Subsystem{LIFExciNeuron}, Subsystem{LIFInhNeuron}})
-    states = vstates_dst[]
-    states = @set states.S_AMPA_ext += 1
-    vstates_dst[] = states
-    nothing
+                                             states_view_src, params_view_src,
+                                             neuron_src::Subsystem{PoissonSpikeTrain},
+                                             foreach_connected_neuron::F) where {F}
+    t = integrator.t
+    foreach_connected_neuron() do conn, neuron_dst, states_view_dst, params_view_dst
+        # Check each downstream connection, if it's time to spike, increment the downstream neuron's S_AMPA_ext
+        if t ∈ conn.t_spikes
+            states_view_dst[:S_AMPA_ext] += 1
+        end
+    end
 components(blox::Union{LIFExciCircuitBlox, LIFInhCircuitBlox}) =
 issupported(::Union{LIFExciCircuitBlox, LIFInhCircuitBlox}) = true
@@ -438,7 +371,6 @@ function blox_wiring_rule!(h,
                            blox_dst::Union{LIFExciCircuitBlox, LIFInhCircuitBlox},
                            v_src, v_dst, kwargs)
     neurons_dst = components(blox_dst)
     for (j, neuron_dst) ∈ enumerate(neurons_dst)
         blox_wiring_rule!(h, stim, neuron_dst, only(v_src), v_dst[j], kwargs)
diff --git a/src/GraphDynamicsInterop/neuron_interop.jl b/src/GraphDynamicsInterop/neuron_interop.jl
index 3126cc32..f52c138a 100644
--- a/src/GraphDynamicsInterop/neuron_interop.jl
+++ b/src/GraphDynamicsInterop/neuron_interop.jl
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ function define_neurons()
             @eval begin
                 GraphDynamics.has_continuous_events(::Type{$T}) = true
-                GraphDynamics.continuous_event_condition((; $(p_and_s_syms...))::Subsystem{$T}, t) = $ev_condition
-                function GraphDynamics.apply_continuous_event!(integrator, sview, pview, neuron::Subsystem{$T})
+                GraphDynamics.continuous_event_condition((; $(p_and_s_syms...))::Subsystem{$T}, t, _) = $ev_condition
+                function GraphDynamics.apply_continuous_event!(integrator, sview, pview, neuron::Subsystem{$T}, _)
                     (; $(p_and_s_syms...)) = neuron
                     sview[] = SubsystemStates{$T}(merge(NamedTuple(get_states(neuron)), $ev_affect))
@@ -140,16 +140,16 @@ end
 define_neurons() # it's useful when developing this module to have these in a function
 #Maybe should just encorporate this into define_neurons()
-for T ∈ [:LIFExciNeuron, :LIFInhNeuron]
-    @eval begin
-        GraphDynamics.has_discrete_events(::Type{$T}) = true
-        GraphDynamics.discrete_event_condition((; t_refract_end)::Subsystem{$T}, t) = t_refract_end == t
-        function GraphDynamics.apply_discrete_event!(integrator, _, pview, neuron::Subsystem{$T})
-            params = get_params(neuron)
-            pview[] = @set params.is_refractory = 0
-        end
-    end
+# for T ∈ [:LIFExciNeuron, :LIFInhNeuron]
+#     @eval begin
+#         GraphDynamics.has_discrete_events(::Type{$T}) = true
+#         GraphDynamics.discrete_event_condition((; t_refract_end)::Subsystem{$T}, t) = t_refract_end == t
+#         function GraphDynamics.apply_discrete_event!(integrator, _, pview, neuron::Subsystem{$T}, _)
+#             params = get_params(neuron)
+#             pview[] = @set params.is_refractory = 0
+#         end
+#     end
+# end
 issupported(::PoissonSpikeTrain) = true
 components(p::PoissonSpikeTrain) = (p,)
@@ -199,11 +199,11 @@ function to_subsystem(s::Matrisome)
 GraphDynamics.has_discrete_events(::Type{Matrisome}) = true
 GraphDynamics.discrete_events_require_inputs(::Type{Matrisome}) = true
-function GraphDynamics.discrete_event_condition((;t_event,)::Subsystem{Matrisome}, t)
+function GraphDynamics.discrete_event_condition((;t_event,)::Subsystem{Matrisome}, t, _)
     t == t_event
 GraphDynamics.event_times((;t_event)::Subsystem{Matrisome}) = t_event
-function GraphDynamics.apply_discrete_event!(integrator, _, vparams, s::Subsystem{Matrisome}, jcn)
+function GraphDynamics.apply_discrete_event!(integrator, _, vparams, s::Subsystem{Matrisome}, _, jcn)
     # recording the values of jcn and H at the event time in the parameters jcn_ and H_
     params = get_params(s)
     vparams[] = @set params.jcn_ = jcn
@@ -270,14 +270,13 @@ end
 GraphDynamics.has_discrete_events(::Type{SNc}) = true
 GraphDynamics.discrete_events_require_inputs(::Type{SNc}) = true
-function GraphDynamics.discrete_event_condition((;t_event,)::Subsystem{SNc}, t)
+function GraphDynamics.discrete_event_condition((;t_event,)::Subsystem{SNc}, t, _)
     t == t_event
 GraphDynamics.event_times((;t_event)::Subsystem{SNc}) = t_event
-function GraphDynamics.apply_discrete_event!(integrator, _, vparams, s::Subsystem{SNc}, jcn)
+function GraphDynamics.apply_discrete_event!(integrator, _, vparams, s::Subsystem{SNc}, _, jcn)
     # recording the values of jcn and H at the event time in the parameters jcn_ and H_
     params = get_params(s)
     vparams[] = @set params.jcn_ = jcn
diff --git a/test/GraphDynamicsTests/test_suite.jl b/test/GraphDynamicsTests/test_suite.jl
index bdcff148..08e15168 100644
--- a/test/GraphDynamicsTests/test_suite.jl
+++ b/test/GraphDynamicsTests/test_suite.jl
@@ -70,6 +70,11 @@ function test_compare_du_and_sols(::Type{ODEProblem}, g, tspan;
             sol_u_reordered, du_reordered
         @debug "" norm(sol_grp .- sol_mtk) / norm(sol_mtk)
+        for i ∈ eachindex(state_names)
+            if !isapprox(sol_grp[i], sol_mtk[i]; rtol=rtol)
+                @debug  "" i state_names[i] sol_grp[i] sol_mtk[i]
+            end
+        end
         @test sort(du_grp) ≈ sort(du_mtk) # due to the MTK getu bug, we'll compare the sorted versions
         @test sol_grp ≈ sol_mtk rtol=rtol
@@ -686,13 +691,13 @@ function lif_exci_inh_tests(;tspan=(0.0, 20.0), rtol=1e-8)
     add_edge!(g, background_input2 => n1; weight = 0.0)
     add_edge!(g, stim_A => n1;            weight = 1.0)
     add_edge!(g, stim_B => n1;            weight = 1.0)
-    add_edge!(g, n1 => n2;               weight = 1.0)
-    add_edge!(g, n2 => n1; weight = 2.0)
-    add_edge!(g, n3 => n1; weight = 3.0)
+    add_edge!(g, n1 => n2;                weight = 1.0)
+    add_edge!(g, n2 => n1;                weight = 2.0)
+    add_edge!(g, n3 => n1;                weight = 3.0)
     test_compare_du_and_sols(ODEProblem, g, tspan; rtol, alg=Tsit5())
-function decision_making_test(;tspan=(0.0, 9.0), rtol=1e-5)
+function decision_making_test(;tspan=(0.0, 20.0), rtol=1e-5, N_E=24)
     ## Describe what the local variables you define are for
     global_ns = :g ## global name for the circuit. All components should be inside this namespace.
@@ -700,7 +705,7 @@ function decision_making_test(;tspan=(0.0, 9.0), rtol=1e-5)
     spike_rate = 2.4 ## spikes / ms
     f = 0.15 ## ratio of selective excitatory to non-selective excitatory neurons
-    N_E = 24 ## total number of excitatory neurons
+    N_E ## total number of excitatory neurons
     N_I = Int(ceil(N_E / 4)) ## total number of inhibitory neurons
     N_E_selective = Int(ceil(f * N_E)) ## number of selective excitatory neurons
     N_E_nonselective = N_E - 2 * N_E_selective ## number of non-selective excitatory neurons
@@ -761,26 +766,36 @@ function decision_making_test(;tspan=(0.0, 9.0), rtol=1e-5)
     add_edge!(g, n_inh => n_A; weight = 1)
     add_edge!(g, n_inh => n_B; weight = 1)
     add_edge!(g, n_inh => n_ns; weight = 1)
     test_compare_du_and_sols(ODEProblem, g, tspan; rtol, alg=Tsit5())
     # local state_names
-    # sol_gys = let sys = graphsystem_from_graph(g)
+    # sol_gys = let sys = system_from_graph(g; graphdynamics=true)
     #     prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], tspan, [])
-    #     sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
-    #     state_names = variable_symbols(sys)
-    #     sol_u_reordered = map(state_names) do name
-    #         sol[name][end]
-    #     end
+    #     sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(), saveat=0.1)
+    #     # state_names = variable_symbols(sys)
+    #     # sol_u_reordered = map(state_names) do name
+    #     #     sol[name][end]
+    #     # end
+    #     # sol.t, sol_u_reordered
     # end
     # sol_mtk = let sys = system_from_graph(g; name=:sys)
     #     prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], tspan, [])
-    #     sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
-    #     sol_u_reordered = map(state_names) do name
-    #         sol[name][end]
-    #     end
+    #     sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(), saveat=0.1)
+    #     # sol_u_reordered = map(state_names) do name
+    #     #     sol[name][end]
+    #     # end
     # end
-    # sort(sol_gys .- sol_mtk)
+    # # sort(sol_gys .- sol_mtk)
+    # idxs = [:n_ns₊neuron1₊V,
+    #         #:n_inh₊neuron1₊V,
+    #         #:n_B₊neuron1₊V,
+    #         #:n_A₊neuron1₊V
+    #         ]
+    # @show getp(sol_gys, :n_ns₊neuron1₊g_L)(sol_gys)
+    # @show getp(sol_mtk, :n_ns₊neuron1₊g_L)(sol_mtk)
+    # plot( sol_gys; idxs)
+    # plot!(sol_mtk; idxs)
 function ping_tests(;tspan=(0.0, 2.0))

From 9ea4ed8cb23a91d018d0baec759779f9451dc938 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mason Protter <>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2024 19:45:27 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 4/7] make connections subtypes of ConnectionRule

 src/GraphDynamicsInterop/connection_interop.jl | 10 +++++-----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/GraphDynamicsInterop/connection_interop.jl b/src/GraphDynamicsInterop/connection_interop.jl
index 4b5f37bd..4f2a0f7e 100644
--- a/src/GraphDynamicsInterop/connection_interop.jl
+++ b/src/GraphDynamicsInterop/connection_interop.jl
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ function get_connection(
     (;conn, names)
-struct HHConnection_GAP
+struct HHConnection_GAP <: ConnectionRule
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ function blox_wiring_rule!(h,
     conn = PoissonSpikeConn(w_val, Set(Neuroblox.generate_spike_times(stim)))
     add_edge!(h, i, j, Dict(:conn => conn, :names => [name]))
-struct PoissonSpikeConn
+struct PoissonSpikeConn <: ConnectionRule
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ function get_connection(discr_src::Matrisome, discr_dst::Matrisome, kwargs)
-struct MMConn{T}
+struct MMConn{T} <: ConnectionRule
@@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ function get_connection(discr_src::TAN, discr_dst::Matrisome, kwargs)
     (; conn = TAN_M_Conn(w_val, t_event), names=[name])
-struct TAN_M_Conn
+struct TAN_M_Conn <: ConnectionRule
@@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ end
 # #-------------------------
 # PING Network
-struct PINGConnection
+struct PINGConnection <: ConnectionRule

From 5ec39dcdd3049dca5f618f6e63f108363fabc311 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mason Protter <>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2024 19:45:44 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 5/7] allow skipping building `ODESystem`

 src/blox/cortical.jl | 23 ++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/blox/cortical.jl b/src/blox/cortical.jl
index 97a7894b..c199a70f 100644
--- a/src/blox/cortical.jl
+++ b/src/blox/cortical.jl
@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ struct LIFExciCircuitBlox <: CompositeBlox
         Mg = 1, # mM
         exci_scaling_factor = 1,
         inh_scaling_factor = 1,
+        skip_system_creation=false,
@@ -154,10 +155,13 @@ struct LIFExciCircuitBlox <: CompositeBlox
-        bc = connector_from_graph(g)
-        sys = isnothing(namespace) ? system_from_graph(g, bc; name, simplify=false) : system_from_parts(neurons; name)
+        if skip_system_creation
+            bc = nothing
+            sys = nothing
+        else
+            bc = connector_from_graph(g)
+            sys = isnothing(namespace) ? system_from_graph(g, bc; name, simplify=false) : system_from_parts(neurons; name)
+        end
         new(namespace, neurons, sys, bc, kwargs)
@@ -191,6 +195,7 @@ struct LIFInhCircuitBlox <: CompositeBlox
         Mg = 1, # mM 
         exci_scaling_factor = 1,
         inh_scaling_factor = 1,
+        skip_system_creation = false,
@@ -228,10 +233,14 @@ struct LIFInhCircuitBlox <: CompositeBlox
-        bc = connector_from_graph(g)
+        if skip_system_creation
+            bc = nothing
+            sys = nothing
+        else
+            bc = connector_from_graph(g)
+            sys = isnothing(namespace) ? system_from_graph(g, bc; name, simplify=false) : system_from_parts(neurons; name)
+        end
-        sys = isnothing(namespace) ? system_from_graph(g, bc; name, simplify=false) : system_from_parts(neurons; name)
         new(namespace, neurons, sys, bc, kwargs)

From bb7c6c711d16c87d9284157d2e4526c892f47bab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mason Protter <>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2024 19:46:32 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 6/7] bump GraphDynamics compat

 Project.toml | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml
index 1658f078..5feb98b9 100644
--- a/Project.toml
+++ b/Project.toml
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ DataFrames = "1.3"
 Distributions = "0.25.102"
 ExponentialUtilities = "1"
 ForwardDiff = "0.10"
-GraphDynamics = "0.1.5"
+GraphDynamics = "0.2"
 Graphs = "1"
 Interpolations = "0.14, 0.15"
 MetaGraphs = "0.7"

From a15b2dd5fa12b6c72d67bd4f1459dc52fc5912cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mason Protter <>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2024 20:14:48 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 7/7] remove more unused comments

 test/GraphDynamicsTests/test_suite.jl | 28 ---------------------------
 1 file changed, 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/GraphDynamicsTests/test_suite.jl b/test/GraphDynamicsTests/test_suite.jl
index 08e15168..2e1f7258 100644
--- a/test/GraphDynamicsTests/test_suite.jl
+++ b/test/GraphDynamicsTests/test_suite.jl
@@ -768,34 +768,6 @@ function decision_making_test(;tspan=(0.0, 20.0), rtol=1e-5, N_E=24)
     add_edge!(g, n_inh => n_ns; weight = 1)
     test_compare_du_and_sols(ODEProblem, g, tspan; rtol, alg=Tsit5())
-    # local state_names
-    # sol_gys = let sys = system_from_graph(g; graphdynamics=true)
-    #     prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], tspan, [])
-    #     sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(), saveat=0.1)
-    #     # state_names = variable_symbols(sys)
-    #     # sol_u_reordered = map(state_names) do name
-    #     #     sol[name][end]
-    #     # end
-    #     # sol.t, sol_u_reordered
-    # end
-    # sol_mtk = let sys = system_from_graph(g; name=:sys)
-    #     prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], tspan, [])
-    #     sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(), saveat=0.1)
-    #     # sol_u_reordered = map(state_names) do name
-    #     #     sol[name][end]
-    #     # end
-    # end
-    # # sort(sol_gys .- sol_mtk)
-    # idxs = [:n_ns₊neuron1₊V,
-    #         #:n_inh₊neuron1₊V,
-    #         #:n_B₊neuron1₊V,
-    #         #:n_A₊neuron1₊V
-    #         ]
-    # @show getp(sol_gys, :n_ns₊neuron1₊g_L)(sol_gys)
-    # @show getp(sol_mtk, :n_ns₊neuron1₊g_L)(sol_mtk)
-    # plot( sol_gys; idxs)
-    # plot!(sol_mtk; idxs)
 function ping_tests(;tspan=(0.0, 2.0))