This is a Dyson Sphere Program blueprint tool.
- Dump blueprint to a JSON file.
- Undump a blueprint back.
- Print blueprint info.
- Replace items/recipes (partial).
- beltless mode (TBD)
Check the Releases tab. For Windows, grab dspbp.exe
. For linux, dspbp
Windows users: dspbp is a commandline tool. To use it do the following:
- Start powershell.
- Navigate to where you downloaded dspbp. If it's your Downloads folder, run this:
cd $HOME\Downloads
- Run
./dspbp.exe help
, go from there.
Linux users: same deal, but you probably already know how to use the terminal.
Start with dspbp help
, go from there.
I want to dump bluperint info to JSON.
dspbp -i blueprint.txt dump
I have a blueprint "72 iron.txt" that smelts 72 iron and want to make a "36 titanium.txt" blueprint that smelts 36 titanium. To do that, I have to replace all instances of iron ore with titanium ore, and iron ingot recipes with titanium ingot recipes. I also want to set icon text to "36".
dspbp -i "72 iron.txt" -o "36 titanium.txt" edit -B IronOre:TitaniumOre,IronIngot:TitaniumIngot -t "36"
I want to upgrade the old blueprint with green belts and mark 1 smelters to blue belts and mark 2 smelters.
dspbp -i "old setup.txt" -o "new setup.txt" edit -b ConveyorBeltMkII:ConveyorBeltMkIII,ArcSmelter:PlaneSmelter
I want to list all item or recipe names, so I know what to pass to dspbp.
dspbp items
dspbp recipes
I want to print some info about a blueprint.
dspbp -i 'blueprint.txt' info
(Lack of support in this forked repo.)
- Thanks to johndoe31415 and his He reverse-engineered DSP's custom hash and a bunch of blueprint stuff. 80% of this code is reimplementation of what he did.
- Guys at DSP wiki (the fandom one) for recipe IDs.
- Thanks to huww98 and his awesome blueprint visualizer at for letting me borrow his code as I see fit.
- Better support for replacing things:
- Inserter / splitter filters!
- Traffic monitors, I guess?
- Changing blueprint info like icons.
- Prettier error handling, eventually.
- More blueprint edit actions, maybe?