diff --git a/install/assets/modules/LIstDocModule.tpl b/install/assets/modules/LIstDocModule.tpl
index e08e619..8a2c06c 100644
--- a/install/assets/modules/LIstDocModule.tpl
+++ b/install/assets/modules/LIstDocModule.tpl
@@ -4,11 +4,12 @@
* Documents list/grid
* @category module
- * @version
+ * @version
* @author Author: Nicola Lambathakis http://www.tattoocms.it/
+ * @icon fa fa-pencil
* @internal @modx_category Manager
* @internal @installset base, sample
- * @lastupdate 30-12-2017
+ * @lastupdate 29-11-2018
* @internal @properties &modTitle=Module Title:;string;Documents List &modicon=Module title icon:;string;fa-pencil &ParentFolder=Parent folder for List documents:;string;0 &ListItems=Max items in List:;string;100 &dittolevel=Depht:;string;3 &hideFolders=Hide Folders:;menu;yes,no;no &showUnpublished=Show Deleted and Unpublished:;menu;yes,no;yes;;Show Deleted and Unpublished resources &showAddButtons=Show Create Resource Buttons:;menu;yes,no;no;;show header add buttons &showStatusFilter=Show Status Filter:;menu;yes,no;yes;;require Show Deleted and Unpublished YES &DisplayTitle=Display Title in title column:;menu;pagetitle,longtitle,menutitle;pagetitle;;choose which title display in title column &showParent=Show Parent Column:;menu;yes,no;yes &showUser=Show User Column:;menu;createdby,publishedby,editedby,no;createdby &showDate=Show Date Column:;menu;createdon,publishedon,editedon,no;editedon &dateFormat=Date Column Format:;menu;DD MM YYYY,MM DD YYYY,YYYY MM DD;DD MM YYYY &TvColumn=Tv Columns:;string;[+longtitle+],[+menuindex+] &TvSortType=Tv Column Sort type:;string;text,number &ImageTv=Show Image TV:;string;image;;enter image tv name &ShowImageIn=Show image Tv in:;menu;overview,column;overview &tablefields=Overview Tv Fields:;string;[+longtitle+],[+description+],[+introtext+],[+documentTags+] &tableheading=Overview TV headings:;string;Long Title,Description,Introtext,Tags &editInModal=Edit docs in modal:;menu;yes,no;no;;edit and create resources in evo modal window &showMoveButton=Show Move Button:;menu;yes,no;yes;;hides the button to everyone, even if the user has permissions &showAddHere=Show Create Resource here Button:;menu;yes,no;yes;;hides the button to everyone, even if the user has permissions &showDuplicateButton=Show Duplicate Button:;menu;yes,no;yes;;hides the button to everyone, even if the user has permissions &showPublishButton=Show Publish Button:;menu;yes,no;yes;;hides the button to everyone, even if the user has permissions &showDeleteButton=Show Delete Button:;menu;yes,no;yes;;hides the button to everyone, even if the user has permissions &showEmptyTrashButton=Show Empty Trash Button:;menu;yes,no;yes;;hides the button to everyone, even if the user has permissions &confirmTheme=jquery confirm Theme:;menu;modern,light,dark,supervan,material,bootstrap;modern;;theme styles for confim alert windows
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License (GPL)
* @documentation Requirements: This plugin requires Evolution 1.4 or later
@@ -16,775 +17,776 @@
* @reportissues https://github.com/Nicola1971/ListDoc-module/issues
-if(!defined('MODX_BASE_PATH')){die('What are you doing? Get out of here!');}
-// get global language
-global $modx,$_lang,$_style;
-//get custom language
-$_LDlang = array();
-if (file_exists(MODX_BASE_PATH.'assets/modules/listdoc/lang/' . $modx->config['manager_language'] . '.php')) {
- include(MODX_BASE_PATH.'assets/modules/listdoc/lang/' . $modx->config['manager_language'] . '.php');
-//config button
-$module_id = (!empty($_REQUEST["id"])) ? (int)$_REQUEST["id"] : $yourModuleId;
-if($modx->hasPermission('edit_module')) {
-$button_config = ' ' . $_lang["settings_config"] . '';
-$manager_theme = $modx->config['manager_theme'];
-$confirmTheme = isset($confirmTheme) ? $confirmTheme : 'modern';
-//clean languages confirms
-$confirm_delete_resource = str_replace(array('\'', '"'), '', $_lang["confirm_delete_resource"]);
-$confirm_publish = str_replace(array('\'', '"'), '', $_lang["confirm_publish"]);
-$confirm_unpublish = str_replace(array('\'', '"'), '', $_lang["confirm_unpublish"]);
-$jsOutput = '
-if($manager_theme == "EvoFLAT") {
-$cssOutput = '
-else {
-$cssOutput = '
-$WidgetOutput = isset($WidgetOutput) ? $WidgetOutput : '';
-$TvColumn = isset($TvColumn) ? $TvColumn : '';
-$tablefields = isset($tablefields) ? $tablefields : '[+longtitle+],[+description+],[+introtext+],[+documentTags+]';
-$tableheading = isset($tableheading) ? $tableheading : 'Long Title,Description,Introtext,Tags';
-//Header create resource in parent buttons
-if ($showAddButtons == yes) {
- if($modx->hasPermission('edit_document')) {
-$Parents = explode(",","$ParentFolder");
-foreach ($Parents as $Parent){
- if ($Parent != '0') {
- $ParentT = $modx->getPageInfo($Parent,'*','pagetitle');
- $ParentTitle = $ParentT['pagetitle'];
- }
- else {
- $ParentTitle = " Root";}
- if ($editInModal == yes) {
- $ParentsButtons .= '.container\',position:\'center center\',width:\'80%\',height:\'80%\',wrap:\'body\',hide:0,hover:0,overlay:1,overlayclose:1})">+ ' . $ParentTitle . ' ';
- }
- else {
- $ParentsButtons .= "
- + " . $ParentTitle . "
- ";
- }
- }
-//get Tv vars Heading Titles from Module configuration (ie: Page Title,Description,Date)
-$tharr = explode(",","$tableheading");
-$tdarr = explode(",","$tablefields");
-foreach (array_combine($tharr, $tdarr) as $thval => $tdval){
- $thtdfields .= "
" . $thval . ": " . $tdval . "
- ";
-//get tv columns
-$TvColumns = explode(",","$TvColumn");
-$TvTypes = explode(",","$TvSortType");
-foreach (array_combine($TvColumns, $TvTypes) as $TvTD => $TvType){
- $TvTDs .= '';
- $find = array('[+','+]');
- $replace = array('','');
- $getTvName = str_replace($find,$replace,$TvTD);
- $TvName = $getTvName;
- $TvColumnsHeaders .= ''.$TvName.' | ';
-//get date format
-$dateFormat = isset($dateFormat) ? $dateFormat : 'DD MM YYYY';
-$find = array('DD','MM','YYYY');
-$replace = array('%d','%m','%Y');
-$DLdate = str_replace($find,$replace,$dateFormat);
-//ID column
-$rowTpl = '@CODE:
- ';
-//Image column
-if ($ImageTv != '') {
-if ($ShowImageIn == column) {
-$rowTpl .= ' ';
-$ImageTVHead = ' | ';
-//Title column
-$rowTpl .= ' ';
-//Parent column and context menu
-if ($showParent == yes) {
-$rowTpl .= '
-[[if? &is=`[+parent+]:not:0`&then=`[[DocInfo? &docid=`[+parent+]` &field=`pagetitle`]]`]]
- | ';
-//TVs columns
-$rowTpl .= $TvTDs;
-//Status column (hidden)
-$rowTpl .= '
-//DATE column
-if ($showDate == 'createdon') {
-$rowTpl .= '';
-$dateColHead = '' . $_lang["page_data_created"] . ' | ';
-else if ($showDate == 'publishedon') {
-$rowTpl .= '';
-$dateColHead = '' . $_lang["page_data_published"] . ' | ';
-else if ($showDate == 'editedon') {
-$rowTpl .= '';
-$dateColHead = '' . $_lang["page_data_edited"] . ' | ';
-else {}
-//USER column
-if ($showUser == 'createdby') {
-$rowTpl .= '';
-$userColHead = '' . $_lang["user"] . ' | ';
-else if ($showUser == 'publishedby') {
-$rowTpl .= '';
-$userColHead = '' . $_lang["user"] . ' | ';
-else if ($showUser == 'editedby') {
-$rowTpl .= '';
-$userColHead = '' . $_lang["user"] . ' | ';
-else {}
-$rowTpl .='';
-//Action buttons
-if($modx->hasPermission('edit_document')) {
-if ($editInModal == yes) {
-$rowTpl .= '.container\',position:\'center center\',width:\'80%\',height:\'80%\',wrap:\'body\',hide:0,hover:0,overlay:1,overlayclose:1})">';
-else {
-$rowTpl .= '';
-$rowTpl .= ' ';
-if($modx->hasPermission('edit_document')) {
-if ($showMoveButton == yes) {
-$rowTpl .= ' ';
-//Duplicate btn href="index.php?a=94&id=[+id+]"
-if ($showDuplicateButton == yes) {
-$rowTpl .= ' ';
-//Publish btn
-if ($showPublishButton == yes) {
-$rowTpl .= '[[if? &is=`[+deleted+]:=:0` &then=`[[if? &is=`[+published+]:=:1` &then=`
-//add resource here btn
-if ($showAddHere == yes) {
-if ($editInModal == yes) {
-$rowTpl .= '.container\',position:\'center center\',width:\'80%\',height:\'80%\',wrap:\'body\',hide:0,hover:0,overlay:1,overlayclose:1})">';
-else {
-$rowTpl .= ' ';
-//delete btn
-if ($showDeleteButton == yes) {
-if($modx->hasPermission('delete_document')) {
-$rowTpl .= '[[if? &is=`[+deleted+]:=:0` &then=`
-//overview btn
-$rowTpl .= ' |
-//image tv
-if ($ImageTv != '') {
-if ($ShowImageIn == overview) {
-$rowTpl .= ' ';
-$rowTpl .= '
- |
-if ($showParent == yes) {
-$parentColumnHeader = '
-' . $_lang["resource_parent"] . ' | ';
-$ImageTV = isset($ImageTV) ? $ImageTV : '';
-$find = array('[+','+]');
-$replace = array('','');
-$DocListerTvs = str_replace($find,$replace,$tablefields);
-$DocListerTvFields = $DocListerTvs;
-$findtv = array('[+','+]');
-$replacetv = array('','');
-$TvColumnList = str_replace($find,$replace,$TvColumn);
-if ($TvColumn != '') {
-$TvFields = ''.$ImageTv.','.$DocListerTvFields.','.$TvColumnList.'';
-$TvColumnHeader = '
-'.$TvColumn.' | ';
-else {
-$TvFields = ''.$ImageTv.','.$DocListerTvFields.'';
-$parentId = $ParentFolder;
-// DocLister parameters
-$params['debug'] = '0'; //enable to debug listing
-$params['id'] = 'doclistwdg';
-$params['parents'] = $parentId;
-$params['depth'] = $dittolevel;
-$params['filters'] = 'private';
-$params['tpl'] = $rowTpl;
-$params['tvPrefix'] = '';
-$params['tvList'] = $TvFields;
-$params['display'] = $ListItems;
-if ($showUnpublished == yes) {
-$params['showNoPublish'] = '1';
-if ($hideFolders == yes) {
-$wherehideFolders = 'isfolder=0';
-$params['addWhereList'] = 'isfolder=0';
-//user extender
-$params['extender'] = 'user';
-$params['usertype'] = 'mgr';
-$params['userFields'] = 'createdby,publishedby,editedby';
-// run DocLister
-$list = $modx->runSnippet('DocLister', $params);
-//out module
-$output ='';
-$output .= ''.$jsOutput.'';
-// onManagerMainFrameHeaderHTMLBlock
-$evtOut = $modx->invokeEvent('OnManagerMainFrameHeaderHTMLBlock');
-$onManagerMainFrameHeaderHTMLBlock = is_array($evtOut) ? implode("\n", $evtOut) : '';
-$output .= $onManagerMainFrameHeaderHTMLBlock;
-$output .= '
- '.$modTitle.'
- '.$_lang["id"].' |
- '.$ImageTVHead.'
- '.$_lang["resource_title"].' |
- '.$parentColumnHeader.'
- '.$TvColumnsHeaders.'
- '.$_lang["page_data_status"].' |
- '.$dateColHead.'
- '.$userColHead.'
- '.$_lang["mgrlog_action"].' |
- |
-if ($showEmptyTrashButton == yes) {
-if($modx->hasPermission('empty_trash')) {
-$output .= '
-return $output;
+ if(!defined('MODX_BASE_PATH')){die('What are you doing? Get out of here!');}
+ //lang
+ // get global language
+ global $modx,$_lang,$_style;
+ //get custom language
+ $_LDlang = array();
+ include(MODX_BASE_PATH.'assets/modules/listdoc/lang/english.php');
+ if (file_exists(MODX_BASE_PATH.'assets/modules/listdoc/lang/' . $modx->config['manager_language'] . '.php')) {
+ include(MODX_BASE_PATH.'assets/modules/listdoc/lang/' . $modx->config['manager_language'] . '.php');
+ }
+ //config button
+ $module_id = (!empty($_REQUEST["id"])) ? (int)$_REQUEST["id"] : $yourModuleId;
+ if($modx->hasPermission('edit_module')) {
+ $button_config = ' ' . $_lang["settings_config"] . '';
+ }
+ $manager_theme = $modx->config['manager_theme'];
+ $confirmTheme = isset($confirmTheme) ? $confirmTheme : 'modern';
+ //clean languages confirms
+ $confirm_delete_resource = str_replace(array('\'', '"'), '', $_lang["confirm_delete_resource"]);
+ $confirm_publish = str_replace(array('\'', '"'), '', $_lang["confirm_publish"]);
+ $confirm_unpublish = str_replace(array('\'', '"'), '', $_lang["confirm_unpublish"]);
+ $jsOutput = '
+ ';
+ if($manager_theme == "EvoFLAT") {
+ $cssOutput = '
+ ';
+ }
+ else {
+ $cssOutput = '
+ ';
+ }
+ //output
+ $WidgetOutput = isset($WidgetOutput) ? $WidgetOutput : '';
+ $TvColumn = isset($TvColumn) ? $TvColumn : '';
+ $tablefields = isset($tablefields) ? $tablefields : '[+longtitle+],[+description+],[+introtext+],[+documentTags+]';
+ $tableheading = isset($tableheading) ? $tableheading : 'Long Title,Description,Introtext,Tags';
+ //Header create resource in parent buttons
+ if ($showAddButtons == yes) {
+ if($modx->hasPermission('edit_document')) {
+ $Parents = explode(",","$ParentFolder");
+ foreach ($Parents as $Parent){
+ if ($Parent != '0') {
+ $ParentT = $modx->getPageInfo($Parent,'*','pagetitle');
+ $ParentTitle = $ParentT['pagetitle'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $ParentTitle = " Root";}
+ if ($editInModal == yes) {
+ $ParentsButtons .= '.container\',position:\'center center\',width:\'80%\',height:\'80%\',wrap:\'body\',hide:0,hover:0,overlay:1,overlayclose:1})">+ ' . $ParentTitle . ' ';
+ }
+ else {
+ $ParentsButtons .= "
+ + " . $ParentTitle . "
+ ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //get Tv vars Heading Titles from Module configuration (ie: Page Title,Description,Date)
+ $tharr = explode(",","$tableheading");
+ $tdarr = explode(",","$tablefields");
+ foreach (array_combine($tharr, $tdarr) as $thval => $tdval){
+ $thtdfields .= "
+ " . $thval . ": " . $tdval . "
+ ";
+ }
+ //get tv columns
+ $TvColumns = explode(",","$TvColumn");
+ $TvTypes = explode(",","$TvSortType");
+ foreach (array_combine($TvColumns, $TvTypes) as $TvTD => $TvType){
+ $TvTDs .= '';
+ $find = array('[+','+]');
+ $replace = array('','');
+ $getTvName = str_replace($find,$replace,$TvTD);
+ $TvName = $getTvName;
+ $TvColumnsHeaders .= ''.$TvName.' | ';
+ }
+ //get date format
+ $dateFormat = isset($dateFormat) ? $dateFormat : 'DD MM YYYY';
+ $find = array('DD','MM','YYYY');
+ $replace = array('%d','%m','%Y');
+ $DLdate = str_replace($find,$replace,$dateFormat);
+ ////////////Columns
+ //ID column
+ $rowTpl = '@CODE:
+ ';
+ //Image column
+ if ($ImageTv != '') {
+ if ($ShowImageIn == column) {
+ $rowTpl .= ' ';
+ $ImageTVHead = ' | ';
+ }
+ }
+ //Title column
+ $rowTpl .= ' ';
+ //Parent column and context menu
+ if ($showParent == yes) {
+ $rowTpl .= '
+ [[if? &is=`[+parent+]:not:0`&then=`[[DocInfo? &docid=`[+parent+]` &field=`pagetitle`]]`]]
+ | ';
+ }
+ //TVs columns
+ $rowTpl .= $TvTDs;
+ //Status column (hidden)
+ $rowTpl .= '
+ ';
+ //DATE column
+ if ($showDate == 'createdon') {
+ $rowTpl .= '';
+ $dateColHead = '' . $_lang["page_data_created"] . ' | ';
+ }
+ else if ($showDate == 'publishedon') {
+ $rowTpl .= '';
+ $dateColHead = '' . $_lang["page_data_published"] . ' | ';
+ }
+ else if ($showDate == 'editedon') {
+ $rowTpl .= '';
+ $dateColHead = '' . $_lang["page_data_edited"] . ' | ';
+ }
+ else {}
+ //USER column
+ if ($showUser == 'createdby') {
+ $rowTpl .= '';
+ $userColHead = '' . $_lang["user"] . ' | ';
+ }
+ else if ($showUser == 'publishedby') {
+ $rowTpl .= '';
+ $userColHead = '' . $_lang["user"] . ' | ';
+ }
+ else if ($showUser == 'editedby') {
+ $rowTpl .= '';
+ $userColHead = '' . $_lang["user"] . ' | ';
+ }
+ else {}
+ $rowTpl .='';
+ //Action buttons
+ if($modx->hasPermission('edit_document')) {
+ if ($editInModal == yes) {
+ $rowTpl .= '.container\',position:\'center center\',width:\'80%\',height:\'80%\',wrap:\'body\',hide:0,hover:0,overlay:1,overlayclose:1})">';
+ }
+ else {
+ $rowTpl .= '';
+ }
+ }
+ $rowTpl .= ' ';
+ if($modx->hasPermission('edit_document')) {
+ if ($showMoveButton == yes) {
+ $rowTpl .= ' ';
+ }
+ //Duplicate btn href="index.php?a=94&id=[+id+]"
+ if ($showDuplicateButton == yes) {
+ $rowTpl .= ' ';
+ }
+ //Publish btn
+ if ($showPublishButton == yes) {
+ $rowTpl .= '[[if? &is=`[+deleted+]:=:0` &then=`[[if? &is=`[+published+]:=:1` &then=`
+ `&else=`
+ `]]
+ `&else=`
+ `]]
+ ';
+ }
+ }
+ //add resource here btn
+ if ($showAddHere == yes) {
+ if ($editInModal == yes) {
+ $rowTpl .= '.container\',position:\'center center\',width:\'80%\',height:\'80%\',wrap:\'body\',hide:0,hover:0,overlay:1,overlayclose:1})">';
+ }
+ else {
+ $rowTpl .= ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ //delete btn
+ if ($showDeleteButton == yes) {
+ if($modx->hasPermission('delete_document')) {
+ $rowTpl .= '[[if? &is=`[+deleted+]:=:0` &then=`
+ `&else=`
+ `]]';
+ }
+ }
+ //overview btn
+ $rowTpl .= ' |
+ ';
+ //image tv
+ if ($ImageTv != '') {
+ if ($ShowImageIn == overview) {
+ $rowTpl .= ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ $rowTpl .= '
+ |
+ ';
+ //headers
+ if ($showParent == yes) {
+ $parentColumnHeader = '
+ ' . $_lang["resource_parent"] . ' | ';
+ }
+ $ImageTV = isset($ImageTV) ? $ImageTV : '';
+ //DocListerTvs
+ $find = array('[+','+]');
+ $replace = array('','');
+ $DocListerTvs = str_replace($find,$replace,$tablefields);
+ $DocListerTvFields = $DocListerTvs;
+ //DocListerTvs
+ $findtv = array('[+','+]');
+ $replacetv = array('','');
+ $TvColumnList = str_replace($find,$replace,$TvColumn);
+ if ($TvColumn != '') {
+ $TvFields = ''.$ImageTv.','.$DocListerTvFields.','.$TvColumnList.'';
+ $TvColumnHeader = '
+ '.$TvColumn.' | ';
+ }
+ else {
+ $TvFields = ''.$ImageTv.','.$DocListerTvFields.'';
+ }
+ $parentId = $ParentFolder;
+ // DocLister parameters
+ $params['debug'] = '0'; //enable to debug listing
+ $params['id'] = 'doclistwdg';
+ $params['parents'] = $parentId;
+ $params['depth'] = $dittolevel;
+ $params['filters'] = 'private';
+ $params['tpl'] = $rowTpl;
+ $params['tvPrefix'] = '';
+ $params['tvList'] = $TvFields;
+ $params['display'] = $ListItems;
+ //filters
+ if ($showUnpublished == yes) {
+ $params['showNoPublish'] = '1';
+ }
+ if ($hideFolders == yes) {
+ $wherehideFolders = 'isfolder=0';
+ $params['addWhereList'] = 'isfolder=0';
+ }
+ //user extender
+ $params['extender'] = 'user';
+ $params['usertype'] = 'mgr';
+ $params['userFields'] = 'createdby,publishedby,editedby';
+ // run DocLister
+ $list = $modx->runSnippet('DocLister', $params);
+ //out module
+ $output ='';
+ $output .= ''.$jsOutput.'';
+ // onManagerMainFrameHeaderHTMLBlock
+ $evtOut = $modx->invokeEvent('OnManagerMainFrameHeaderHTMLBlock');
+ $onManagerMainFrameHeaderHTMLBlock = is_array($evtOut) ? implode("\n", $evtOut) : '';
+ $output .= $onManagerMainFrameHeaderHTMLBlock;
+ $output .= '
+ '.$cssOutput.'
+ '.$modTitle.'
+ '.$button_config.'
+ '.$_lang["id"].' |
+ '.$ImageTVHead.'
+ '.$_lang["resource_title"].' |
+ '.$parentColumnHeader.'
+ '.$TvColumnsHeaders.'
+ '.$_lang["page_data_status"].' |
+ '.$dateColHead.'
+ '.$userColHead.'
+ '.$_lang["mgrlog_action"].' |
+ |
+ '.$list.'
+ if ($showEmptyTrashButton == yes) {
+ if($modx->hasPermission('empty_trash')) {
+ $output .= '
+ return $output;