In this network you can create and comments posts, as well as delete them. Those posts are based in your repository in Github or repo of someone else which you would like to share with people registered.
Those posts are connected with Github, that means the post is about a repo, that repo has watchers, stars, description, title and all the data about that repository.
My Django project have one app called githubNetwork, in that app are all django files, like urls, models and views to give JSON response when a route is requested on the server. The server is a REST API, then the server only returns the data which the client needs and not HTML content, pages or templates.
There is a folder called client, in that directory there is a React app, inside src has components, config files (get csrf cookie, as Django uses, and secret token), also has Context files (where we have createContext, actions creators (to describe what happened), state (giving us a container component, to wrap the application in that state) and reducers (to parse how to actually change the state)) and css files.
Packages and dependencies in client side:
- react
- react-router-dom
- react-markdown
- axios
The project follows the RESTful API structure
The Server side is a REST API, then all the UI is built in Client side, it means the server side doesn't return render() method, to load some template, in any view, because only return JSON response to the request.
Beyond User model, the database have Comments and Repos table.
The Client side is a complete React App and have your routes as well, with react router DOM package. The client has access to the whole state using the useContext hook to wrap the entire application with the state and there are actions and reducers to change the application state. Besides client side make requests to the Django server, based in that data that the client fetched it makes requests to the third API of Github, (to do that is necessary pass a token in the request) based in the Github's data we get the markdown content of that repo and convert it with React Markdown. Github API - Authentication
The application is mobile Responsive.
First install all server dependencies like, Django, django-cors-headers, requests and djangorestframework.
- Python package manager
pip install -r requirements.txt
Change to client directory and install client dependencias like react, axios, react-router-dom, react-markdown
- Node package manager
cd client
npm install
Then, start the client and server
npm start
In another terminal
python runserver
You can see the demonstration of this project and also my others to conclude CS50 Web course in my youtube channel. Github Network - Demonstrate project
CS50 Web dive more deeply into the design and implementation of web apps with Python, JavaScript, and SQL using frameworks like Django, React, and Bootstrap. Topics include database design, scalability, security, and user experience. Taught by Brian Yu, a Senior Preceptor at Harvard Division of Continuing Education, you can learn tools, languages, skills and principles to design and deploy applications on the internet.