Convert the KML file from Google Earth Pro into a Geo-Map for vERAM
- Download .exe file from Releases
- Open Command Prompt
- CD into .exe file location
- Type the following, Replce {} with your specific information:
- KML-Coord-Extractor.exe {diagram name} {full .kml file path}
- Note: At the moment this program does not check for vailid information. (i.e. File Exists, or Special or weird characters)
- KML-Coord-Extractor.exe {diagram name} {full .kml file path}
- If the KML File is located in the same location as the .exe, you do not need the full file path, just the .kml file name will suffice.
- The output file location will be where ever the .exe file is located.
- This might be updated later to take in a 3 parameter.