Options are defined in structs deriving from
use a reflection mechanism to automatically register loaders from
config file and command line, including conversion from string for
enum types.
The options structs are found in src/rootba/bal
The implementation of the options system is found in
All options can be set from the command line and passed arguments override values in the config file.
There are three special command line options:
-C, --directory
: This allows to change the working directory before doing anything else (including loading the options file). All relative paths in other arguments or options are relative to the working directory. Output log files will (by default) be saved in the working directory.--config
: This allows specifying the path to a config file (default:rootba_config.toml
: This option prints the effective options (considering defaults, loaded config file, and command line arguments) and then immediately exits the application. You can for example use it to genereate a config file with all default options:./bin/bal --dump-config --config /dev/null > rootba_config.toml
Here is the full help output:
$ ./bin/bal --help
Solve BAL problem with solver determined by config.
bal [-C <DIR>] [--config <PATH>] [--dump-config] [--input <STR>] [--input-type <ENUM>]
[--save-output|--no-save-output] [--output-optimized-path <STR>]
[--normalize|--no-normalize] [--normalization-scale <FLOAT>] [--rotation-sigma <FLOAT>]
[--translation-sigma <FLOAT>] [--point-sigma <FLOAT>] [--random-seed <INT>]
[--init-depth-threshold <FLOAT>] [--quiet|--no-quiet] [--solver-type <ENUM>]
[--verbosity-level <INT>] [--debug|--no-debug] [--num-threads <INT>]
[--residual-robust-norm <ENUM>] [--residual-huber-parameter <FLOAT>] [--log-log-path
<STR>] [--log-save-log-flags <FLAG>...] [--log-disable-all|--no-log-disable-all]
[--optimized-cost <ENUM>] [--max-num-iterations <INT>] [--min-relative-decrease <FLOAT>]
[--initial-trust-region-radius <FLOAT>] [--min-trust-region-radius <FLOAT>]
[--max-trust-region-radius <FLOAT>] [--min-lm-diagonal <FLOAT>] [--max-lm-diagonal
<FLOAT>] [--min-linear-solver-iterations <INT>] [--max-linear-solver-iterations <INT>]
[--eta <FLOAT>] [--jacobi-scaling|--no-jacobi-scaling] [--jacobi-scaling-epsilon
<FLOAT>] [--preconditioner-type <ENUM>] [--linear-solver-type <ENUM>]
[--function-tolerance <FLOAT>] [--gradient-tolerance <FLOAT>] [--parameter-tolerance
<FLOAT>] [--check-gradients|--no-check-gradients] [--gradient-check-relative-precision
<FLOAT>] [--gradient-check-numeric-derivative-relative-step-size <FLOAT>]
[--staged-execution|--no-staged-execution] [--reduction-alg <INT>] [--initial-vee
<FLOAT>] [--vee-factor <FLOAT>]
-C, --directory
<DIR> Change to given directory before doing anything else.
<PATH> path to config file
--dump-config print effective config and exit
dataset options
<STR> input dataset file to load
<ENUM> type of dataset to load
(possible values: [AUTO, ROOTBA, BAL, BUNDLER])
save optimization result
<STR> output file for optimized problem
normalize the scale and global position of the BA map
<FLOAT> standard deviation of camera rotation perturbation
<FLOAT> standard deviation of camera translation perturbation
<FLOAT> standard deviation of point perturbation
<INT> Random seed used to set the state of the pseudo random number generator used
to generate the pertubations. If the value is not positive, the seed is taken
from a random device.
<FLOAT> Threshold for filtering observations that are too close to the camera after
loading the problem. (0 means no filtering)
if true, skip INFO level log output when loading data
solver options
<ENUM> Solver type; 'SQUARE_ROOT' for square root BA, 'SCHUR_COMPLEMENT' for
classical Schur complement BA, 'CERES' for a Ceres-based implementation.
<INT> Output verbosity level. 0: silent, 1: brief report (one line), 2: full report
if true, print out additional info all around; may slow down runtime
<INT> number of threads to use for optimization. 0 means the system should determine
a suitable number (e.g. number of virutal cores available)
<ENUM> which robust norm to use. NONE: squared norm, HUBER: Huber norm.
(possible values: [NONE, HUBER])
<FLOAT> huber parameter for robust norm in pixels
<STR> path of BA log file
<FLAG>... which file types to save; can be 0 or multiple
(possible flags: [JSON, UBJSON])
don't log anything; currently only affects the Ceres solver, where it skips
the custom iteration callback completely
<ENUM> Which cost to consider for the 'cost decreased?' check in Levenberg-Marqardt.
ERROR considers all residuals, ERROR_VALID ignores residuals with negative z,
and ERROR_VALID_AVG compares the average of over valid residuals (only for
non-ceres solvers).
(possible values: [ERROR, ERROR_VALID, ERROR_VALID_AVG])
<INT> maximum number of solver iterations (0 means just initialize and exit)
<FLOAT> Lower cound for the relative decrease before a step is accepted (see Ceres).
<FLOAT> Determines the initial damping (see Ceres).
<FLOAT> Optimization terminates if the trust region radius becomes smaller than this
value (see Ceres).
<FLOAT> Defines the minimum damping we always add (see Ceres).
<FLOAT> Currently only affects Ceres.
<FLOAT> Currently only affects Ceres.
<INT> Minimum number of iterations for which the linear solver should run, even if
the convergence criterion is satisfied (see Ceres).
<INT> Maximum number of iterations for which the linear solver should run (see
<FLOAT> Forcing sequence parameter. The truncated Newton solver uses this number to
control the relative accuracy with which the Newton step is computed. This
constant is passed to ConjugateGradientsSolver which uses it to terminate the
iterations when (Q_i - Q_{i-1})/Q_i < eta/i (see Ceres).
Use Jacobian scaling (see Ceres); note that unlike Ceres, our manual solvers
consider the additional parameter jacobi_scaling_epsilon; moreover, the
recompute the scale in every iteration, where ceres computes it only once in
the beginning.
<FLOAT> additional option for manual solvers: use 1/(eps + norm(diag)) to scale
Jacobians; Ceres always uses eps == 1; a value 0 means 'floating point
epsilon' (different for float and double).
<ENUM> Which preconditioner to use for PCG (see Ceres). Valid values for QR solver:
JACOBI, SCHUR_JACOBI; valid values for SC solver: SCHUR_JACOBI; valid values
for Ceres: see Ceres.
<ENUM> linear solver type for Ceres. Manual solvers always use what corresponds to
only for Ceres
<FLOAT> (new_cost - old_cost) < function_tolerance * old_cost; (see Ceres)
<FLOAT> only for Ceres
<FLOAT> only for Ceres
only for Ceres
<FLOAT> only for Ceres
<FLOAT> only for Ceres
if false, use float instead of double (only manual)
if true, use Householder instead of Givens to marginalize landmarks (only QR
execute solver in stages rather than step by step (only QR solver)
<INT> Reduction algorithm to use (only QR solver)
<FLOAT> initial decrease factor for trust region update during Levenberg-Marquardt;
Ceres uses fixed value of 2.0.
<FLOAT> update of decrease factor for trust region update during Levenberg-Marquardt;
Ceres uses fixed value of 2.0.
The config file uses the TOML
format and the default file name is rootba_config.toml
. You can find
an example config files with all default values in
Note: When the implementation changes, the default config file can be updated with the following command:
./bin/bal --dump-config --config /dev/null > examples/config/rootba_config_default.toml
The evaluated solvers in the CVPR'21 paper use the following configuration.
All experiments from the paper have these options beyond default values in common:
random_seed = 38401
rotation_sigma = 0
translation_sigma = 0.01
point_sigma = 0.01
init_depth_threshold = 0.1
robust_norm = "HUBER"
save_log_flags = ["UBJSON"]
In addition to the common configuration, below are the solver-specific options.
solver_type = "SQUARE_ROOT"
use_double = false
solver_type = "SQUARE_ROOT"
use_double = true
solver_type = "SCHUR_COMPLEMENT"
use_double = false
solver_type = "SCHUR_COMPLEMENT"
use_double = true
solver_type = "CERES"
linear_solver_type = "ITERATIVE_SCHUR"
use_explicit_schur_complement = false
solver_type = "CERES"
linear_solver_type = "ITERATIVE_SCHUR"
use_explicit_schur_complement = true