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233 lines (200 loc) · 8.48 KB

File metadata and controls

233 lines (200 loc) · 8.48 KB


Hey! 👋 Thanks for checking out. If you would like to contribute to this repository, do not hesitate! Pull requests are always welcome at any hour.

Note : Contributions to this repository are generally made by submitting a pull request. If you are comparatively new to GitHub or aren't familiar with how to submit a pull request, enlighten yourself a bit by checking GitHub docs or you can also ask anyone from the active contributors to submit your contributions on your behalf.


General guidelines to keep in mind when contributing :

  • All file names must be in "lowerCamelCase" format (i.e
  • Avoid using spaces or any special characters (e.g $) in file names.
  • Do not make duplicates or useless pull requests.
  • Do not make troll or NSFW pull requests.
  • Do not make huge pull requests. Keep them small.
  • Fact-check/verify information included in the pull request.
  • Make sure to follow Proper Wiki Structure.


Some of the frequently asked questions from users -

  1. My pull request has been merged but it isn't showing up on the wiki page. Why?

    Once a pull request is merged successfully, the changes can be seen in Nightly Wiki after 2-3 minutes. In the case of Main Wiki, it will take some weeks since the contributed markdown files are deployed by a Developer only.

  2. Do I get any perks for contributing?

    You are credited for your contributions to the wiki here on GitHub, by being shown as a contributor. However, if applicable the Developers reserve the right to give perks/accreditation to users for contributing.

  3. Any correct steps to submit contributions?

    Follow the steps described below :

    • Fork the repository.
    • Create a new branch from dev branch.
    • Do the required changes in the new branch and then, submit a pull request.
    • Once, the pull request has been merged successfully, fetch the upstream in dev branch (Optionally, you can also delete the pull request branch if you want).
    • That's it...Happy Contributing!!

Proper Wiki Structure


  • Don't use gendered pronouns (i.e She/Her/Hers or He/Him/His), instead use neutral pronouns (i.e They, Them, Their).
  • Use "We" instead of "I" when referring to yourself.
  • Use "You/Your" instead of "We/Our" when referring to the reader.
  • Avoid using offensive phrases or words (i.e dumb, useless, bad, trash, suck etc).

Shortening Headers

Always keep section headers short, consise, and in Title Case format. For example,

- How to create embeds
+ Creating Embeds


Markdown allows you to make headings, format text, make lists and tables.

Text Formatting

Name Sign
Italics *...* or _..._
Bold **...** or __...__
Line-Through ~~...~~
Code Snippet `...`


- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

Large Code Block

Large Code Block

Large Code Block


> This is a quote.


This is a quote.


Name Sign
Title #
Section ##
Sub-Section ###
Small-Topic ####
Sub-Small-Topic #####







  1. Centered Text
    | Name | Value |
    | :---: | :---: |
    | Name | Value |
    | Name | The Longest Value |
    | Name | Value |
    | Name | Value |
    | Name | Value |
    Name Value
    Name Value
    Name The Longest Value
    Name Value
    Name Value
    Name Value
  2. Uncentered Text
    | Name | Value |
    | --- | --- |
    | Name | Value |
    | Name | The Longest Value |
    | Name | Value |
    | Name | Value |
    | Name | Value |
    Name Value
    Name Value
    Name The Longest Value
    Name Value
    Name Value
    Name Value

Discord Code Blocks

Our wiki uses custom markdown code blocks to generate Discord message previews. In order to create them, wiki contributors write discord code blocks.

Currently, only one variant is available, the discord yaml code block. It utilizes the YAML language to write these Discord messages.


- user_id: 154148273307910144
  username: MineBartekSA
  color: "#E67E22"
  content: |
    Hi, this is an example of custom code blocks.
- username: BDFD Support
  color: "#378afa"
  bot: true
  verified: true
  content: |
    This is another message
- username: NilPointer Software
  bot: true
  verified: true
  content: |
    For more information about supported features, please see <a href="">this GitHub repository</a>

Like the last message in the example says, please check out the NilPointer-Software/mdbook-discord-components repository for more info about supported features.

To test your custom code block, you can use the official test site

Please note, that the user_id field will not work on the test site. This feature is disabled on it.

Things To Note

  • In order to format messages or embed content like you can on Discord, you need to use HTML tags instead of markdown. Please look at the example below on the test site to see how they will actually look.
- user_id: 154148273307910144
  username: MineBartekSA
  content: |
    For <code>*Italics*</code> use the <code>i</code> HTML tag: <i>Italics</i>
    For <code>**Bold**</code> use the <code>b</code> HTML tag: <b>Bold</b>
    For <code>~~Line-Through~~</code> use the <code>del</code> HTML tag: <del>Line-Through</del>
    For <code>`Code Snippet`</code> use the <code>code</code> HTML tag: <code>Code Snippet</code>
    For <code>__Underline__</code> use the <code>u</code> HTML tag: <u>Underline</u>
    For <code>> Quote</code> use the <code>discord-quote</code> HTML tag: <discord-quote>Quote</discord-quote>
- user_id: 154148273307910144
  username: MineBartekSA
  content: |
    You can make spoilers by using the <code>discord-spoiler</code> HTML tag: <discord-spoiler>Spoiler!</discord-spoiler>
- user_id: 154148273307910144
  username: MineBartekSA
  content: |
    You can embed links by using the <code>a</code> HTML tag with the <code>href</code> attrubute: <a href="">Test site</a>
- user_id: 154148273307910144
  username: MineBartekSA
  content: " "
    title: Embed Text Formatting
    color: "#00FFFF"
    description: |
      <i>Italics</i>, <b>Bold</b>, <del>Line-Truough</del>, <u>Underline</u>, <a href="">Links</a>, and <code>Code Snippets</code> use the same HTML tags.
      Embeds can contain multiline code blocks.
      Add a <code>multiline</code> class to a <code>code</code> HTML tag:
      <code class="multiline">This is a large code block.
      It supports multiple lines.
      Quotes use the <code>blockquote</code> HTML tag: <blockquote>Quote</blockquote>
      Spoiler use the <code>span</code> HTML tag with the <code>spoiler</code> class:
      <span class="spoiler">Spoiler</span>

Please note, that the empty content filed in the message with embed is a bug that will be resolved.

  • On our wiki, messages can use the user_id yaml field for automatic and up-to-date avatar and username. When using user_id, the username field is no longer required and will overwrite the username fetched from Discord. The same thing applies to the avatar field.


Thanks to everyone who has already contributed!
