[Released 11.MAY.2022]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed incorrect volume of parts with switchable resources
- Fixed incompatibility issues with Simple Repaint
[Released 28.APRIL.2022]
- Recompile for KSP 1.12.3
- Updated KSPModFileLocalizer to version
- Added French localization. Thanks to Mortimer Kerman
[Released 28.MAY.2021]
Mod Support:
- Adjusted window color TexturesUnlimited
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed resource amount not being calculated correctly
- Added missing support of the Cargo Part for TexturesUnlimited
[Released 25.MAY.2021]
- Removed unnecessary debug logging from plugin code
Mod Support:
- Updated and fixed support for TexturesUnlimited (reflections, emissives, textures, resource switching)
- Added support for CommunityTechTree
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed warning error when loading the switching module at startup
[Released 21.MAY.2021]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed wrong name of new inventory module
- Fixed color in VAB being grey for category
- Fixed missing module
- Fixed warning for switching module
[Released 21.MAY.2021]
- Most switching (visual, harvester, resources and converter) can now only be done by an Engineer Kerbal on EVA
- Added missing cargo category to filter subcategory
- Vast improvement of the switching UI
- Cleanup and refactoring of the plugin code
- Fixed typos in english and german texts. Thanks to Grimmas
Mod Support:
- Added resource converter for OSE Workshop (switchable for ISRU)
- Updated support for USI-LS. Thanks to Nicky21
- Added support for SystemHeat. Thanks to Grimmas
- Removed support for Textures Unlimited because of incompatibilities, that have to be fixed in a later update
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed missing name of new inventory module
- Fixed some plugin errors
[Released 16.APRIL.2021]
- Recompile for KSP 1.11.2
- Updated KSPModFileLocalizer to version
- Re-Added KSPedia entries (they work again YAY!)
- Added support for inventory and construction features from KSP 1.11.*
- Addd two new storage container for inventories
[Released 02.APRIL.2020]
- Recompile for KSP 1.9.1
- Temporarily removed KSPedia entries due to problems with 1.9.X
- Updated KSPModFileLocalizer to version
- Adapted lab science multiplier to be more balanced
Mod Support:
- Fixed support for the rear drill for MKS
- Fixed config typo for realfuels
- Updated support for BonVoyage. Thanks to Thanks to jarosm
- Updated support for Pathfinder. Thanks to Thanks to jarosm
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed UI update after switching resources of tanks
- Fixed lights of the rear drill
[Released 28.MARCH.2019]
Mod Support:
- Update to support the lastest USI-LS version
[Released 25.JANUARY.2019]
- Recompile for KSP 1.6.1
- Updated KSPModFileLocalizer to version
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed height of the Malemute Adapter
- Fixed Hitches breaking when the vessel docks
[Released 10.OCTOBER.2018]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed plugin code for resource switching
- Fixed some errors in the version file
[Released 24.SEPTEMBER.2018]
- Recompile for KSP 1.4.4
- Material bay, isru and mobile lab now satisfy contracts requesting these parts (needs ModuleManager)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed vent particel animation playing in editor for fuel tanks
- Adjusted light position for rear airlock and rear fueltank
- The version file now links to the correct website
[Released 03.MAY.2018]
- Updated KSPModFileLocalizer to version
- Overhaul of Switching framework
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed critical bug from Hitches/Joints to cause offset on subsequent parts
[Released 30.APRIL.2018]
- Recompile for KSP 1.4.3
- Moved Props from FUR to Kerbetrotter directory
- Enhanced the ladder of the ladder with platform a bit
- Tweaked friction of the wheels to reduce risk of rover tipping
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed problems of IVA switch for docking bay
- Fixed the IVA being off on parts behind hitches when the rover crashes
[Released 04.APRIL.2018]
- Recompile for KSP 1.4.2
- Updated KSPModFileLocalizer to version
- You can now enable vertical connetions ports on the docking bay
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed support for indicator lights from ISRU
- Fixed cabin lights of rear airlock and mobile lab
- Fixed some textures for Textures Unlimited support
Mod Support:
- Tweaked support for Textures Unlimited
[Released 22.MARCH.2018]
- Added italian translation
. Thanks to Simog
[Released 21.MARCH.2018]
Mod Support:
- Updated support for Unlimited Textures
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Normalmap of the Science in a Box part
- Fixed Portrait view of Mobile Lab
- Fixed mesh of fuelcell for the roof
- Fixed some spelling mistakes in various languages (thanks to Sebra and DasSkelett)
[Released 15.MARCH.2018]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed loading error of Platform Ramp
[Released 15.MARCH.2018]
- Recompile for KSP 1.4.1
- Updated KSPModFileLocalizer to version
- Adjusted friction of wheels for better controllability
[Released: 15.MARCH.2018]
- Added specular information to all textures
- Added normal maps for all Parts, IVAs and Props
- Fixed several texture inaccuracies
New Parts:
- Added Material bay that fits inside the service bay
- Added Radiator for the roof
Mod Support:
- Added basic support for Textures Unlimited
- Added support for indicator lights
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed small fuel-tank not switching plaque correctly
- Fixed logged warnings of Docking Bay Port for CLS
*[Released: 13.FEBRUARY.2018]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed compatibility with TCA
- Fixed log spam of hover engine
- Fixed flag and color of the truck cockpit
[Released: 6.FEBRUARY.2018]
- The hover engine now has two modes - "Hold Terrain Distance" and "Hold Altitude"
- Hover engines now use stock modules (allows compatibility with mods like TCA and MechJeb)
- Added additional attach node to extendible docking part to allow attachment of decoupler
Bug Fixes:
- Added missing USI-LS support to Truck Cockpit
- Fixed compatibility issues with the Simple Construction mod
- Fixed mirrored text on Small Fueltank
[Released: 10.JANUARY.2018]
- Updated chinese translation. Thanks to Levin845
- Updated brazilian-portuguese translations. Thanks to FellipeC
- Updated spanish translations. Thanks to bice
- Updated russian translations. Thanks to Sebra
- Added airlocks to all crewed parts so kerbals can enter cargo bays and flatbeds directly
- Renamed deploy toggle option of the Attachable Truster to be more intuitive
New Parts:
- Special part for an easier attachment of the hover engines to the site of the rovers
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed several light issues on rear airlock and rear fueltank
- Fixed bug where the hover engines do not start when enabling hover mode before enabling the engines
- Fixed typo in the science jr.
- The Rear Drill is now translated properly
- The settings for the hover engines are now saved correctly
[Released: 19.DECEMBER.2017]
- The user is now warned when trying to activate the hover mode when the engines are stowed
New Parts:
- Added Material Bay for the Rover
- Nuclear Fuel is now stored in a separate tank and can be transfered
- Partially updated chinese translation. Thanks to ssd21345
- Updated brazilian-portuguese translations. Thanks to FellipeC
- Updated spanish translations. Thanks to bice
- Updated russian translations. Thanks to Sebra
Mod Support:
- Enhanced support for Simple Construction
- Updated support for USI-LS
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed missing light toggle in the right click menu for rear lights
[Released: 13.OCTOBER.2017]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed collider of thin Cargo Bay
- Fixed label of the small freight kontainer
- Removed debug logs from the Texture Switch
- Fixed a rare error in the resource switch when a module of another mod cannot be loaded
[Released: 08.OCTOBER.2017]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed category in function filter
[Released: 06.OCTOBER.2017]
- Recompile for KSP 1.3.1
- The textures of the resource storages do now show what they have stored
- Reduced strenght of 'Cancel lateral speed' option for the engines. (It cause unwanted rotation)
New Parts:
- Added Drill
- Added ISRU
- Added thin version of Flatbed
- Added thin version of Cargo Bay
Bug Fixes:
- Added missing texts for the freight canister
- Fixed engine categories (this time really, take two)
- Fixed a bug where a resource container removed non switchable resources from the part
Mod Support:
- Added basic support for MKS
- Added support for kOS
- Adapted licenses (there are now two separate licenses for code and assets)
[Released: 14.SEPTEMBER.2017]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed engine categories (this time really)
- Removed debug info from right click menu of the hover engines
- Fixed inconsistens behaviour when hover mode cannot be enabled
- Fixed headlights of the Cockpit
[Released: 13.SEPTEMBER.2017]
- Extended KSPedia entries to explain the latest features (needs translation)
- Rebalanced the fuelcell for the roof
- Added airlocks to the Docking Module for rescue contracts
New Parts:
- Added Hover-Engines
- Added Boat-Engine
- Added Skids
Bug Fixes:
- The Engine Category is now available for the engines
- The adapters for the rover types are now passable for CLS
- Fixed compatibility issues with KJR
[Released: 18.JULY.2017]
New Parts:
- Added Freight Canister
- Rebalanced all attachable Cargo Parts
- The legs are now added to the Gear Action Group automatically
- Tweaked displayed amount of resources for the switchable tanks
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed text for the extendible docking port for several languages
[Released: 17.JULY.2017]
- Enhanced performance of all animated parts
- The life support parts now have more storage options for Kerbalism
- Rear Airlock and Rear Fueltank can now switch between head and rear lights
- Added chinese translation
. Thanks to ssd21345, vosskftw and Levin845
- Added (brazilian) portuguese translation
. Thanks to FellipeC
- Added german translation
- Updated spanish translations for new parts. Thanks to bice
- Added some missing translations for Kerbalism
New Parts:
- Added New Cockpit
- Added Thruster
- Added Thruster for sides
- Added Adapter for Buffalo and Malemute
- Added Legs
- Added Flatbed ramp
- Added height-adjustable docking bay (2x)
- Added Utility Module
- Added attachable Cargobags (3x)
- Added Fuelcell for Roof
- Added Thin Fuel Tank
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed multiple errors in the english texts
- Fixed multiple logged warnings for configs
[Released: 26.JUNE.2017]
- The floor of the service bay can now be removed
- The config now has the option "showInOneCategoryOnly" to show parts only in one function filter
- Added translation for russian
. Thanks to Tirathangil
Bug Fixes:
- The Fuelcell kanister now has the correct name
- Corrected a weird part name from "Bellowed Joint" to "Joint with folding bellow"
[Released: 08.JUNE.2017]
- Added localization for spanish
. Thanks to bice
[Released: 29.MAY.2017]
- Recompile for KSP 1.3
- Adapted to new localization system (no translations yet)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed wrong name in readme (it was labeled KPBS_settings.cfg)
- Fixed resourced for USI-LS it used Oxygen and Water instead of Mulch and Fertilizer
- Fixed lighs (they were able to illuminate Kerbin from orbit)
- Fixed category for the SEP Canister (it's in Science now)
[Released: 04.MAR.2017]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the missing resources for the life support containers
- Fixed the duplicate converter for the fuelcell when Kerbalism is installed
[Released: 03.03.2017]
- The switch for the resources is not visible when only one resource is available
- Moved the front AttachNode of the Cockpit to the height of the hitch nodes
- Renamed some parts for a more reasonable placement in the Editor
- Better clarity of the possible resource in the desctiption of the resource switch
- Resources for the Container are now configured with templates
- The bumper has an attach note for the adapter/decoupler now
- Increase the weight of the canisters and wheels for a slighly lower center of mass
Mod Support:
- Added support for Raster Prop Monitor
- Added support for ASET Props
- Added support for Surface Experiment Pack
- Added support for RealFuels
- Added support for Pathfinder
- Added support for Kerbal Engineer (Redux)
- Added resource support for Extraplanetary Launchpads
- Added resource support for OSE Workshop
- Added resource support for MKS
- Added resource support for Deepfreeze
- Added resource support for NearFuture Propulsion
- Added resource support for NearFuture Electrical
- The fuel-cell canister is now recognized as power producer by AmpYear and BonVoyage
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed NRE in category filter
- Fixed a bug where the KIS Container was available when KIS is not installed
- Fixed stack nods for wheels on the KIS Freight Container
- Fixed distortion for the hitch/joint after docking/attaching parts
- Fixed NRE in ModuleKerbetrotterInternalUpdater
- Fixed error where the bellowed hitch is not updating when reverting flight
- Fixed bug where the hitch/joint behaves weird when placed/moved by KIS
[Released: 21.02.2017]
- Kerbals cannot level up in the mobile lab anymore
- Added surface scanner ability to the mobile lab
- Removed Ore from the FuelTank. It is carried by the Freight Container now
- Straightened roof of cargo ramp
- The front piece now has switchable lights
- Adjusted crash tolerance of many parts
New Parts:
- Added small freight container
- Added big freight container
- Added small flatbed
- Added big flatbed
- Added Solar Panels (2x)
- Added bumper (for Freight and Flatbed)
Mod Support:
- Added support for KIS
- Added support for JSI Advanced Transparent Pods
- Added support for WheelSounds
- Added support for BonVoyage
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the collider of the ladders
- Corrected name of the cargo ramp (removed the "big")
[Released: 03.02.2017]
- Rebalanced the EC of the unmanned control units
New Parts:
- Added Canister with Fuel-Cells
Mod Support:
- Added support for Snacks!
- Added support for TAC-LS
- Added support for USI-LS
- Added support for Kerbalism
- Added support for IFI Life-Support
- Added support for KeepFit
- Added support for RemoteTech
[Released: 27.01.2017]
- The windows look more like glass now
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected texture on the Bellowed Joint
- Fixed compatibility problem with RemoteTech
[Released: 21.01.2017]
Inital release.