In this quick tour, the edge client will attempt to capture data from a C/C++ connector application through inter-process communication (IPC). The client will send a standard json payload {topic:"random-data", method:"node-edge-read", value:""} for network read and {topic:"name-data", method:"node-edge-write", payload:"Tony Stark", value:""} for network write. The connector server will then provide a client write result and random value for client read.
We will use the nlohmann-json ( library for the json data interchange.
$ git clone
Install the nlohmann-json library for json data interchange in your Linux endpoint.
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install nlohmann-json3-dev
Check and verify the device.cpp source file is the the same as shown below.
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include "lib/server.h"
using namespace std;
using json = nlohmann::json;
string name = "";
auto getRandomData(json j)
int rn = rand() % 100 + 10;
string rd = to_string(rn);
j["value"] = rd;
return j.dump();
int main()
cout << "\n*** C++ Tcp Edge Connector Server ***\n" << endl;
auto s = make_shared<Tcp::Server>(5300);
cout << "Server listening on: " << s->ip << ":" << s->port << endl;
for (;;)
// wait for a client connection
// read rcvd data from a client
auto data = s->read();
// parse rcvd json string data
auto j = json::parse(data);
if(j["method"] == "node-edge-read" && j["topic"] == "random-data" ){
auto rd = std::async(getRandomData, j);
auto r = rd.get();
cout << "read json string result: " << r << '\n';
else if(j["method"] == "node-edge-write" && j["topic"] == "name-data" ){
name = j["payload"];
if(name == j["payload"]){
j["value"] = "write success";
cout << "write name: " << name << '\n';
cout << "write json string result: " << j << '\n';
cout << "invalid topic:" << s->write("invalid topic") << endl;
catch (json::parse_error& ex)
// rcvd data is not a json string
cerr << "json parse error at byte: " << ex.byte << endl;
cout << "rcvd an invalid json data: " << endl;
s->write("invalid json data");
catch (SocketError& e)
cerr << "error: " << e.what() << endl;
return 0;
Make sure you are inside the device sub-directory.
$ g++ -Wall -g -pedantic device.cpp -o bin/device -std=c++20
$ ./bin/device
You should see the C/C++ application running with an output as shown below.
*** C++ Tcp Edge Connector Server ***
Server listening on:
$ npm install m2m
'use strict'
const { Edge } = require('m2m')
let edge = new Edge()
let d = '', n = 0
async function main(){
// authenticate the edge application
await edge.connect()
* Create an edge client
let ec = new edge.client({ port:5300, ip:'', secure:false, restart:false })
// write to connector server
d = await ec.write('name-data', 'Tony Stark')
let jd = JSON.parse(d)
console.log('ec write name-data result:', jd.value)
catch (e){
console.log('json write parse error: ', d.toString())
let interval = setInterval(async () => {
// read from connector server
d = await'random-data')
// stop collecting data after 5 samples
if(n === 5){
console.log('no. of sample data', n)
return clearInterval(interval)
let jd = JSON.parse(d)
console.log('ec read random-data value:', jd.value)
catch (e){
console.log('json read parse error: ', d.toString())
}, 5000)
$ node client.js
The client should receive json data with random values similar as shown below.
ec write name-data result: Tony Stark
ec read random-data value: 35
ec read random-data value: 94
ec read random-data value: 37
ec read random-data value: 46
ec read random-data value: 15
no. of sample data 5