Latest updates at the top of this file.
Minor bug fix. Changed the text infrequently to in frequently - a whole world of difference!
Slight update to the CSS and layout of the Deadlock Graph table - hiding the top left cell.
Minor bug fixes - some text needed grammar changes. Also, for 'frequently' read 'infrequently' in the bitmap indexes explanation.
Another enhancement release.
When multiple deadlocks exists in a trace file, it’s nice to see what caused them all in the
Tracefile Summary
section of the report.
Slight enhancement release.
Documentation added.
Scanning within deadlocks stops at the end of the current deadlock.
The dumped session’s SID is listed in the
Deadlock Summary
section in the report.
Fixed bug whereby if there was a single deadlock in the trace file, the contents area of the report was blank.