This is an example coap client application, that can be use with any LwM2M Server.
./ [-k KEYSTORE_FILE] [-s SSL_PROVIDER] <scheme>://<registration-url>
(RFC 7252)coaps://
(RFC 7252)coap+tcp://
(RFC 8323)coaps+tcp://
(RFC 8323)
./ 'coap://localhost:5683/rd?ep=device007<=3600&b=U'
./ -k device01.jks -s openssl 'coaps://localhost:5684/rd?ep=device001'
Note: this requires openssl installed in your system that support dtls.
Use environment variable OPENSSL_BIN_PATH
to point to specific location of openssl
mkfifo fifo
./ -s stdio "coaps://<=60" < fifo | \
socat -d -d - udp-sendto:localhost:5683 > fifo
./ -s stdio "coaps://<=60" < fifo | \
openssl s_client -connect localhost:5684 -cipher PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA -psk 01010101010101010101010101010101 -psk_identity device-0000000001 -quiet > fifo