Android Components > Feature > SendTab
Feature component for sending tabs to other devices with a registered FxA Account.
Use Gradle to download the library from (Setup repository):
implementation "org.mozilla.components:feature-sendtab:{latest-version}"
In order to make use of the send tab features here, it's required to have an an FxA Account setup. See the service-firefox-accounts for more information how to set this up.
val sendTabUseCases = SendTabUseCases(accountManager)
// Send to a particular device
sendTabUseCases.sendToDeviceAsync("1234", TabData("Mozilla", ""))
// Send to all devices
sendTabUseCases.sendToAllAsync(TabData("Mozilla", ""))
// Send multiple tabs to devices works too..
sendTabUseCases.sendToDeviceAsync("1234", listof(tab1, tab2))
sendTabUseCases.sendToAllAsync(listof(tab1, tab2))
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