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SemVer2 support for (server side)

Xavier Decoster edited this page Mar 23, 2017 · 1 revision


The gallery currently supports a package versioning mix of both System.Version format (source, as well as SemVer v1.0.0 format (source

The introduction of the SemVer v2.0.0 spec (source creates demand for this versioning format on, as the spec adds support for adding arbitrary metadata to the version string (which does not impact version precedence), as well as multiple-part release labels, which may be sorted numerically when including numeric identifiers. This allows for better sorting of release labels, which today can be counter-intuitive and require usage of work-arounds such as leading zeros or reverse date-time stamps.

SemVer v2.0.0 version formats are currently not supported by the gallery.

Related design: SemVer2 support spec as defined by the NuGet client:

Adding support for SemVer v2.0.0 to is important because:

  • Semantic Versioning encourages package authors to communicate intent to package consumers. The semantics of incrementing major, minor and patch version parts are well defined in the spec, and SemVer v2.0.0 is the latest standard. These version parts should be incremented intentionally based on changes in the public API.

  • Adopting SemVer v2.0.0 support on helps us incorporate feedback from package authors having trouble defining auto-increments in version numbers (e.g. on CI systems), as well as from package consumers fighting tooling that did not properly handle version precedence intuitively. Until now, NuGet package authors had no choice but to auto-increment any version part that was meant to communicate intent, or work around version precedence limitations using leading zeros or reverse date-time stamps, which is really suboptimal, and the source of confusion and support requests. SemVer v2.0.0 specifically adds support for numeric identifiers in (pre)release labels which defines version precedence.

The below table summarizes current versioning support in NuGet compared to the SemVer v2.0.0 spec, and clearly shows that the SemVer v2.0.0 versioning format is a super-set of SemVer v1.0.0.

Versioning scheme Format SemVer v1 SemVer v2
System.Version[-prerelease] Not supported Not supported Supported
SemVer v1.0.0 major.minor.patch[-prerelease] Supported Supported Supported
SemVer v2.0.0 major.minor.patch[-prerelease][+metadata] Not supported Supported Not supported


  • We must ensure full backwards-compatibility with existing, older clients who may break when receiving SemVer v2.0.0 package versions.

  • We must ensure SemVer v2.0.0 package versions can be pushed/uploaded to

  • We must ensure newer SemVer v2.0.0 supporting clients can consume SemVer v2.0.0 package versions.


Normalized package versions do not include the metadata part, as this is not part of the package identity, and no version precedence can be defined on the metadata part. As such, only a single package version including metadata can be uploaded to per given normalized version. Uploading another package version that only differs in metadata part will cause a collision and will be rejected as the package version already exists. We do not intend to work around this restriction.

An additional edge-case is possible when using older versions of NuGet clients that do not support SemVer v2.0.0 packages. A user could upload a package A with version v1.0.0 to that depends on a package B >= v1.0.0 from another user. If package B is actually a SemVer v2.0.0 package (e.g. v1.0.0+metadata or v1.0.0-alpha.1), then older clients will be unable to install package A due to not finding package B, even though it looks like everything will be SemVer v1.0.0 from the point of view of package A's NuGet manifest (nuspec).

This is a very hard problem to solve fully recursively. Since a dependency might not be available on, or one restore may pull in a SemVer v2.0.0 transitive dependency while another does not, we would be hard-pressed to correctly implement a definition of SemVer v2.0.0 packages that takes every possible restore graph into account.



Older clients that do not support SemVer v2.0.0 package versions may consume both v1, v2 and v3 endpoints. In addition, our very own v3 registration blobs are the result of the following data flow:

  1. When a package is uploaded, it goes into the SQL database;

  2. then the feed2catalog job is consuming the v2 endpoint to pick it up and write it to the catalog;

  3. after which the catalog2registration job generates the registration blobs, and the catalog2lucene job writes to the Lucene search index.

This effectively means that:

  • The v1 and v2 OData endpoints should filter out SemVer v2.0.0 package versions by default.

  • The v1 OData endpoint does not need to support the semVerLevel parameter.

  • The v2 OData endpoints should be able to return SemVer v2.0.0 package versions upon explicit request. This is intended to be solely used by the feed2catalog job, however, SemVer v2.0.0 supporting clients targeting these v2 OData endpoints may also be using this. It is still convenient to have this fallback-scenario supported in case we need to point people to the v2 endpoint when v3 is in trouble.

Therefore, a new, optional query parameter semVerLevel is to be introduced on these v2 OData endpoints. Only when semVerLevel>=2.0.0 will these endpoints include SemVer v2.0.0 package versions.

The semVerLevel query parameter is NOT case-sensitive.

Older clients will not send this query parameter at all, so the default value will be null (no need to set it to any arbitrary string value as it's an unnecessary allocation and its very absence has the same meaning).

Newer clients supporting SemVer v2.0.0 must send this query parameter semVerLevel=2.0.0 in order to consume these package versions from these endpoints.

The same requirements above apply to the search service.


However unlikely, if one day a newer version of the SemVer spec is made available, and we decide we want to support it, we should be able to easily add support for it without overhauling our APIs or functionality. One can easily imagine e.g. semVerLevel=2.1.0 being passed to these APIs one day.

The semVerLevel query string parameter is flexible on the surface and will not require a change in API. Internally, server implementations can easily map these query parameter values to whatever implementation detail is used on the back-end. Using a string parameter on the public API does not enforce us to use a string-based filter internally, allowing us to optimize independent from the public API.

Identifying SemVer v2.0.0 Packages

A version is defined as SemVer v2.0.0 if either of the following statements is true:

  • The (pre)release label is dot-separated, e.g. 1.0.0-alpha.1

  • The version has build-metadata, e.g. 1.0.0+githash

A package is defined as a SemVer v2.0.0 package if either of the following statements is true:

  • The package's own version is SemVer v2.0.0 compliant but not SemVer v1.0.0 compliant, as per the above definition.

  • Any of the package's dependency version ranges has a minimum or maximum version that is SemVer v2.0.0 compliant but not SemVer v1.0.0 compliant, as per the above definition; e.g. [1.0.0-alpha.1, ).


Package Versions and Version Ranges

The gallery currently has a few validation rules that prevent uploading of SemVer v2.0.0 package versions. Currently, the following package versions are explicitly blocked as being invalid by the gallery (

  • Prerelease tags that only contain numerics

  • Prerelease tags that contain a dot

In addition, the following additional validation needs to happen in order to support proper SemVer v2.0.0 package versions:

semVerLevel Query Parameter

The semVerLevel query parameter should be treated as a NuGetVersion (a version string). If it cannot be parsed, it has the same meaning as its very absence. If the parsed version is greater than or equal to 2.0.0 and has a major version lower than 3, the result set must include SemVer v2.0.0 package versions. That means 2.1.0 is accepted and treated the same as SemVer v2.0.0. If semVerLevel >= 3.0.0 is provided, we fallback to semVerLevel=2.0.0, as it leaves opportunity to the client to start supporting a hypothetical SemVer v3.0.0 before servers adopt support for it.

V1 OData Endpoints

The following v1 endpoints are impacted by this change (to filter out SemVer v2.0.0 packages):

  • /api/v1/Packages

  • /api/v1/Packages/$count

  • /api/v1/FindPackagesById

  • /api/v1/Search

  • /api/v1/Search/$count


The v1 feed endpoint does not need to accept the semVerLevel query parameter, and should be modified to always filter out SemVer v2.0.0 packages from the result set.

V2 OData Endpoints

The following endpoints are impacted by this change:

  • /api/v2/Packages

  • /api/v2/Packages/$count

  • /api/v2/FindPackagesById

  • /api/v2/Search

  • /api/v2/Search/$count

  • /api/v2/GetUpdates

  • /api/v2/GetUpdates/$count

Curated feed endpoints:

  • /api/v2/curated-feed/curatedFeedName/Packages

  • /api/v2/curated-feed/curatedFeedName/Packages/$count

  • /api/v2/curated-feed/curatedFeedName/FindPackagesById

  • /api/v2/curated-feed/curatedFeedName/Search

  • /api/v2/curated-feed/curatedFeedName/Search/$count

  • /api/v2/curated-feed/curatedFeedName/GetUpdates

  • /api/v2/curated-feed/curatedFeedName/GetUpdates/$count

OData specifics to be aware of:

  • The <d:Version> property of the OData package must still contain the original version string! This property value is to be used by feed2catalog and other v3 components when determining the semVerLevel.

  • The <d:NormalizedVersion> property of the OData package may not contain the version metadata!

  • OData links typically containing the package version (e.g. self, edit, download link) must not contain the version metadata!

  • As this query parameter is a string, we should consistently use the [FromUri]** attribute to avoid potential parsing errors (see Every other parameter is treated as an OData string ('2.0.0' instead of just 2.0.0), and we want semVerLevel to be consistent across all services. This is also how the client and NuGet.Server are implemented today.

  • The OData feed will NOT expose a semVerLevel (or IsSemVer2) property. Consumers of the feed can calculate this for themselves if needed (e.g. feed2catalog) using a shared library (NuGet.Versioning).

  • The values for the IsLatestVersion and IsAbsoluteLatestVersion properties will be intercepted and depend on the provided semVerLevel parameter. Suppose you have versions 1.0.0-a and 1.0.0-b.1; if semVerLevel < 2.0.0, then 1.0.0-a is the absolute latest. If semVerLevel=2.0.0, then 1.0.0-b.1 is absolute latest. This could be based on additional internal SemVer2IsLatestVersion and SemVer2IsAbsoluteLatestVersion properties.


This is the main v2 OData endpoint that needs to filter SemVer v2.0.0 package versions by default, unless provided with the semVerLevel=2.0.0 parameter.


public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Get(

    ODataQueryOptions<V2FeedPackage> options,

    [FromUri]string semVerLevel = null)


public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetCount(
    ODataQueryOptions<V2FeedPackage> options,
    [FromUri]string semVerLevel = null)


public async Task<IHttpActionResult> FindPackagesById(
    ODataQueryOptions<V2FeedPackage> options,
    [FromODataUri]string id,
    [FromUri]string semVerLevel = null)


public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Search(
    ODataQueryOptions<V2FeedPackage> options,
    [FromODataUri]string searchTerm = "",
    [FromODataUri]string targetFramework = "",
    [FromODataUri]bool includePrerelease = false,
    [FromUri]string semVerLevel = null)


public async Task<IHttpActionResult> SearchCount(
    ODataQueryOptions<V2FeedPackage> options,
    [FromODataUri]string searchTerm = "",
    [FromODataUri]string targetFramework = "",
    [FromODataUri]bool includePrerelease = false,
    [FromUri]string semVerLevel = null)


public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetUpdates(
    ODataQueryOptions<V2FeedPackage> options,
    [FromODataUri]string packageIds,
    [FromODataUri]string versions,
    [FromODataUri]bool includePrerelease,
    [FromODataUri]bool includeAllVersions,
    [FromODataUri]string targetFrameworks = "",
    [FromODataUri]string versionConstraints = "",
    [FromUri]string semVerLevel = null)


public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetUpdatesCount(
    ODataQueryOptions<V2FeedPackage> options,
    [FromODataUri]string packageIds,
    [FromODataUri]string versions,
    [FromODataUri]bool includePrerelease,
    [FromODataUri]bool includeAllVersions,
    [FromODataUri]string targetFrameworks = "",
    [FromODataUri]string versionConstraints = "",
    [FromUri]string semVerLevel = null)


This is the v2 OData endpoint for curated feeds that needs to filter SemVer v2.0.0 package versions by default, unless provided with the semVerLevel=2.0.0 parameter.


public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Get(
    ODataQueryOptions<V2FeedPackage> options,
    [FromODataUri]string curatedFeedName,
    [FromUri]string semVerLevel = null)


public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetCount(
    ODataQueryOptions<V2FeedPackage> options,
    [FromODataUri]string curatedFeedName,
    [FromUri]string semVerLevel = null)


public async Task<IHttpActionResult> FindPackagesById(
    ODataQueryOptions<V2FeedPackage> options,
    [FromODataUri]string curatedFeedName,
    [FromODataUri]string id,
    [FromUri]string semVerLevel = null)


public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Search(
    ODataQueryOptions<V2FeedPackage> options,
    [FromODataUri]string curatedFeedName,
    [FromODataUri]string searchTerm = "",
    [FromODataUri]string targetFramework = "",
    [FromODataUri]bool includePrerelease = false,
    [FromUri]string semVerLevel = null)


public async Task<IHttpActionResult> SearchCount(
    ODataQueryOptions<V2FeedPackage> options,
    [FromODataUri]string curatedFeedName,
    [FromODataUri]string searchTerm = "",
    [FromODataUri]string targetFramework = "",
    [FromODataUri]bool includePrerelease = false,
    [FromUri]string semVerLevel = null)


public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetUpdates(
    ODataQueryOptions<V2FeedPackage> options,
    [FromODataUri]string curatedFeedName,
    [FromODataUri]string packageIds,
    [FromODataUri]string versions,
    [FromODataUri]bool includePrerelease,
    [FromODataUri]bool includeAllVersions,
    [FromODataUri]string targetFrameworks = "",
    [FromODataUri]string versionConstraints = "",
    [FromUri]string semVerLevel = null)


public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetUpdatesCount(
    ODataQueryOptions<V2FeedPackage> options,
    [FromODataUri]string curatedFeedName,
    [FromODataUri]string packageIds,
    [FromODataUri]string versions,
    [FromODataUri]bool includePrerelease,
    [FromODataUri]bool includeAllVersions,
    [FromODataUri]string targetFrameworks = "",
    [FromODataUri]string versionConstraints = "",
    [FromUri]string semVerLevel = null)

V2 Auto-Complete Endpoints

The following auto-complete endpoints need to filter SemVer v2.0.0 package versions by default, unless provided with the semVerLevel=2.0.0 parameter.

  • /api/v2/package-ids

  • /api/v2/package-versions



public async Task<ActionResult> GetPackageIds(
    string partialId,
    bool? includePrerelease,
    string semVerLevel = null)


public async Task<ActionResult> GetPackageVersions(
    string id,
    bool? includePrerelease,
    string semVerLevel = null)

Database Queries

The following database queries need modification to support filtering on SemVer v2.0.0 package versions:

  • AutoCompleteDatabasePackageIdsQuery

  • AutoCompleteDatabasePackageVersionsQuery

The SQL queries will need to be expanded to filter on semVerLevel.

Search Service Queries

The following search service queries need modification to support filtering on SemVer v2.0.0 package versions:

  • AutoCompleteServicePackageIdsQuery

  • AutoCompleteServicePackageVersionsQuery

When semVerLevel parameter is provided, we will call into the v3 search service using the same additional semVerLevel query parameter.

Gallery Database Changes

For faster querying/filtering, we should store that a package version is semVerLevel=2.0.0.

In addition, we need to align/validate constraints on version length (

Design choice: There are multiple options how to store the fact that a package is semVerLevel=2.0.0:

  1. Add new column SemVerLevel of type nvarchar(N) and store "2.0.0" for each SemVer v2.0.0 package version; ;

  2. Add new column IsSemVer2 of type bit, and store 0 or 1 when applicable

  3. Add new column SemVerLevelKey of type int, and add new table SemVerLevels, and join queries;

  4. Add new column SemVerLevelKey of type int, hard-code the value for now, and have the ability to expand with another table later on when needed.

Option c. seems to combine the best combination of forward-compatibility and database normalization. Short-term, option d. is preferred as it is least intrusive, and still allows us to expand towards option c. later on.

The gallery, gallery database, and NuGet clients restrict package versions to 64 characters. There's already packages in the database with a version-length of 58 characters. Introducing support for additional version parts (metadata, and numeric identifiers in release labels) to support the SemVer v2.0.0 format, may introduce the need to expand the maximum supported original Version length.

This does not affect NormalizedVersion (which does not include the metadata part), but Version should still be able to contain the original version string (including metadata part). See

Gallery Frontend Changes

Currently, the gallery does not seem to properly use NuGet.Versioning in all places that require the normalized version string. More specifically, this is going to be important on the package details page.

We must ensure that newly uploaded SemVer v2.0.0 packages are properly normalized both in URL and view.

Example: when uploading a SemVer v2.0.0 package version 1.0.0-release.123+metadata, the corresponding package details URL on will be:

Note the normalized version string in the URL, which excludes metadata, but includes multiple part release labels!

Search Service API Changes

Older versions of the NuGet client (pre-3.5 & 2.14 respectively) do not understand SemVer 2.0.0. Therefore, by default, we should always restrict the result set to exclude package versions for which semVerLevel == null or semVerLevel >= "2.0.0".

If semVerLevel=N is provided (where N is a SemVer 2.0.0 version number) and has a major version greater than or equal to 2.0.0, SemVer 2.0.0 packages must be included in the result set.

If N has a major version less than 2.0.0 or semVerLevel is excluded, SemVer 2.0.0 packages must be filtered out.

V3 Auto-Complete Endpoints

Addition of a new, optional semVerLevel query string parameter (default value = null):


V3 Search Endpoint

Addition of a new, optional semVerLevel query string parameter (default value = null):


V2 Search Endpoint

Addition of a new, optional semVerLevel query string parameter (default value = null):


Search Service Validation

Likely similar to gallery validation and error handling.

Internal Implementation Changes


An update to the constructor is required to take a new parameter includeSemVer2. This will expand the filter building to include this, doubling to 8 combinations of bits. Bits are: includeUnlisted, includePrerelease, includeSemVer2.

public LatestListedHandler(
    bool includeUnlisted,
    bool includePrerelease,
    bool includeSemVer2)


The CreateSearcher method needs updates to process all combinations of above bits. We need to create a new bit set latestSemVer2BitSet, similar to latestBitSet.


We need to store another bit set, latestSemVer2BitSet, during construction. The latest parameter will become a 3-dimensional filter array.

public NuGetIndexSearcher(
    // removed other arguments for brevity
    Filter[][][] latest,
    OpenBitSet latestSemVer2BitSet,
    OwnersResult owners)

In addition, we need to update the TryGetFilter method with a new parameter includeSemVer2.

public bool TryGetFilter(
    bool includeUnlisted,
    bool includePrerelease,
    bool includeSemVer2,
    string curatedFeed,
    out Filter filter)


The WriteData method now needs to include a filter for the new latestSemVer2BitSet.

private static void WriteData(
    // removed other arguments for brevity
    bool includePrerelease,
    bool includeExplanation,
    bool includeSemVer2,
    Query query)


The Search method needs to be modified to accept a new parameter includeSemVer2, which will be passed on to the updated NuGetIndexSearcher.TryGetFilter call.

public static void Search(
    // removed other arguments for brevity
    bool includeSemVer2)

The AutoComplete method needs to be modified to accept a new parameter includeSemVer2, which will be passed on to both NuGetIndexSearcher.TryGetFilter calls.

public static void AutoComplete(
    // removed other arguments for brevity
    bool includeSemVer2)

The Find method needs to be modified to accept a new parameter includeSemVer2, and have its query changed to a FilteredQuery using NuGetIndexSearcher.TryGetFilter. Registration base address also needs to be made aware of includeSemver2 as it will need to return responses to different hives depending on this parameter.

public static void Find(
    // removed other arguments for brevity
    bool includeSemVer2)


This class needs a new method GetSemver2 which returns a Boolean after parsing the incoming semVerLevel query string parameter. This method will be leveraged in the Search Service API changes to translate the query string value to a binary true or false filter for internal use.

Lucene Index Changes

In order for the search service to be able to filter on semVerLevel, the Lucene index will need to hold the fields containing the data to filter on. This data will flow to the Lucene index from the gallery SQL database. This is an internal implementation detail.

Design choice: internally, it is possible to either:

  1. Use a text field and index: this is more expensive to search on, but it also means that we will probably stay future proof when a new semVerLevel is introduced.

  2. Use a Boolean field IsSemVer2 and a filter: this is faster, but means that we will need to add new bits every time a new semVerLevel is introduced.

Option a. is preferred as it is a similar pattern like we use today for unlisted/prerelease filtering and seems well suited for this scenario as well, as the introduction of new semVerLevel's is an unlikely, rare event, and the work to introduce support for another semVerLevel does not weigh up against the performance we experience on day-to-day basis using NuGet search.

For this, the query parser needs to be updated to understand the new semVerLevel query parameter, and a new filter needs to be added for the IsSemVer2 field.


The catalog2lucene job need to be updated to write the IsSemVer2 field to the index for incoming packages.

The job must independently compute if the entry is a SemVer v2.0.0 package using a shared library call (NuGet.Versioning).


The sql2lucene jobs needs to be updated to write the IsSemVer2 field to the index for incoming packages.


The feed2catalog job must be changed to provide the semVerLevel=2.0.0 parameter when querying the feed. Additionally, catalog entry URLs must use the normalized version, not the full version. The catalog entry JSON payload must include the full version.

The catalog page structure would stay as it looks today.


The catalog2registration job needs to be updated to NOT write SemVer v2.0.0 packages to old registration blobs, and to write SemVer v2.0.0 packages to a new registration container. These new blobs will be gzipped since there is no such client that supports SemVer v2.0.0 registration blobs but does not support gzipped registration blobs.

The catalog2registration job must independently compute if the entry is a SemVer v2.0.0 package using a shared library call (NuGet.Versioning).

Today, there are two registration hives visible from the api/v3/index.json:



We will be adding a third:


The job will be modified to produce all three sets of registration blobs based on a single cursor. This the logical extension of how a single cursor is used for producing the two existing hives, today.


The only additional change in to the service index is the addition of the new registration hive. It will make use of the new "clientVersion" feature so NuGet 4.0.0 can light up:


"@id": "",

"@type": "RegistrationsBaseUrl",

"clientVersion": "4.3.0",

"comment": "Base URL of Azure storage where NuGet package registration info is



For both gallery and search service, we need to add unit test coverage for all validation logic changes, and we should expand our existing functional tests to also cover for the semVerLevel=2.0.0 scenarios.

For the modified jobs, we need tests to verify correctness of marking SemVer v2.0.0 package versions. Indexing needs tests to validate that SemVer v2.0.0 package versions are understood and properly filtered.

Unit tests

Today, the unit testing and integration testing of the V3 jobs is pretty lack-luster. As a prerequisite for this feature shipping, we should commit to having full Xunit test coverage on code that we change.

End to End tests

Additionally, we should add a simple E2E test to the Gallery functional test suite that tests each modified endpoint:

  1. Does a SemVer 2.0.0 package show up in the new registration hive and not show up in the old hive?

  2. Does a SemVer 2.0.0 package show up in the search service and observer semVerLevel?

  3. Does a SemVer 2.0.0 package show up in FindPackagesById(), hijacked.

  4. Does a SemVer 2.0.0 package show up in Packages collection, not hijacked.

To be clear, this is not the very best possible place for end-to-end tests, but this is the most convenient and allows us to move forward without spending a lot of time building new test infrastructure for V3 end-to-end testing.


Additional monitoring just focusing on SemVer 2.0.0 changes should be limited given that the majority of changes are to existing endpoints and services.

However, the V3 pipeline verification should be extended to verify that the SemVer 2.0.0 registration hive both (a) is gzipped and (b) has all SemVer 1.0.0 and SemVer 2.0.0 packages.

We should emit telemetry for semVerLevel on push events to Application Insights (add a flag to existing event).

Execution Phases

Db Schema + Update for Is(Absolute)LatestVersion

We'll first need to perform the required schema and data updates to add support for the new SemVer2LatestVersion and SemVer2LatestAbsoluteVersion properties, and update the data already present in the gallery database.

In addition, we need to update the push logic to store the package's SemVerLevelKey. The default value will be null, as we don't want to parse the entire database to identify either System.Versioning version formats, or SemVer v1.0.0 version formats. We don't differentiate between the two anyway, and defaulting to null avoids the need to patch the entire database before enabling actual uploads of SemVer v2.0.0 versioned packages.

Generate the new V3 artifacts

After updating feed2catalog, catalog2registration, and catalog2lucene to properly handle SemVer 2.0.0, we should run the jobs from the beginning of time to produce new SemVer 2.0.0-aware artifacts. In particular:

  • catalog2registration or lightning: generate all three registration hives in new storage containers.
    The SemVer 2.0.0 and gzipped hives should be exactly the same given there are no SemVer 2.0.0 packages.

  • catalog2lucene or db2lucene: generate the new Lucene index.

Filter by default (

In order to be able to leverage rolling deployments (with rollback possibility), we should first apply all proper default filtering on the v1 and v2 endpoints.

In addition, we should already fix any version normalization issues on the gallery frontend to leverage the latest NuGet.Versioning APIs, to ensure any future SemVer v2.0.0 package versions are properly displayed, and accessible through the web site using the properly normalized version string in route parameters.

This deployment will also contain the upgrade to NuGet.* v4.0.0 dependencies, which are required to leverage the new NuGet.Versioning support for SemVer v2.0.0. (

Filter by default (search service)

As the search service can only start collecting the semVerLevel data once it is available in the gallery database, this is the logical next step.

First, a new index will need to be built and deployed using an updated version of the Sql2Lucene job. Then, an updated catalog2lucene job must be deployed.

The updated search service pointing to the new index must be deployed as well. The search service is a stand-alone component and can be deployed as soon as the work is finished, and it should continue to work as it does today.

Unlock push/upload of SemVer v2.0.0 package versions

Once all required default filtering is in place, we can start accepting actual SemVer v2.0.0 packages on

Unlock SemVer v2.0.0 package consumption

This step may be combined with the previous step.

Suggestion: Perhaps we can introduce a configuration setting that may act as a feature toggle, effectively allowing us to disable the logical paths in case of issues, and allowing us to separate deployment date from go-live date.


What's Being Worked On?

Check out the proposals in the accepted & proposed folders on the repository, and active PRs for proposals being discussed today.

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