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bladeRF NIOS II software

The bladeRF_nios directory contains the bladeRF program that executes on a NIOS II soft processor in the FPGA. This program is responsible for performing control and configuration operations requests from the host, as received via the FX3 UART. Based upon the request information, the operation is applied to a physical device attached to the FPGA, or a module in the FPGA's programmable fabric.

Packet Formats

Requests and responses are sent/received in 16-byte packets. The first byte in the p is a "magic" value that denotes the packet format type. The following bytes are specific to the packet format. See the pkt_*.h files in the fpga_common/include/ directory for complete descriptions of these formats.

IDs and "Magic" header byte values are reserved for user customization; official releases will not use these IDs. The below tables briefly describe the IDs used for each of the packet formats.

Magic Byte Packet format
0x00     | Do not use

0x01-0x40 | Reserved for offical bladeRF packet formats 0x41 | pkt_8x8 0x42 | pkt_8x16 0x43 | pkt_8x32 0x44 | pkt_8x64 0x45-0x4a | Reserved for offical bladeRF packet formats 0x4b | pkt_32x32 0x4c-0x4d | Reserved for offical bladeRF packet formats 0x4e | pkt_legacy 0x4f-53 | Reserved for offical bladeRF packet formats 0x54 | pkt_retune 0x55-0x7f | Reserved for offical bladeRF packet formats 0x80-0xff | Reserved for user customization

pkt_8x8 : 8-bit address, 8-bit address accesses

      ID | Peripheral/Device/Block

------------ | ------------- 0x00 | LMS6002D register access 0x01 | SI5338 register access 0x02 | VCTCXO tamer module. Subaddress 0xff accesses mode selection. 0x03 | TX synchronization trigger 0x04 | RX synchronization trigger 0x80-0xff | Reserved for user customization

pkt_8x16: 8-bit address, 16-bit data accesses

      ID | Peripheral/Device/Block

------------ | ------------- 0x00 | VCTCXO Trim DAC register access 0x01 | IQ Correction 0x80-0xff | Reserved for user customization

pkt_8x32: 8-bit address, 32-bit data access

       ID | Peripheral/Device/Block

------------ | ------------- 0x00 | FPGA Control Register 0x01 | FPGA Version (Read only) 0x02 | XB200 ADF4351 register access 0x80-0xff | Reserved for user customization

pkt_8x64: 8-bit address, 64-bit data access

       ID | Peripheral/Device/Block

------------ | ------------- 0x00 | RX Timestamp (read-only) 0x01 | TX Timestamp (read-only) 0x80-0xff | Reserved for user customization

pkt_32x32: 32-bit address (or mask), 32-bit data access

       ID | Peripheral/Device/Block

------------ | ------------- 0x00 | Expansion I/O 0x01 | Expansion I/O direction 0x80-0xff | Reserved for user customization

pkt_retune: Does not have ID fields available for use

pkt_legacy: Does not have ID fields available for use

Build and Debug

The Nios software is built and embedded into the FPGA when running the script, per the in the bladeRF/hdl/ directory.

It is possible to build, load, and debug the Nios software over JTAG using the Intel/Terasic USB Blaster using either make and gdb, or Eclipse. The former is quicker to setup, but the latter offers the Eclipse GUI that some may find easier. Both methods are discussed below.

(Linux Users: Ensure you've installed udev rules for your JTAG debugger)

On Ubuntu 20.04 or similar, you will need these extra dependencies:

sudo apt install -y libncursesw5

Command-Line Debugging with GDB

  • Connect the USB Blaster JTAG debugger

  • It may be helpful to open several terminal windows/splits for the next few steps.

    • Terminal 1, for:
      • (Re)building the FPGA image
      • Loading the FPGA image
    • Terminal 2, for:
      • (Re)building the Nios
      • Downloading the resulting ELF to the FPGA via the USB Blaster debugger
      • Starting the nios2-gdb-server (may use another terminal window for this if desired)
    • Terminal 3, for:
      • Performing the Nios debugging with nios2-elf-gdb
    • Terminal 4 (optional), for:
      • Running the host application exercising the bladeRF
    • Terminal 5 (optional), for:
      • Viewing/editing Nios code (helpful for figuring out where to place breakpoints)
  • In Terminal 1:

    • Start NIOS II command shell. This is a bash shell that has environment variables required by Quartus already defined.
      • $QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/nios2eds/
    • cd into $BLADERF_DIR/hdl/quartus
    • Build the FPGA
      # Replace <board>, <size>, and <rev> according to the platform you are building.
      $ -b <board> -s <size> -r <rev>
    • Load the FPGA image into the bladeRF device
      $ bladeRF-cli -l /path/to/hosted.rbf
  • In Terminal 2:

    • Start NIOS II command shell.
      • $QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/nios2eds/
    • cd into $BLADERF_DIR/hdl/fpga/platforms/<platform>/software/bladeRF_nios
    • For something to do, let's rebuild the Nios. To do this, we must define the WORKDIR variable for the make script. This path is relative to the $BLADERF_DIR/hdl/quartus directory. Substitute <platform> with the bladeRF platform (e.g. bladerf or bladerf-micro), <size> with the FPGA size (e.g. 40, 115, A4, A9), and <rev> with the revision (e.g. hosted).
      • make WORKDIR=work/<platform>-<size>-<rev> clean
      • make WORKDIR=work/<platform>-<size>-<rev> all
    • Download the new ELF into the FPGA. Because the FPGA has already been loaded in a previous step, all this does is re-write the appropriate memory space within the FPGA with the new Nios program.
      • make WORKDIR=work/<platform>-<size>-<rev> download-elf
    • Finally, start the gdb server
      • nios2-gdb-server --tcpport 8888 --tcppersist
        • This may return the error, "Unable to bind (98)". This happens when the previous step still has a use lock on the debugger pod. Give it a minute or two and try again. If it still fails, unplugging the debugger and plugging it back in should do the trick.
  • In Terminal 3:

    • Start NIOS II command shell.
      • $QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/nios2eds/
    • cd into $BLADERF_DIR/hdl/quartus/work/<platform>-<size>-<rev>/bladeRF_nios
    • Start the Nios gdb client:
      • nios2-elf-gdb -ex "target remote localhost:8888" bladeRF_nios.elf
    • The Nios processor will now be in a paused state. This lets us setup breakpoints and whatnot as needed for debug. When ready to begin the debug process, issue the continue command. This will unpause the Nios.
      • If a breakpoint is hit, gdb will pause the Nios again until you issue another continue command. This may cause a timeout and break the user application. Breakpoints can have commands associated with them, so when one is hit, gdb can immediately print a value and continue. The print operation is slow enough that if more than a few characters are printed, it will trigger a timeout in libbladeRF. Refer to the Debugging Tips section for how to increase the timeout.
  • In Terminal 4:

    • Run the host software (e.g. bladeRF-cli or some custom program). The general idea is that this software is interacting with the bladeRF/Nios in some way that you want to monitor in gdb in the previous step.

At this point, the Nios code can be edited, recompiled, and downloaded to the FPGA without rebuilding the entire FPGA image. The exception to this is if you are finished debugging and want to embed the changes into the FPGA image, or if the Nios codebase increases such that it no longer fits in the RAM allocated. To rebuild the Nios, quit out of gdb in Terminal 3 and return to Terminal 2. Ctrl-C the nios2-gdb-server, rebuild/download the ELF using make, and restart nios2-gdb-server as described above. Repeat the steps listed in Terminal 3 and 4, above.

Debugging Tips


When debugging with gdb, it is often desirable to print the values of variables for any number of reasons. The problem is, the print operation is slow and will cause the host/bladeRF interface to timeout. To make debugging easier, this timeout can be increased.

  • Open host/libraries/libbladeRF/src/backend/usb/usb.h
  • Find the line that defines PERIPHERAL_TIMEOUT_MS and change it from 250 to a higher value such as 2500 for 2.5 seconds, or 10000 for 10 seconds.
  • Save the file and rebuild/install libbladeRF.

Variable has been optimized out

Another common occurence when debugging is finding out that a variable has been optimized out and its value is not printable. The best way to get around this is to reduce the level of compiler optimization. This can be done as follows:

  • Open hdl/fpga/platforms/common/bladerf/software/bladeRF_nios/Makefile
  • It will have the default optimization for size (-Os). Change it to no optimization: -O0.
  • Save the file.
  • Try to rebuild the Nios. It will likely fail due to lack of memory. Somewhere in the output, it should print how much memory is required. Make a note of this.

To increase the Nios RAM size:

  • Open $BLADERF_DIR/hdl/fpga/platforms/<platform>/build/platform.conf
  • Find the get_qsys_ram function, and change the return value to be the nearest power of 2 larger than the required memory size from the above. Sometimes simply doubling the existing return value is good enough.
  • Rebuild the FPGA in its entirety. This is required because the FPGA needs to instantiate more block RAMs to fit the larger Nios, and it will need to re-fit the surrounding logic.

Install Eclipse

Before Eclipse can be used, it must be installed. This step is a new change as of recent Quartus versions, and is required for Quartus 20.1.

These steps will download eclipse, get a new jdk, and replace the jdk. Edit the first line if needed for your install path and version.

export QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR=~/intelFPGA_lite/20.1/

sudo apt install -y openjdk-8-jdk
cd $QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/nios2eds/bin/
tar -xf eclipse-cpp-mars-2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
mv eclipse eclipse_nios2
tar -xf eclipse_nios2_plugins.tar.gz
mv jre64 jre64_old
ln -svf /lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/ jre64

This will install eclipse, however you must launch eclipse using our script, located at hdl/quartus/

These two pages are reference for this section:

Eclipse GUI Debugging

  • Connect the USB Blaster JTAG debugger

  • Enter the NIOS II command shell. This is a bash shell that has environment variables required by Quartus already defined. This is located in: $QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/nios2eds/

  • Perform an initial FPGA build to generate the contents of the bladeRF_nios_bsp directory.

$ cd $BLADERF_DIR/hdl/quartus

# Replace <board>, <size>, and <rev> according to the platform you are building.
$ -b <board> -s <size> -r <rev>
  • Load the FPGA with the resulting image using the bladeRF-cli. The NIOS II will be loaded and reset in a following step. This is required to ensure the PCLK from the FX3 is provided to the NIOS II core.

  • Launch the Eclipse with our provided script. When prompted, create a workspace wherever you see fit.

./hdl/quartus/ hdl/quartus/work/<platform>-<size>-<rev>
  • Import the bladeRF_nios_bsp project:

    • From the project explorer pane, right click and select Import...
    • Select General --> Existing projects into Workspace
    • Click Browse... next to Root Directory, and select hdl/fpga/platforms/common/bladerf/software/bladeRF_nios_bsp
    • You should see a project labeled bladeRF_nios_bsp checked in the Projects pane.
    • Click Finish
  • Import the bladeRF_nios projects:

    • Repeat the previous import steps again, but this time select the software directory for the target platform. For example:
      • hdl/fpga/platforms/bladerf-micro/software for bladeRF-micro
      • hdl/fpga/platforms/bladerf/software for bladeRF
  • You should now have both projects in your Eclipse workspace. If the C/C++ indexer reports syntax issues due to unknown macro definitions or types, click Project -> C/C++ Index -> Rebuild.

    • This doesn't always work and you may have to manually add linked source directories:
      • Right-click the bladeRF_nios project and select Properties
      • Under C/C++ General --> Paths and Symbols, click the Source Location tab
      • Click Link Folder
      • Check the box Link to folder in the file system and click Browse...
      • Navigate to the bladeRF_nios folder in this directory
      • If Eclipse complains about the folder name (the field at the top of the window), just change it to bladeRF_nios_common
      • Click OK
      • Repeat this for the fpga_common directory in the bladeRF root.
      • Click OK to get back to Eclipse
      • Now Rebuild the C/C++ indexer. You may also have to right-click the project and select Index --> Search for unresolved includes or Index --> Re-resolve unresolved includes
    • Eclipse may continue to complain about some Altera-specific includes missing, but these can simply be ignored.
  • Building the bladeRF_nios project will fail stating that the BSP directory could not be found. This is because the environment variable WORKDIR has not been set. To set this:

    • Right-click the bladeRF_nios project and select Properties
    • Under C/C++ Build --> Environment, click Add to create a new environment variable
    • For Name, type WORKDIR
    • For Value, type work/<board>-<size>-<rev> where:
      • <board> is the name of the platform (e.g. bladerf or bladerf-micro)
      • <size> is the FPGA size (e.g. 40, 115, A4, A9)
      • <rev> is the project revision (typically 'hosted')
    • Click OK
    • Remember to update this variable if targeting a different platform later!
  • You need to build the BSP once, then the project.

    • Right click "bladeRF_nios_bsp" and select "Nios II" -> "Generate BSP"
    • Right click "bladeRF_nios" in the Project Explorer pane, and select "Build Project"
    • The bladeRF_nios project should now build successfully.
      • Subsequent changes to the project only require a rebuild of the Project, not the BSP.
  • Create a debug target (see alternative method below):

    • Right click "bladeRF_nios" in the Project Explorer pane, and select "Debug As" -> "Debug Configurations..."
    • Right click "Nios II Hardware" and select "New"
    • On the "Project" tab
      • Click "Enable browse for filesystem ELF File
      • Click "..." And browse to hdl/quartus/work/<board>-<size>-<rev>/bladeRF_nios/bladeRF_nios.elf
    • On the "Target Connection" tab
      • check "Ignore mismatched system ID" and "Ignore mismatched system timestamp"
      • Find USB-Blaster in "Connections". (Click "Refresh Connections" if it does not show up)
      • click apply
      • "Debug" button should be clickable
    • If you wish to download code to the device, reset, and run it...
      • Check Download ELF, Reset Processor, and Start Processor
    • If you only wish to inspect the state of the NIOS after observing an issue on the host side...
      • Ensure all of the aforementioned items are unchecked
  • Create a debug target V2 (Beta):

    • Right click "bladeRF_nios" in the Project Explorer pane, and select "Debug As" -> "Debug Configurations..."
    • Right click "Nios II Hardware v2 (beta)" and select "New"
    • On the "Main" tab
      • For ELF:, select hdl/quartus/work/<board>-<size>-<rev>/bladeRF_nios/bladeRF_nios.elf
    • Under Connections -> Processor, click Browse.... It should detect the NIOS II via the JTAG device and display a string describing its location in the scan chain.
    • Optional Repeat the above for the JTAG UART field, if you wish to use have a console over JTAG. Be careful when using this, as it will significantly affect execution time.

Note: You may have to repeat the step(s) where you browse for the device after unplugging and re-connecting the JTAG debugger.

Note: Breaking and stepping though the code will cause libbladeRF to timeout. To avoid this, configure libbladeRF (via CMake) with -DLIBBLADERF_DISABLE_USB_TIMEOUTS=ON and rebuild libbladeRF.

Host "Simulation" Test Cases

A substantial portion of the code in this program can be tested on a host machine, using a pre-defined set of test cases. Run make -f in the bladeRF_nios/ directory to build the bladeRF_nios.sim program.

Running this program should yield output that prints a test case's description, its request data, its response data, and "pass." The test program will abort when it encounters an invalid response, or if read/write to a simulated device/module contains unexpected information.

NIOS II Core Implementation

By default, the FPGA build is configured for use with a NIOS II/e implementation, which can be built with the Quartus II Web Edition.

Users with licenses for the NIOS II/s or II/f implementations can pass -n Small or -n Fast (respectively) to to configure the build for the associated NIOS II core. Otherwise, -n Tiny is assumed.

For more information, see Altera's Nios II Core Implementation Details document.