Photon.nvim (which has nothing to do with the archived photon.vim) is a fork of Oneokai.nvim, converted to be closer to Gruvbox and Duskfox, like a weird fusion of all of the things I love about those themes.
Since this is a fork, it should still have all the support for tree sitter and highlighting.
For latest TreeSitter syntax highlight, upgraded to Neovim 0.8.0 or later built with tree-sitter 0.20.3+
Right now there is just one theme, but I’ll maybe make a super dark and light one in the future.
Install via package manager
" Using Vim-Plug
Plug 'Nuclear-Squid/photon.nvim'
-- Using Packer
use 'Nuclear-Squid/photon.nvim'
enable the theme
" Vim
colorscheme photon
-- Lua
You can override the default values like so :
-- Lua
require('photon').setup {
code_style = {
strings = "none",
colors = {
bg = "#222222",
highlights = {
["@include"] = { fmt = "bold" },
} ,
Photon has lualine support
require('lualine').setup {
options = {
theme = 'photon',
-- ... your lualine config