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File metadata and controls

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A handy toolbox for Designers and Engineers.


Pyfacade is a Python package which aims to provide easy automatic interfaces to design and engineering software for general purpose. Meanwhile, it encapsulates highly integrated utility functions for various professional tasks, such as Local Buckling Analysis for Aluminum Profile, Biaxial Unsymmetrical Bending Calculator for Combined Sections, and Lightweight FME Solver for 2D Frames, etc.

The package is composed by below interdependent modules:

  • pyacade - API for AutoCAD 2019
  • transxml - XML Constructor for MathCAD R15
  • pymcad - API for MathCAD R15
  • pyeng - Solver for Structural Model
  • strcals - Utilities for Quick Structural Checking

Read the full documentations on ReadTheDocs


The package partially relies on below third party modules:

  • pywin32 - for accessing to and interacting with Windows applications.
  • numpy - for universal usage in matrix calculations and data process.
  • scipy - for solving equations.
  • pandas - for data input and output.
  • matplotlib - for figure output.
  • lxml - as XML parser by class 'pymcad.Xmcd'
  • geomdl - for dealing with Spline curve by class 'pyacad.Acad'.

Example Codes

1. Work with AutoCAD.

import pyfacade.pyacad as pac
dwg = pac.Acad()  # launch AutoCAD and create a instant
rect = dwg.addrect((0,0,0), (50,100,0))  # create a rectangle on active drawing
regs = dwg.makeregion([rect])  # make region from created rectangle
sec_prop = dwg.getsecprop(regs[0])  # calculate the section properties of created rectangle

2. Work with MathCAD.

Assume that we have an empty MathCAD XML Document MyWorksheet.xmcd in the folder "C:/Temp/"

import pyfacade.pymcad as pmc
import pyfacade.transxml as tx

mw = pmc.Xmcd("C:/Temp/MyWorksheet.xmcd")  # create instance of the MathCAD file.

# Add some plain text and math expressions into the file
mw.addtext("Speed:", row=50, color="blue")
mw.addmath("v", row=50, expression="5*m*s^(-1)")
mw.addtext("Time:", row=70, color="blue")
mw.addmath("t", row=70, expression="1*min", tag="var_time")
mw.addtext("Distance:", row=95, color="green")
mw.addmath("s", row=95, expression="v*t", highlight=True, bgc="yellow", evaluate=True, unit="m")
mw.write("C:/Temp/MyWorksheet.xmcd")  # save the changes

# Now Let's see what has been created by above operations
mc_app = pmc.Mathcad()  # launch the application and create a instance
sht=mc_app.worksheet("C:/Temp/MyWorksheet.xmcd")  # open the file we just created
print(sht.getvalue("s"))   # print the final value of variable "s"

# ...And do some modifications
exp = sht.region("var_time")  # get the math region through its tag
exp.xml = tx.xml_define('t', "0.1*hr")  # re-write its expression
print(sht.getvalue("s"))   # print the final value of variable "s" again.

sht.close() # save and close the file