// Type definitions for Azure SDK for Node v0.9.16
// Project: https://github.com/WindowsAzure/azure-sdk-for-node
// Definitions by: Andrew Gaspar <https://github.com/AndrewGaspar>,
//                 Anti Veeranna <https://github.com/antiveeranna>,
//                 Maxime LUCE <https://github.com/SomaticIT>
// Definitions: https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped

/// <reference path="../node/node.d.ts" />

declare module "azure" {
    import events = require("events");
    import stream = require("stream");
    import url = require("url");

    //#region Services
    export class TableService extends BatchServiceClient {
        static incorrectTableNameErr: string;
        static incorrectCallbackErr: string;
        static incorrectTableQuery: string;
        static incorrectPartitionErr: string;

        //#region Constructors

        * Creates a new TableService object.
        * Uses the AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT and AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY environment variables.
        * @constructor
        * @extends {ServiceClient}
        * Creates a new TableService object.
        * Uses a connectionString to connect
        * @constructor
        * @extends {ServiceClient}
        * @param {string} connectionString The connection string.
        constructor(connectionString: string);
        * Creates a new TableService object.
        * Uses a storage account and an access key.
        * @constructor
        * @extends {ServiceClient}
        * @param {string} storageAccount                    The storage account or the connection string.
        * @param {string} storageAccessKey                  The storage access key.
        * @param {string} host                              The host address.
        * @param {object} authenticationProvider            The authentication provider.
        constructor(storageAccount: string, storageAccessKey: string, host?: string, authenticationProvider?: string);


        //#region Service Methods

        getServiceProperties(callback: StorageServicePropertiesCallback): void;
        getServiceProperties(options: TimeoutIntervalOptions, callback: StorageServicePropertiesCallback): void;

        setServiceProperties(serviceProperties: StorageServiceProperties, callback: StorageCallbackVoid): void;
        setServiceProperties(serviceProperties: StorageServiceProperties, options: TimeoutIntervalOptions, callback: StorageCallbackVoid): void;


        //#region Table Methods

        getTable(table: string, callback?: TableRequestCallback): void;
        getTable(table: string, options: TimeoutIntervalOptions, callback?: TableRequestCallback): void;

        createTable(table: string, callback?: TableRequestCallback): void;
        createTable(table: string, options: TimeoutIntervalOptions, callback?: TableRequestCallback): void;

        createTableIfNotExists(table: string, callback?: CreateTableIfNotExistsCallback): void;
        createTableIfNotExists(table: string, options: TimeoutIntervalOptions, callback?: CreateTableIfNotExistsCallback): void;

        deleteTable(table: string, callback?: DeleteTableCallback): void;
        deleteTable(table: string, options: TimeoutIntervalOptions, callback?: DeleteTableCallback): void;

        queryTables(callback?: QueryTablesCallback): void;
        queryTables(options: QueryTablesOptions, callback?: QueryTablesCallback): void;


        //#region Entities Methods

        queryEntity(table: string, partitionKey: string, rowKey: string, callback?: QueryEntityCallback): void;
        queryEntity(table: string, partitionKey: string, rowKey: string, options: TimeoutIntervalOptions, callback?: QueryEntityCallback): void;

        queryEntities(tableQuery: TableQuery, callback?: QueryEntitiesCallback): void;
        queryEntities(tableQuery: TableQuery, options: TimeoutIntervalOptions, callback?: QueryEntitiesCallback): void;

        insertEntity(tableName: string, entityDescriptor: Entity, callback?: ModifyEntityCallback): void;
        insertEntity(tableName: string, entityDescriptor: Entity, options: TimeoutIntervalOptions, callback?: ModifyEntityCallback): void;

        insertOrReplaceEntity(tableName: string, entityDescriptor: Entity, callback?: ModifyEntityCallback): void;
        insertOrReplaceEntity(tableName: string, entityDescriptor: Entity, options: TimeoutIntervalOptions, callback?: ModifyEntityCallback): void;

        updateEntity(tableName: string, entityDescriptor: Entity, callback?: ModifyEntityCallback): void;
        updateEntity(tableName: string, entityDescriptor: Entity, options: UpdateEntityOptions, callback?: ModifyEntityCallback): void;

        mergeEntity(tableName: string, entityDescriptor: Entity, callback?: ModifyEntityCallback): void;
        mergeEntity(tableName: string, entityDescriptor: Entity, options: UpdateEntityOptions, callback?: ModifyEntityCallback): void;

        insertOrMergeEntity(tableName: string, entityDescriptor: Entity, callback?: ModifyEntityCallback): void;
        insertOrMergeEntity(tableName: string, entityDescriptor: Entity, options: UpdateEntityOptions, callback?: ModifyEntityCallback): void;

        deleteEntity(tableName: string, entityDescriptor: Entity, callback?: DeleteEntityCallback): void;
        deleteEntity(tableName: string, entityDescriptor: Entity, options: UpdateEntityOptions, callback?: DeleteEntityCallback): void;


    export class BlobService extends StorageServiceClient {
        singleBlobPutThresholdInBytes: number;
        parallelOperationThreadCount: number;

        SpeedSummary: typeof SpeedSummary;

        //#region Constructors

        * Creates a new BlobService object.
        * Uses the AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT and AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY environment variables.
        * @constructor
        * @extends {StorageServiceClient}

        * Creates a new BlobService object.
        * Uses a connectionString to connect
        * @constructor
        * @extends {StorageServiceClient}
        * @param {string} connectionString The connection string.
        constructor(connectionString: string);

        * Creates a new BlobService object.
        * Uses a storage account and an access key.
        * @constructor
        * @extends {StorageServiceClient}
        * @param {string} storageAccount                    The storage account or the connection string.
        * @param {string} storageAccessKey                  The storage access key.
        * @param {string} host                              The host address.
        * @param {object} sasToken                          The Shared Access Signature token.
        constructor(storageAccount: string, storageAccessKey: string, host?: string, sasToken?: string);


        //#region Service Methods

        * Gets the properties of a storage account�s Blob service, including Azure Storage Analytics.
        getServiceProperties(callback: StorageServicePropertiesCallback): void;
        getServiceProperties(options: TimeoutIntervalOptions, callback: StorageServicePropertiesCallback): void;

        * Sets the properties of a storage account�s Blob service, including Azure Storage Analytics.
        * You can also use this operation to set the default request version for all incoming requests that do not have a version specified.
        setServiceProperties(serviceProperties: StorageServiceProperties, callback: StorageCallbackVoid): void;
        setServiceProperties(serviceProperties: StorageServiceProperties, options: TimeoutIntervalOptions, callback: StorageCallbackVoid): void;


        //#region Containers Methods

        * Lists a segment containing a collection of container items under the specified account.
        listContainers(callback: ListContainersCallback): void;
        listContainers(options: ListContainersOptions, callback: ListContainersCallback): void;

         * Creates a new container under the specified account.
         * If a container with the same name already exists, the operation fails.
        createContainer(container: string, callback: StorageCallback<ContainerResult>): void;
        createContainer(container: string, options: CreateContainerOptions, callback: StorageCallback<ContainerResult>): void;

         * Creates a new container under the specified account if the container does not exists.
        createContainerIfNotExists(container: string, callback: StorageCallback<boolean>): void;
        createContainerIfNotExists(container: string, options: CreateContainerOptions, callback: StorageCallback<boolean>): void;

         * Retrieves a container and its properties from a specified account.
        getContainerProperties(container: string, callback: StorageCallback<ContainerResult>): void;
        getContainerProperties(container: string, options: GetContainerPropertiesOptions, callback: StorageCallback<ContainerResult>): void;

         * Returns all user-defined metadata for the container.
        getContainerMetadata(container: string, callback: StorageCallback<ContainerResult>): void;
        getContainerMetadata(container: string, options: GetContainerPropertiesOptions, callback: StorageCallback<ContainerResult>): void;

         * Sets the container's metadata.
        setContainerMetadata(container: string, metadata: StorageMetadata, callback: StorageCallback<ContainerResult>): void;
        setContainerMetadata(container: string, metadata: StorageMetadata, options: AccessConditionsOptions, callback: StorageCallback<ContainerResult>): void;

         * Gets the container's ACL.
        getContainerAcl(container: string, callback: StorageCallback<ContainerResult>): void;
        getContainerAcl(container: string, options: GetContainerPropertiesOptions, callback: StorageCallback<ContainerResult>): void;

         * Updates the container's ACL.
        setContainerAcl(container: string, publicAccessLevel: string, callback: StorageCallback<ContainerResult>): void;
        setContainerAcl(container: string, publicAccessLevel: string, options: StorageAclOptions, callback: StorageCallback<ContainerResult>): void;

         * Marks the specified container for deletion.
         * The container and any blobs contained within it are later deleted during garbage collection.
        deleteContainer(container: string, callback: StorageCallbackVoid): void;
        deleteContainer(container: string, options: LeaseIdOptions, callback: StorageCallbackVoid): void;


        //#region Blob Methods

        * Lists all of the blobs in the given container.
        listBlobs(container: string, callback: ListBlobsCallback): void;
        listBlobs(container: string, options: ListBlobsOptions, callback: ListBlobsCallback): void;

         * Returns all user-defined metadata, standard HTTP properties, and system properties for the blob.
         * It does not return or modify the content of the blob.
        getBlobProperties(container: string, blob: string, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): void;
        getBlobProperties(container: string, blob: string, options: GetBlobPropertiesOptions, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): void;

         * Sets user-defined properties for the specified blob or snapshot.
         * It does not return or modify the content of the blob.
        setBlobProperties(container: string, blob: string, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): void;
        setBlobProperties(container: string, blob: string, options: SetBlobPropertiesOptions, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): void;

         * Sets user-defined metadata for the specified blob or snapshot as one or more name-value pairs 
         * It does not return or modify the content of the blob.
        setBlobMetadata(container: string, blob: string, metadata: StorageMetadata, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): void;
        setBlobMetadata(container: string, blob: string, metadata: StorageMetadata, options: GetBlobPropertiesOptions, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): void;

         * Provides a stream to read from a blob.
        getBlob(container: string, blob: string, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): stream.Readable;
        getBlob(container: string, blob: string, options: ReadBlobOptions, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): stream.Readable;

         * Downloads a blob into a file.
        getBlobToFile(container: string, blob: string, localFileName: string, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): void;
        getBlobToFile(container: string, blob: string, localFileName: string, options: ReadBlobOptions, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): void;

         * Downloads a blob into a stream.
        getBlobToStream(container: string, blob: string, stream: stream.Writable, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): void;
        getBlobToStream(container: string, blob: string, stream: stream.Writable, options: ReadBlobOptions, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): void;

         * Downloads a blob into a text string.
        getBlobToText(container: string, blob: string, callback: GetBlobToTextCallback): void;
        getBlobToText(container: string, blob: string, options: ReadBlobOptions, callback: GetBlobToTextCallback): void;

         * Marks the specified blob or snapshot for deletion. The blob is later deleted during garbage collection.
         * If a blob has snapshots, you must delete them when deleting the blob. Using the deleteSnapshots option, you can choose either to delete both the blob and its snapshots, 
         * or to delete only the snapshots but not the blob itself. If the blob has snapshots, you must include the deleteSnapshots option or the blob service will return an error
         * and nothing will be deleted. 
         * If you are deleting a specific snapshot using the snapshotId option, the deleteSnapshots option must NOT be included.
        deleteBlob(container: string, blob: string, callback: StorageCallback<boolean>): void;
        deleteBlob(container: string, blob: string, options: DeleteBlobOptions, callback: StorageCallback<boolean>): void;

         * Creates a read-only snapshot of a blob.
        createBlobSnapshot(container: string, blob: string, callback: StorageCallback<string>): void;
        createBlobSnapshot(container: string, blob: string, options: BlobSnapshotOptions, callback: StorageCallback<string>): void;

         * Starts to copy a blob to a destination within the storage account. The Copy Blob operation copies the entire committed blob.
        copyBlob(sourceUri: string, targetContainer: string, targetBlob: string, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): void;
        copyBlob(sourceUri: string, targetContainer: string, targetBlob: string, options: CopyBlobOptions, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): void;

         * Creates a read-only snapshot of a blob.
        abortCopyBlob(container: string, blob: string, copyId: string, callback: StorageCallbackVoid): void;
        abortCopyBlob(container: string, blob: string, copyId: string, options: LeaseIdOptions, callback: StorageCallbackVoid): void;

         * Retrieves a shared access signature token.
        generateSharedAccessSignature(container: string, blob: string, sharedAccessPolicy: SharedAccessPolicy): SharedAccessSignatureResult;

         * Retrieves a blob or container URL.
        getBlobUrl(container: string): string;
        getBlobUrl(container: string, blob: string): string;
        getBlobUrl(container: string, blob: string, sharedAccessPolicy: SharedAccessPolicy): string;

         * Uploads a blob.
        createBlob(container: string, blob: string, blobType: string, callback: StorageCallback<string>): stream.Writable;
        createBlob(container: string, blob: string, blobType: string, options: UploadBlockBlobOptions, callback: StorageCallback<string>): stream.Writable;


        //#region Page Blob Methods

         * Creates a page blob of the specified length.
        createPageBlob(container: string, blob: string, length: number, callback: StorageCallbackVoid): void;
        createPageBlob(container: string, blob: string, length: number, options: SetBlobPropertiesOptions, callback: StorageCallbackVoid): void;

         * Updates a page blob from a stream.
        createBlobPagesFromStream(container: string, blob: string, readStream: stream.Readable, rangeStart: number, rangeEnd: number, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): void;
        createBlobPagesFromStream(container: string, blob: string, readStream: stream.Readable, rangeStart: number, rangeEnd: number, options: CreatePagesOptions, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): void;

         * Updates a page blob from a text string.
        createBlobPagesFromText(container: string, blob: string, text: string, rangeStart: number, rangeEnd: number, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): void;
        createBlobPagesFromText(container: string, blob: string, text: string, rangeStart: number, rangeEnd: number, options: CreatePagesOptions, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): void;

         * Lists page ranges.
         * Lists all of the page ranges by default, or only the page ranges over a specific range of bytes if rangeStart and rangeEnd are specified.
        listBlobRegions(container: string, blob: string, callback: StorageCallback<PageRange[]>): void;
        listBlobRegions(container: string, blob: string, options: PageRangeOptions, callback: StorageCallback<PageRange[]>): void;

         * Clears a range of pages.
        clearBlobPages(container: string, blob: string, rangeStart: number, rangeEnd: number, callback: StorageCallbackVoid): void;
        clearBlobPages(container: string, blob: string, rangeStart: number, rangeEnd: number, options: LeaseAccessConditionsOptions, callback: StorageCallbackVoid): void;

         * Resizes a page blob.
        resizePageBlob(container: string, blob: string, size: number, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): void;
        resizePageBlob(container: string, blob: string, size: number, options: LeaseAccessConditionsOptions, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): void;

         * Sets the page blob's sequence number.
        setPageBlobSequenceNumber(container: string, blob: string, sequenceNumberAction: string, sequenceNumber: string, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): void;
        setPageBlobSequenceNumber(container: string, blob: string, sequenceNumberAction: string, sequenceNumber: string, options: AccessConditionsOptions, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): void;


        //#region Block Blob Methods

         * Uploads a block blob from file.
        putBlockBlobFromFile(container: string, blob: string, localFileName: string, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): SpeedSummary;
        putBlockBlobFromFile(container: string, blob: string, localFileName: string, options: UploadBlockBlobOptions, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): SpeedSummary;
        createBlockBlobFromFile(container: string, blob: string, localFileName: string, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): SpeedSummary;
        createBlockBlobFromFile(container: string, blob: string, localFileName: string, options: UploadBlockBlobOptions, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): SpeedSummary;

         * Uploads a block blob from a stream.
        putBlockBlobFromStream(container: string, blob: string, stream: stream.Stream, streamLength: number, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): SpeedSummary;
        putBlockBlobFromStream(container: string, blob: string, stream: stream.Stream, streamLength: number, options: UploadBlockBlobOptions, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): SpeedSummary;
        createBlockBlobFromStream(container: string, blob: string, stream: stream.Stream, streamLength: number, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): SpeedSummary;
        createBlockBlobFromStream(container: string, blob: string, stream: stream.Stream, streamLength: number, options: UploadBlockBlobOptions, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): SpeedSummary;

         * Uploads a block blob from a text string.
        createBlockBlobFromText(container: string, blob: string, text: string, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): SpeedSummary;
        createBlockBlobFromText(container: string, blob: string, text: string, options: UploadBlockBlobOptions, callback: StorageCallback<BlobResult>): SpeedSummary;

         * Creates a new block to be committed as part of a blob.
        createBlobBlockFromStream(blockId: string, container: string, blob: string, readStream: stream.Stream, streamLength: number, callback: StorageCallbackVoid): void;
        createBlobBlockFromStream(blockId: string, container: string, blob: string, readStream: stream.Stream, streamLength: number, options: CreateBlockOptions, callback: StorageCallbackVoid): void;

         * Creates a new block to be committed as part of a blob.
        createBlobBlockFromText(blockId: string, container: string, blob: string, text: string, callback: StorageCallbackVoid): void;
        createBlobBlockFromText(blockId: string, container: string, blob: string, text: string, options: CreateBlockOptions, callback: StorageCallbackVoid): void;

         * Writes a blob by specifying the list of block IDs that make up the blob.
         * In order to be written as part of a blob, a block must have been successfully written to the server in a prior
         * createBlock operation.
        commitBlobBlocks(container: string, blob: string, blockList: BlockList, callback: StorageCallback<BlockList>): void;
        commitBlobBlocks(container: string, blob: string, blockList: BlockList, options: CreateBlockOptions, callback: StorageCallback<BlockList>): void;

         * Retrieves the list of blocks that have been uploaded as part of a block blob.
        listBlobBlocks(container: string, blob: string, blockListType: string, callback: StorageCallback<BlockList>): void;
        listBlobBlocks(container: string, blob: string, blockListType: string, options: GetBlobPropertiesOptions, callback: StorageCallback<BlockList>): void;

         * Generate a random block id prefix.
        generateBlockIdPrefix(): string;
         * Get a block id according to prefix and block number.
        getBlockId(prefix: string, number: number): string;


        //#region Lease Methods

         * Acquires a new lease. 
         * If container and blob are specified, acquires a blob lease. 
         * Otherwise, if only container is specified and blob is null, acquires a container lease.
        acquireLease(container: string, blob: string, callback: StorageCallback<LeaseResult>): void;
        acquireLease(container: string, blob: string, options: LeaseOptions, callback: StorageCallback<LeaseResult>): void;

         * Renews an existing lease.
         * If container and blob are specified, renews the blob lease.
         * Otherwise, if only container is specified and blob is null, renews the container lease.
        renewLease(container: string, blob: string, leaseId: string, callback: StorageCallback<LeaseResult>): void;
        renewLease(container: string, blob: string, leaseId: string, options: AccessConditionsOptions, callback: StorageCallback<LeaseResult>): void;

         * Releases the lease.
         * If container and blob are specified, releases the blob lease.
         * Otherwise, if only container is specified and blob is null, releases the container lease.
        releaseLease(container: string, blob: string, leaseId: string, callback: StorageCallback<LeaseResult>): void;
        releaseLease(container: string, blob: string, leaseId: string, options: AccessConditionsOptions, callback: StorageCallback<LeaseResult>): void;

         * Breaks the lease but ensures that another client cannot acquire a new lease until the current lease period has expired.
         * If container and blob are specified, breaks the blob lease.
         * Otherwise, if only container is specified and blob is null, breaks the container lease.
        breakLease(container: string, blob: string, leaseId: string, callback: StorageCallback<LeaseResult>): void;
        breakLease(container: string, blob: string, leaseId: string, options: BreakLeaseOptions, callback: StorageCallback<LeaseResult>): void;


    export class QueueService extends StorageServiceClient {
        authenticationProvider: SharedKey;

        //#region Constructors

        * Creates a new BlobService object.
        * Uses the AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT and AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY environment variables.
        * @constructor
        * @extends {StorageServiceClient}

        * Creates a new BlobService object.
        * Uses a connectionString to connect
        * @constructor
        * @extends {StorageServiceClient}
        * @param {string} connectionString The connection string.
        constructor(connectionString: string);

        * Creates a new BlobService object.
        * Uses a storage account and an access key.
        * @constructor
        * @extends {StorageServiceClient}
        * @param {string} storageAccount                    The storage account or the connection string.
        * @param {string} storageAccessKey                  The storage access key.
        * @param {string} host                              The host address.
        * @param {object} sasToken                          The Shared Access Signature token.
        constructor(storageAccount: string, storageAccessKey: string, host?: string, sasToken?: string);


        //#region Service Methods

        * Gets the properties of a storage account�s Blob service, including Azure Storage Analytics.
        getServiceProperties(callback: StorageServicePropertiesCallback): void;
        getServiceProperties(options: TimeoutIntervalOptions, callback: StorageServicePropertiesCallback): void;

        * Sets the properties of a storage account�s Blob service, including Azure Storage Analytics.
        * You can also use this operation to set the default request version for all incoming requests that do not have a version specified.
        setServiceProperties(serviceProperties: StorageServiceProperties, callback: StorageCallbackVoid): void;
        setServiceProperties(serviceProperties: StorageServiceProperties, options: TimeoutIntervalOptions, callback: StorageCallbackVoid): void;


        //#region Queue Methods

         * Lists all queues under the given account.
        listQueues(callback: ListQueuesCallback): void;
        listQueues(options: ListQueuesOptions, callback: ListQueuesCallback): void;

         * Creates a new queue under the given account.
        createQueue(queue: string, callback: StorageCallback<QueueResult>): void;
        createQueue(queue: string, options: MetadataOptions, callback: StorageCallback<QueueResult>): void;

         * Creates a new queue under the given account if it doesn't exist.
        createQueueIfNotExists(queue: string, callback: StorageCallback<boolean>): void;
        createQueueIfNotExists(queue: string, options: MetadataOptions, callback: StorageCallback<boolean>): void;

         * Permanently deletes the specified queue.
        deleteQueue(queue: string, callback: StorageCallback<boolean>): void;
        deleteQueue(queue: string, options: TimeoutIntervalOptions, callback: StorageCallback<boolean>): void;

         * Returns queue properties, including user-defined metadata.
        getQueueMetadata(queue: string, callback: StorageCallback<QueueResult>): void;
        getQueueMetadata(queue: string, options: TimeoutIntervalOptions, callback: StorageCallback<QueueResult>): void;

         * Sets user-defined metadata on the specified queue. Metadata is associated with the queue as name-value pairs.
        setQueueMetadata(queue: string, metadata: StorageMetadata, callback: StorageCallback<QueueResult>): void;
        setQueueMetadata(queue: string, metadata: StorageMetadata, options: TimeoutIntervalOptions, callback: StorageCallback<QueueResult>): void;


        //#region Message Methods

         * Adds a new message to the back of the message queue. A visibility timeout can also be specified to make the message
         * invisible until the visibility timeout expires. A message must be in a format that can be included in an XML request
         * with UTF-8 encoding. The encoded message can be up to 64KB in size for versions 2011-08-18 and newer, or 8KB in size
         * for previous versions.
        createMessage(queue: string, messageText: string, callback: StorageCallback<QueueMessageResult>): void
        createMessage(queue: string, messageText: string, options: CreateQueueMessageOptions, callback: StorageCallback<QueueMessageResult>): void

         * Retrieves a message from the queue and makes it invisible to other consumers.
        getMessages(queue: string, callback: StorageCallback<QueueMessageResult[]>): void;
        getMessages(queue: string, options: GetQueueMessagesOptions, callback: StorageCallback<QueueMessageResult[]>): void;

         * Retrieves a message from the front of the queue, without changing the message visibility.
        peekMessages(queue: string, callback: StorageCallback<QueueMessageResult[]>): void;
        peekMessages(queue: string, options: PeekQueueMessagesOptions, callback: StorageCallback<QueueMessageResult[]>): void;

         * Deletes a specified message from the queue.
        deleteMessage(queue: string, messageId: string, popreceipt: string, callback: StorageCallback<boolean>): void
        deleteMessage(queue: string, messageId: string, popreceipt: string, options: TimeoutIntervalOptions, callback: StorageCallback<boolean>): void

         * Clears all messages from the queue.
        clearMessages(queue: string, callback: StorageCallbackVoid): void;
        clearMessages(queue: string, options: TimeoutIntervalOptions, callback: StorageCallbackVoid): void;

         * Deletes a specified message from the queue.
        updateMessage(queue: string, messageId: string, popreceipt: string, visibilitytimeout: number, callback: StorageCallback<QueueMessageResult>): void
        updateMessage(queue: string, messageId: string, popreceipt: string, visibilitytimeout: number, options: UpdateQueueMessagesOptions, callback: StorageCallback<QueueMessageResult>): void


    export class ServiceBusService {


    export class SqlService {


    export class ServiceManagementService {


    export class SqlManagementService {

    //#region Service Creators
    export function createTableService(): TableService;
    export function createTableService(connectionString: string): TableService;
    export function createTableService(storageAccount: string, storageAccessKey: string, host?: string, authenticationProvider?: string): TableService;

    export function createBlobService(): BlobService;
    export function createBlobService(connectionString: string): BlobService;
    export function createBlobService(storageAccount: string, storageAccessKey: string, host?: string, authenticationProvider?: string): BlobService;

    export function createQueueService(): QueueService;
    export function createQueueService(connectionString: string): QueueService;
    export function createQueueService(storageAccount: string, storageAccessKey: string, host?: string, authenticationProvider?: string): QueueService;

    export function createServiceBusService(): ServiceBusService;
    export function createServiceBusService(connectionString: string): ServiceBusService;
    export function createServiceBusService(namespace: string, accessKey?: string, issuer?: string, acsNamespace?: string, host?: string, authenticationProvider?: string): ServiceBusService;

    export function createSqlService(serverName: string, administratorLogin: string, administratorLoginPassword: string, host?: string, acsHost?: string, authenticationProvider?: string): SqlService;

    export function createServiceManagementService(subscriptionId: string, authentication: string, hostOptions: string): ServiceManagementService;

    export function createSqlManagementService(subscriptionId: string, authentication: string, hostOptions: string): SqlManagementService;

    //#region RoleEnvironment

    interface RoleEnvironmentInterface extends events.EventEmitter {
        incorrectCallbackErr: string;
        clientId: string;
        VersionEndpointFixedPath: string;
        EnvironmentVariables: {
            [key: string]: string;
            VersionEndpointEnvironmentName: string;

         * Returns a RoleInstance object that represents the role instance
         * in which this code is currently executing.
        getCurrentRoleInstance(callback: SimpleCallback<RoleInstance>): void;

         * Returns the deployment ID that uniquely identifies the deployment in
         * which this role instance is running.
        getDeploymentId(callback: SimpleCallback<string>): void;

         * Indicates whether the role instance is running in the Microsoft Azure
         * environment.  It is good practice to enclose any code that uses 
         * service runtime in the isAvailable callback.
        isAvailable(callback: SimpleCallback<boolean>): void;

         * Indicates whether the role instance is running in the development fabric.
        isEmulated(callback: SimpleCallback<boolean>): void;

         * Returns the set of Role objects defined for your service.
         * Roles are defined in the service definition file.
        getRoles(callback: SimpleCallback<Dictionary<Role>>): void;

         * Retrieves the settings in the service configuration file.
         * A role's configuration settings are defined in the service definition file.
         * Values for configuration settings are set in the service configuration file.
         * For more information on configuration settings, see the [Service Definition Schema](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/ee758711.aspx)
         * and [Service Configuration Schema](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/ee758710.aspx).
        getConfigurationSettings(callback: SimpleCallback<Dictionary<string>>): void;

         * Retrieves the set of named local storage resources, along with the path.
         * For example, the DiagnosticStore resource which is defined for every role
         * provides a location for runtime diagnostics and logs.
        getLocalResources(callback: SimpleCallback<Dictionary<RoleLocalResource>>): void;

         * Requests that the current role instance be stopped and restarted.
         * Before the role instance is recycled, the Microsoft Azure load balancer takes the role instance out of rotation.
         * This ensures that no new requests are routed to the instance while it is restarting.
         * A call to `RequestRecycle` initiates the normal shutdown cycle. Microsoft Azure raises the
         * `Stopping` event and calls the `OnStop` method so that you can run the necessary code to
         * prepare the instance to be recycled.
        requestRecycle(callback: ErrorCallback): void;

         * Sets the status of the role instance.
         * An instance may indicate that it is in one of two states: Ready or Busy. If an instance's state is Ready, it is
         * prepared to receive requests from the load balancer. If the instance's state is Busy, it will not receive
         * requests from the load balancer.
        setStatus(roleInstanceStatus: string, expirationUtc: Date, callback: ErrorCallback): void;

         * Clears the status of the role instance.
         * An instance may indicate that it has completed communicating status by calling this method.
        clearStatus(callback: ErrorCallback): void;

    export var RoleEnvironment: RoleEnvironmentInterface;


    //#region Export of internal classes
    export class WebResource {
        rawResponse: boolean;
        queryString: Dictionary<string>;


        get(path: string): WebResource;
        put(path: string): WebResource;
        post(path: string): WebResource;
        merge(path: string): WebResource;
        head(path: string): WebResource;
        del(path: string): WebResource;

        withProperty(name: string, value: string): WebResource;
        withRawResponse(rawResponse: boolean): WebResource;
        withHeadersOnly(headersOnly: boolean): WebResource;
        withQueryOption(name: string, value: string, defaultValue: string): WebResource;
        withQueryOptions(queryOptions: Dictionary<string>): WebResource;
        withHeader(name: string, value: string): WebResource;
        withHeaders(headers: Dictionary<string>): WebResource;
        withBody(body: any): WebResource;
        addOptionalMetadataHeaders(metadata: StorageMetadata): WebResource;

        validResponse(statusCode: number): boolean;
        pipeInput(inputStream: stream.Stream, destStream: stream.Stream): stream.Stream;

    export class ServiceClient extends events.EventEmitter {
        static EnvironmentVariables: any;
        static DEVSTORE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT: string;
        static DEVSTORE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY: string;
        static DEVSTORE_BLOB_HOST: string;
        static DEVSTORE_QUEUE_HOST: string;
        static DEVSTORE_TABLE_HOST: string;
        static CLOUD_BLOB_HOST: string;
        static CLOUD_QUEUE_HOST: string;
        static CLOUD_TABLE_HOST: string;
        static CLOUD_SERVICEBUS_HOST: string;
        static CLOUD_ACCESS_CONTROL_HOST: string;
        static CLOUD_SERVICE_MANAGEMENT_HOST: string;
        static CLOUD_DATABASE_HOST: string;
        static DEFAULT_SERVICEBUS_ISSUER: string;
        static DEFAULT_WRAP_NAMESPACE_SUFFIX: string;
        static DEFAULT_PROTOCOL: string;

        constructor(host: string, authenticationProvider: any);

        setHost(host: string): void;
        performRequest(webResource: WebResource, outputData: string, options: any, callback: Function): void;
        performRequestOutputStream(webResource: WebResource, outputStream: any, options: any, callback: Function): void;
        performRequestInputStream(webResource: WebResource, outputData: string, inputStream: any, options: any, callback: Function): void;
        withFilter(newFilter: Filter): ServiceClient;
        parseMetadataHeaders(headers: any): any;
        isEmulated(): boolean;
        setProxy(proxyUrl: string, proxyPort: number): void;

    export class BatchServiceClient extends StorageServiceClient {
        operations: any[];

        constructor(storageAccount: string, storageAccessKey: string, host: string, usePathstyleUri: boolean, authenticationProvider: any);
        beginBatch(): void;
        isInBatch(): boolean;
        rollback(): void;
        hasOperations(): boolean;
        addOperation(webResource: WebResource, outputData: any): void;
        commitBatch(callback: (error: any, operationResponses: any[], response: any) => void): void;
        commitBatch(options: any, callback: (error: any, operationResponses: any[], response: any) => void): void;
        processResponse(responseObject: any, requestOperations: any[]): any[];
        processOperation(webResource: WebResource, rawResponse: string): any;

    export class ServiceManagementClient {


    export class TableQuery {
        static select(...fields: string[]): TableQuery;
        from(table: string): TableQuery;
        whereKeys(partitionKey: string, rowKey: string): TableQuery;
        whereNextKeys(partitionKey: string, rowKey: string): TableQuery;
        where(condition: string, ...values: string[]): TableQuery;
        and(condition: string, ...arguments: string[]): TableQuery;
        or(condition: string, ...arguments: string[]): TableQuery;
        top(integer: number): TableQuery;
        toQueryObject(): any;
        toPath(): string;

    export class BlobResult {
        blob: string;
        container: string;

        etag: string;
        lastModified: string;
        contentType: string;
        contentEncoding: string;
        contentLanguage: string;
        contentMD5: string;
        cacheControl: string;
        contentRange: string;
        contentTypeHeader: string;
        contentEncodingHeader: string;
        contentLanguageHeader: string;
        contentMD5Header: string;
        cacheControlHeader: string;
        contentLength: number;
        contentLengthHeader: number;
        contentDisposition: string;
        contentDispositionHeader: string;
        range: string;
        rangeHeader: string;
        getContentMd5: string;
        acceptRanges: string;
        blobType: string;
        leaseStatus: string;
        leaseId: string;
        leaseDuration: string;
        leaseState: string;
        sequenceNumber: string;
        copyStatus: string;
        copyCompletionTime: string;
        copyStatusDescription: string;
        copyId: string;
        copyProgress: number;
        requestId: string;

        metadata: StorageMetadata;

        constructor(container: string);
        constructor(container: string, blob: string);

        static parse(blobXml: any): BlobResult;
        static setHeadersFromBlob(webResource: WebResource, blob: BlobResult): void;

        getPropertiesFromHeaders(headers: any): void;

    export class ContainerResult {
        name: string;
        publicAccessLevel: string;

        etag: string;
        lastModified: string;
        leaseStatus: string;
        leaseDuration: string;
        leaseState: string;
        requestId: string;

        metadata: StorageMetadata;
        signedIdentifiers: SignedIdentifier[];

        constructor(name: string);
        constructor(name: string, publicAccessLevel: string);

        static parse(containerXml: any): ContainerResult;

        getPropertiesFromHeaders(headers: any): void;

    export class LeaseResult {
        container: string;
        blob: string;
        id: string;
        time: string;
        etag: string;
        lastModified: string;

        constructor(container: string);
        constructor(container: string, blob: string);
        constructor(container: string, blob: string, id: string);
        constructor(container: string, blob: string, id: string, time: string);

        getPropertiesFromHeaders(header: any): void;

    export class QueueResult {
        name: string;
        metadata: StorageMetadata;
        approximatemessagecount: number;

        constructor(name: string);
        constructor(name: string, metadata: StorageMetadata);

        static parse(messageXml: any): QueueResult;

        getPropertiesFromHeaders(headers: any): void;

    export class QueueMessageResult {
        queue: string;
        insertiontime: string;
        expirationtime: string;
        timenextvisible: string;
        messagetext: string;
        dequeuecount: string;
        messageid: string;
        popreceipt: string;
        metadata: StorageMetadata;

        constructor(queue: string);
        constructor(queue: string, messageid: string);
        constructor(queue: string, messageid: string, popreceipt: string);
        constructor(queue: string, messageid: string, popreceipt: string, metadata: StorageMetadata);

        static serialize(messageJs: string): string;
        static parse(messageXml: any): QueueMessageResult;

        getPropertiesFromHeaders(headers: any): void;

    export class SpeedSummary {
        name: string;
        totalSize: number;
        completeSize: number;

        _startTime: Date;
        _timeWindowInSeconds: number;
        _timeWindow: number;
        _totalWindowSize: number;
        _speedTracks: number[];
        _speedTrackPtr: number;

        constructor(name: string);

         * Get running seconds
        getElapsedSeconds(): string;
        getElapsedSeconds(humanReadable: boolean): number;

         * Get complete percentage
        getCompletePercent(): number;
        getCompletePercent(len: number): number;

         * Get average upload/download speed
        getAverageSpeed(): string;
        getAverageSpeed(humanReadable: boolean): number;

         * Get internal speed
        getSpeed(): string;
        getSpeed(humanReadable: boolean): number;

         * Get auto increment function
        getSpeed(size: number): (error: Error, value: any) => void;

         * Get total size
        getTotalSize(): string;
        getTotalSize(humanReadable: boolean): number;

         * Get completed data size
        getCompleteSize(): string;
        getCompleteSize(humanReadable: boolean): number;

    export module Constants {


    export interface Filter {
        handle(requestOptions: any, next: Function): void;

    export class LinearRetryPolicyFilter implements Filter {
        constructor(retryCount?: number, retryInterval?: number);
        retryCount: number;
        retryInterval: number;
        handle(requestOptions: any, next: Function): void;

    export class ExponentialRetryPolicyFilter implements Filter {
        constructor(retryCount?: number, retryInterval?: number, minRetryInterval?: number, maxRetryInterval?: number);
        retryCount: number;
        retryInterval: number;
        minRetryInterval: number;
        maxRetryInterval: number;
        handle(requestOptions: any, next: Function): void;

    export class HmacSha256Sign {


    export class SharedAccessSignature {
        storageAccount: string;
        storageAccessKey: string;
        permissionSet: string[];
        signer: HmacSha256Sign;

        constructor(storageAccount: string, storageAccessKey: string, permissionSet: string[])

         * Generates the query string for a shared access signature signing.
        generateSignedQueryString(path: string, queryString: Dictionary<string>, resourceType: string, sharedAccessPolicy: SharedAccessPolicy): Dictionary<string>;

         * Signs a request with the signature header.
        signRequest(webResource: WebResource, callback: ErrorCallback): void;

         * Generates the shared access signature for a resource.
        _generateSignature(path: string, resourceType: string, sharedAccessPolicy: SharedAccessPolicy): string;

         * Generates the query string for a shared access signature signing.
        _permissionMatchesRequest(sharedAccessSignature: string, webResource: WebResource, resourceType: string, requiredPermissions: string[]): string;

    export class SharedKey {
        storageAccount: string;
        storageAccessKey: string;
        usePathStyleUri: string;
        signer: HmacSha256Sign;

        constructor(storageAccount: string, storageAccessKey: string, usePathStyleUri: boolean);

         * Signs a request with the Authentication header.
        signRequest(webResource: WebResource, callback: ErrorCallback): void;

         * Retrieves the webresource's canonicalized resource string.
        _getCanonicalizedResource(webResource: WebResource): string;

         * Constructs the Canonicalized Headers string.
         * To construct the CanonicalizedHeaders portion of the signature string,
         * follow these steps: 1. Retrieve all headers for the resource that begin
         * with x-ms-, including the x-ms-date header. 2. Convert each HTTP header
         * name to lowercase. 3. Sort the headers lexicographically by header name,
         * in ascending order. Each header may appear only once in the
         * string. 4. Unfold the string by replacing any breaking white space with a
         * single space. 5. Trim any white space around the colon in the header. 6.
         * Finally, append a new line character to each canonicalized header in the
         * resulting list. Construct the CanonicalizedHeaders string by
         * concatenating all headers in this list into a single string.
        _getCanonicalizedHeaders(webResource: WebResource): string;

    export class SharedKeyLite {
        storageAccount: string;
        storageAccessKey: string;
        usePathStyleUri: string;
        signer: HmacSha256Sign;

        constructor(storageAccount: string, storageAccessKey: string, usePathStyleUri: boolean);

         * Signs a request with the Authentication header.
        signRequest(webResource: WebResource, callback: ErrorCallback): void;

         * Retrieves the webresource's canonicalized resource string.
        _getCanonicalizedResource(webResource: WebResource): string;

         * Constructs the Canonicalized Headers string.
         * To construct the CanonicalizedHeaders portion of the signature string,
         * follow these steps: 1. Retrieve all headers for the resource that begin
         * with x-ms-, including the x-ms-date header. 2. Convert each HTTP header
         * name to lowercase. 3. Sort the headers lexicographically by header name,
         * in ascending order. Each header may appear only once in the
         * string. 4. Unfold the string by replacing any breaking white space with a
         * single space. 5. Trim any white space around the colon in the header. 6.
         * Finally, append a new line character to each canonicalized header in the
         * resulting list. Construct the CanonicalizedHeaders string by
         * concatenating all headers in this list into a single string.
        _getCanonicalizedHeaders(webResource: WebResource): string;

    export class SharedKeyTable {
        storageAccount: string;
        storageAccessKey: string;
        usePathStyleUri: string;
        signer: HmacSha256Sign;

        constructor(storageAccount: string, storageAccessKey: string, usePathStyleUri: boolean);

         * Signs a request with the Authentication header.
        signRequest(webResource: WebResource, callback: ErrorCallback): void;

         * Retrieves the webresource's canonicalized resource string.
        _getCanonicalizedResource(webResource: WebResource): string;

    export class SharedKeyLiteTable {
        torageAccount: string;
        storageAccessKey: string;
        usePathStyleUri: string;
        signer: HmacSha256Sign;

        constructor(storageAccount: string, storageAccessKey: string, usePathStyleUri: boolean);

         * Signs a request with the Authentication header.
        signRequest(webResource: WebResource, callback: ErrorCallback): void;

         * Retrieves the webresource's canonicalized resource string.
        _getCanonicalizedResource(webResource: WebResource): string;

    export module ISO8061Date {
         * Formats a date into an iso 8061 string.
        export function format(date: Date): string;

         * Parses an ISO 8061 date string into a date object.
        export function parse(stringDateTime: string): Date;

    export class Logger {
        level: string;
        loggerFunction: (level: string, message: string) => void;

        static LogLevels: {
            EMERGENCY: string;
            ALERT: string;
            CRITICAL: string;
            ERROR: string;
            WARNING: string;
            NOTICE: string;
            INFO: string;
            DEBUG: string;
        static logPriority: string[];

        log(level: string, message: string): void;
        emergency(message: string): void;
        alert(message: string): void;
        critical(message: string): void;
        error(message: string): void;
        warning(message: string): void;
        notice(message: string): void;
        info(message: string): void;
        debug(message: string): void;

        defaultLoggerFunction(level: string, message: string): void;

    export class ConnectionStringParser {
        _value: string;
        _pos: number;
        _state: string;

        constructor(connectionString: string);

        _parse(options: ConnectionStringParseOptions): Dictionary<string>;

        _extractKey(): string;
        _extractString(quote: string): string;
        _extractValue(): string;

        _skipWhitespaces(): void;
        _skipOperator(operator: string): void;

        static parse(connectionString: string): Dictionary<string>;

    export module ServiceSettings {
        export var DEFAULT_PROTOCOL: string;

        export class NoMatchError implements Error {
            name: string;
            message: string;
            constr: any;

            constructor(message: string);
            constructor(message: string, constr: any);

         * Throws an exception if the connection string format does not match any of the
         * available formats.
        export function noMatchConnectionString(connectionString: string): void;

         * Throws an exception if the settings dont match any of the available formats.
        export function noMatchSettings(settings: any): void;

         * Parses the connection string and then validate that the parsed keys belong to
         * the validSettingKeys
        export function parseAndValidateKeys(connectionString: string, validKeys: string[]): string[];

         * Creates an anonymous function that acts as predicate to perform a validation.
        export function getValidator(requirements: Dictionary<Requirement>, isRequired: boolean, atLeastOne: boolean): ValidatorFunction;

         * Creates a setting value condition that validates it is one of the passed valid values.
        export function setting(name: string): string[];

         * Creates an "at least one" predicate for the provided list of requirements.
        export function atLeastOne(...args: any[]): ValidatorFunction;

         * Creates an optional predicate for the provided list of requirements.
        export function optional(...args: any[]): ValidatorFunction;

         * Creates an required predicate for the provided list of requirements.
        export function allRequired(...args: any[]): ValidatorFunction;

         * Creates a setting value condition using the passed predicate.
        export function settingWithFunc(name: string, predicate: Function): Requirement[];

         * Tests to see if a given list of settings matches a set of filters exactly.
        export function matchedSpecification(settings: Dictionary<any>): boolean;

         * Tests to see if a given list of settings matches a set of filters exactly.
        export function parseHost(uri: string): url.Url;

    export class StorageServiceSettings {
        _name: string;
        _key: string;
        _blobEndpointUri: string;
        _queueEndpointUri: string;
        _tableEndpointUri: string;
        _usePathStyleUri: boolean;

        constructor(name: string, key: string, blobEndpointUri: string, queueEndpointUri: string, tableEndpointUri: string, usePathStyleUri: boolean);

         * Returns a StorageServiceSettings with development storage credentials using
         * the specified proxy Uri.
        static _getDevelopmentStorageAccount(): StorageServiceSettings;
        static _getDevelopmentStorageAccount(proxy: string): StorageServiceSettings;

         * Gets a StorageServiceSettings object that references the development storage
         * account.
        static getDevelopmentStorageAccountSettings(): StorageServiceSettings;

         * Gets the default service endpoint using the specified protocol and account
         * name.
        static _getDefaultServiceEndpoint(settings: Dictionary<string>, dns: string): string;

         * Creates StorageServiceSettings object given endpoints uri.
        static _createStorageServiceSettings(settings: Dictionary<string>, blobEndpointUri: string, queueEndpointUri: string, tableEndpointUri: string): StorageServiceSettings;

         * Creates a ServiceBusSettings object from a set of settings.
        static createFromSettings(settings: Dictionary<string>): StorageServiceSettings;

         * Creates a StorageServiceSettings object from the given connection string.
        static createFromConnectionString(connectionString: string): StorageServiceSettings;

        static createExplicitlyOrFromEnvironment(storageAccount: string, storageAccessKey: string, host: string): StorageServiceSettings;

        static isDevelopmentStorage(storageAccount: string, storageAccessKey: string, parsedHost: string): boolean;

        static createFromConfig(config: any): StorageServiceSettings;

        static customizeConfig(config: any): void;

    export class ServiceBusSettings {


    export class ServiceManagementSettinsg {


    export module Validate {
         * Checks if the given uri is valid or not.
        export function isValidUri(uri: string): boolean;

         * Validates that a clusterCreationObject is properly formed.
        export function isValidHDInsightCreationObject(clusterCreationObject: ClusterCreationOptions): void;
        export function isValidHDInsightCreationObject(clusterCreationObject: ClusterCreationOptions, callback: ErrorCallback): void;

        export function isValidUuid(uuid: string): void;
        export function isValidUuid(uuid: string, callback: ErrorCallback): void;

         * Creates a anonymous function that check if a given key is base 64 encoded.
        export function isBase64Encoded(key: string): boolean;

         * Validates a function.
        export function isValidFunction(functionObject: any, functionName: string): void;

         * Validates that a Service Bus namespace name
         * is legally allowable. Does not check availability.
        export function namespaceNameIsValid(name: string): boolean;
        export function namespaceNameIsValid(name: string, callback: ErrorCallback): boolean;

         * Validates a container name.
        export function containerNameIsValid(containerName: string): boolean;
        export function containerNameIsValid(containerName: string, callback: ErrorCallback): boolean;

         * Validates a blob name.
        export function blobNameIsValid(containerName: string, blob: string): boolean;
        export function blobNameIsValid(containerName: string, blob: string, callback: ErrorCallback): boolean;

         * Validates a table name.
        export function tableNameIsValid(tableName: string): boolean;
        export function tableNameIsValid(tableName: string, callback: ErrorCallback): boolean;

         * Validates a queue name.
        export function queueNameIsValid(queueName: string): boolean;
        export function queueNameIsValid(queueName: string, callback: ErrorCallback): boolean;

        export function pageRangesAreValid(rangeStart: number, rangeEnd: number, writeBlockSizeInBytes: number): boolean;
        export function pageRangesAreValid(rangeStart: number, rangeEnd: number, writeBlockSizeInBytes: number, callback: ErrorCallback): boolean;

        export function validateArgs(functionName: string, validationRules: Function): boolean;

    export module date {
         * Generates a Date object which is in the given days from now.
        export function daysFromNow(days: number): Date;

         * Generates a Date object which is in the given hours from now.
        export function hoursFromNow(hours: number): Date;

         * Generates a Date object which is in the given minutes from now.
        export function minutesFromNow(minutes: number): Date;

         * Generates a Date object which is in the given seconds from now.
        export function secondsFromNow(seconds: number): Date;

    //#region Non-explicit, undeclared interfaces
    export interface WebResponse {
        isSuccessful: boolean;
        statusCode: number;
        body: {
            entry: {
                id: string;
                title: any;
                updated: string;
                author: {
                    name: any;
                link: any;
                category: any;
                content: any;
        headers: any;
        md5: any;

    //#region Common Interfaces
    export interface SimpleCallback<T> {
        (error: Error, result: T): void;
    export interface ErrorCallback {
        (error: Error): void;
    export interface StorageCallbackVoid {
        (err: Error, response: WebResponse): void;
    export interface StorageCallback<T> {
        (err: Error, result: T, response: WebResponse): void;
    export interface StorageServiceStatsCallback extends StorageCallback<StorageServiceStats> { }
    export interface StorageServicePropertiesCallback extends StorageCallback<StorageServiceProperties> { }

    export interface TimeoutIntervalOptions {
        locationMode?: string;
        timeoutIntervalInMs?: number;
        maximumExecutionTimeInMs?: number;
    export interface MetadataOptions extends TimeoutIntervalOptions {
        metadata?: StorageMetadata;
    export interface StorageAclOptions extends TimeoutIntervalOptions {
        leaseId?: string;
        signedIdentifiers: SignedIdentifier[]

    export interface Dictionary<T> {
        [key: string]: T;
    export interface StorageServiceProperties {
        Logging: {
            Version: number;
            Delete: boolean;
            Read: boolean;
            Write: boolean;
            RetentionPolicy: {
                Enabled: boolean;
                Days: number;
        Metrics: {
            Version: number;
            Enabled: boolean;
            IncludeAPIs: boolean;
            RetentionPolicy: {
                Enabled: boolean;
                Days: number;
        DefaultServiceVersion: string;
    export interface StorageServiceStats {
        GeoReplication: {
            Status: string;
            LastSyncTime: Date;
    export interface SignedIdentifier {
        Id: string;
        AccessPolicy: SharedAccessPolicy;
    export interface StorageMetadata {
        [key: string]: string;
    export interface ContinuationToken {
        nextMarker: string;
        targetLocation: string;
    export interface SharedAccessPolicy {
        Id?: string;
        AccessPolicy: {
            Start?: Date;
            Expiry: Date;
            Permission?: string;
    //#region TableService Interfaces
    export interface TableRequestCallback {
        (error: Error, tableResult: { TableName: string; }, response: WebResponse): void;

    export interface CreateTableIfNotExistsCallback {
        (error: Error, created: boolean, response: WebResponse): void;

    export interface DeleteTableCallback {
        (error: Error, successful: boolean, response: WebResponse): void;

    export interface QueryTablesCallback {
        (error: Error, queryTablesResult: TableResult[], resultsContinuation: QueryResultContinuation, response: WebResponse): void;

    export interface QueryResultContinuation {
        tableService: TableService;

    export interface QueryTablesOptions extends TimeoutIntervalOptions {
        nextTableName?: string;

    export interface TableResult {
        TableName: string;

    export interface QueryEntityCallback {
        (error: Error, entity: Entity, response: WebResponse): void;

    export interface QueryEntitiesCallback {
        (error: Error, entities: Entity[], resultContinuation: QueryEntitiesResultContinuation, response: WebResponse): void;

    export interface QueryEntitiesResultContinuation extends QueryResultContinuation {
        tableQuery: TableQuery;
        nextPartitionKey: string;
        nextRowKey: string;
        getNextPage(callback?: QueryEntitiesCallback): void;
        hasNextPage(): boolean;

    export interface ModifyEntityCallback {
        (error: Error, entity: Entity, response: WebResponse): void;

    export interface DeleteEntityCallback {
        (error: Error, successful: boolean, response: WebResponse): void;

    export interface UpdateEntityOptions extends TimeoutIntervalOptions {
        checkEtag?: boolean;

    export interface Entity {
        PartitionKey: string;
        RowKey: string;
        Timestamp?: Date;
        etag?: string;
    //#region BlobService Interfaces
    export interface LeaseIdOptions extends TimeoutIntervalOptions {
        leaseId?: string;
    export interface AccessConditionsOptions extends TimeoutIntervalOptions {
        accessConditions?: StorageAccessCondition;
    export interface LeaseAccessConditionsOptions extends LeaseIdOptions {
        accessConditions?: StorageAccessCondition;

    export interface ListContainersOptions extends TimeoutIntervalOptions {
        prefix?: string;
        maxresults?: number;
        marker: string;
        include?: string;
    export interface ListContainersCallback {
        (err: Error, containers: ContainerResult[], continuationToken: ContinuationToken, response: WebResponse): void;
    export interface CreateContainerOptions extends TimeoutIntervalOptions {
        metadata?: StorageMetadata;
        publicAccessLevel?: string;
    export interface GetContainerPropertiesOptions extends TimeoutIntervalOptions {
        leaseId?: string;
    export interface GetContainerMetadataOptions extends GetContainerPropertiesOptions {
        accessConditions?: StorageAccessCondition;

    export interface ListBlobsOptions extends ListContainersOptions {
        prefix?: string;
        delimiter?: string;
    export interface ListBlobsCallback {
        (err: Error, blobs: BlobResult[], continuationToken: ContinuationToken, response: WebResponse): void;
    export interface GetBlobPropertiesOptions extends LeaseAccessConditionsOptions {
        snapshotId?: string;
    export interface SetBlobPropertiesOptions extends LeaseAccessConditionsOptions {
        contentType?: string;
        contentEncoding?: string;
        contentLanguage?: string;
        contentMD5?: string;
        cacheControl?: string;
        contentDisposition?: string;
    export interface ReadBlobOptions extends GetBlobPropertiesOptions {
        rangeStart?: string;
        rangeEnd?: string;
        useTransactionalMD5?: boolean;
        disableContentMD5Validation?: boolean;
    export interface GetBlobToTextCallback {
        (err: Error, text: string, result: BlobResult, response: WebResponse): void;
    export interface DeleteBlobOptions extends GetBlobPropertiesOptions {
        deleteSnapshots?: string;
    export interface BlobSnapshotOptions extends GetBlobPropertiesOptions {
        metadata?: StorageMetadata;
    export interface CopyBlobOptions extends BlobSnapshotOptions {
        sourceLeaseId?: string;
        sourceAccessConditions: StorageAccessCondition;

    export interface UploadBlobOptions extends SetBlobPropertiesOptions {
        metadata?: StorageMetadata;
        speedSummary?: SpeedSummary;
        parallelOperationThreadCount?: number;
        storeBlobContentMD5?: boolean;
        useTransactionalMD5?: boolean;
    export interface CreatePagesOptions extends LeaseAccessConditionsOptions {
        contentMD5?: string;
        useTransactionalMD5?: boolean;
    export interface PageRangeOptions extends LeaseIdOptions {
        snapshotId?: string;
        rangeStart?: number;
        rangeEnd?: number;

    export interface UploadBlockBlobOptions extends UploadBlobOptions {
        blockIdPrefix?: string;
    export interface CreateBlockOptions extends LeaseAccessConditionsOptions {
        contentMD5?: string;
        useTransactionalMD5?: boolean;

    export interface LeaseOptions extends AccessConditionsOptions {
        leaseDuration?: string;
        proposedLeaseId?: string;
    export interface BreakLeaseOptions extends AccessConditionsOptions {
        leaseBreakPeriod?: number;

    export interface SharedAccessSignatureResult {
        baseUrl: string;
        path: string;
        queryString: {
            se: string;
            sp: string;
            sr: string;
            sv: string;
            sig: string;
        url: () => string;
    export interface BlobHeaders {
        cacheControl?: string;
        contentType?: string;
        contentEncoding?: string;
        contentLanguage?: string;
        contentDisposition?: string;
    export interface PageRange {
        start: number;
        end: number;
    export interface BlockList {
        LatestBlocks: string[];
        CommittedBlocks: string[];
        UncommittedBlocks: string[];
    export interface StorageAccessCondition {
        "If-Modified-Since": Date;
        "If-Unmodified-Since": Date;
        "If-Match": string;
        "If-None-Match": string;
    //#region QueueService Interfaces
    export interface ListQueuesOptions extends TimeoutIntervalOptions {
        prefix?: string;
        maxresults?: number;
        marker: string;
        include?: string;
    export interface ListQueuesCallback {
        (err: Error, queues: QueueResult[], continuationToken: ContinuationToken, response: WebResponse): void;

    export interface CreateQueueMessageOptions extends TimeoutIntervalOptions {
        messagettl?: number;
        visibilitytimeout?: number;
    export interface PeekQueueMessagesOptions extends TimeoutIntervalOptions {
        numofmessages?: number;
    export interface GetQueueMessagesOptions extends PeekQueueMessagesOptions {
        peekonly?: boolean;
        visibilitytimeout?: number;
    export interface UpdateQueueMessagesOptions extends TimeoutIntervalOptions {
        messagetext?: string;

    //#region RoleEnvironment Interfaces
    export interface Role {
        name: string;
        instances: {
            [instanceId: string]: RoleInstance;
    export interface RoleInstance {
        id: string;
        faultDomain: string;
        updateDomain: string;
        endpoints: {
            [endpoint: string]: RoleInstanceEndpoint
    export interface RoleInstanceEndpoint {
        protocol: string;
        address: string;
        port: number;
    export interface RoleLocalResource {
        name: string;
        path: string;
        maximumSizeInMegabytes: number;
    //#region ConnectionStringParser Interfaces
    export interface ConnectionStringParseOptions {
        skipLowerCase: boolean;
    //#region Validate Interfaces
    export interface ClusterCreationOptions {
        name: string;
        location: string;
        defaultStorageAccountName: string;
        defaultStorageAccountKey: string;
        defaultStorageContainer: string;
        user: string;
        password: string;
        nodes: number;
        additionalStorageAccounts?: {
            name: string;
            key: string;
        oozieMetastore?: {
            server: string;
            database: string;
            user: string;
            password: string;
        hiveMetastore?: {
            server: string;
            database: string;
            user: string;
            password: string;
    //#region ServiceSettings Interfaces
    export interface Requirement {
        SettingName: string;
        SettingPredicate: Function;
    export interface ValidatorFunction {
        (userSettings: Dictionary<any>): any;

    //#region Un-exported internal classes
    class StorageServiceClient extends ServiceClient {
        static incorrectStorageAccountErr: string;
        static incorrectStorageAccessKeyErr: string;
        static getStorageSettings(connectionString: string): StorageServiceSettings;
        static getStorageSettings(storageAccount?: string, storageAccessKey?: string, host?: string): StorageServiceSettings;

        apiVersion: string;
        usePathStyleUri: string;

        constructor(storageAccount: string, storageAccessKey: string, host: string, usePathStyleUri: boolean, authenticationProvider: any);

    export function isEmulated(): boolean;