-- TODO: Add open properties to the ABNF
-- TODO: integrate the various formats into this (at least both JSONs, and possibly also Atom).
The following Augmented Backus–Naur Form (ABNF) details the construction rules for OData Uris that target OData services that follow the Uri Conventions specified in this document.
WSP = ; core to ABNF, see [RFC5234]
DIGIT = ; core to ABNF, see [RFC5234]
HEXDIG = ; core to ABNF, see [RFC5234]
ALPHA = ; core to ABNF, see [RFC5234]
pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" ; see [RFC3986]
unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" ; see [RFC3986]
pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG ; see [RFC3986]
sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "=" ; see [RFC3986]
SQUOTE = %x27 ; ' (single quote)
EQ = %x3D ; = (equal sign)
SEMI = %x3B ; ; (semicolon)
SP = %x20 ; (single-width horizontal space character)
COMMA = %x2C ; , (comma)
nan = "NaN"
negativeInfinity = "-INF"
positiveInfinity = "INF"
nanInfinity = nan / negativeInfinity / positiveInfinity
DIGIT = ; core to ABNF, see [RFC5234]
UTF8-char = ; see [RFC3629]
year = 4*DIGIT;
oneToNine = "1" / "2" / "3" / "4" / "5" / "6" / "7" / "8" / "9"
zeroToTwelve = [ "0" ] oneToNine /
"1" ( "0" / "1" / "2" )
zeroToThirteen = zeroToTwelve / "13"
zeroToSixty = [ "0" ] oneToNine /
( "1" / "2" / "3" / "4" / "5" ) DIGIT /
zeroToThirtyOne = [ "0" ] oneToNine /
( "1" / "2" ) DIGIT /
"30" /
zeroToTwentyFour = [ "0" ] oneToNine /
"1" DIGIT /
"2" ( "1" / "2" / "3" / "4" )
month = zeroToTwelve
day = zeroToThirtyOne
hour = zeroToTwentyFour
minute = zeroToSixty
second = zeroToSixty
nanoSeconds = 1*7DIGIT
sign = "+" / "-"
begin-object = "{"
end-object = "}"
value-separator = COMMA
name-separator = ":"
star = "*"
odataIdentifier = 1*479pchar
namespacePart = odataIdentifier
namespace = namespacePart *("." namespacePart)
entitySetName = odataIdentifier
; identifies by name an entity set
entityTypeName = odataIdentifier
; identifies by name an entity type
complexTypeName = odataIdentifier
; identifies by name a complex type
operationQualifier = [ namespace "." ] entityContainerName "."
allOperationsInContainer = operationQualifier "*"
qualifiedTypeName = qualifiedEntityTypeName /
qualifiedComplexTypeName /
primitiveTypeName /
"collection(" (
qualifiedEntityTypeName /
qualifiedComplexTypeName /
) ")"
qualifiedEntityTypeName = namespace "." entityTypeName
qualifiedComplexTypeName = namespace "." complexTypeName
primitiveTypeName = ["edm."] (
"binary" /
"boolean" /
"byte" /
"datetime" /
"decimal" /
"double" /
"single" /
"float" /
"guid" /
"int16" /
"int32" /
"int64" /
"sbyte" /
"string" /
"time" /
"datetimeoffset" /
"stream" /
concreteSpatialTypeName /
concreteSpatialTypeName = "point" /
"linestring" /
"polygon" /
"geographycollection" /
"multipoint" /
"multilinedtring" /
"multipolygon" /
"geometricpoint" /
"geometriclinestring" /
"geometricpolygon" /
"geometrycollection" /
"geometricmultipoint" /
"geometricmultilinestring" /
"geometricmultipolygon" /
abstractSpatialTypeName = "geography" /
primitiveKeyProperty = odataIdentifier
; that identifies a primitive property of an entity type that is part of the key of that entity type
primitiveNonKeyProperty = odataIdentifier
; that identifies a primitive Property on the current entity type or complex type.
primitiveColProperty = odataIdentifier
; that identifies a property that is a collection of primitive types.
complexProperty = odataIdentifier
; that identifies a complex type property on the current entity type or complex type
complexColProperty = odataIdentifier
; that identifies a property that is a collection of a complex type
streamProperty = odataIdentifier
; that identifies a stream Property on the current entity type
propertyName = primitiveKeyProperty /
primitiveNonKeyProperty /
primitiveColProperty /
complexProperty /
complexColProperty /
entityContainerName = odataIdentifier
serviceOperation = entityServiceOp /
entityColServiceOp /
complexServiceOp /
complexColServiceOp /
primitiveServiceOp /
entityServiceOp = odataIdentifier
entityColServiceOp = odataIdentifier
complexServiceOp = odataIdentifier
complexColServiceOp = odataIdentifier
primitiveServiceOp = odataIdentifier
primitiveColServiceOp = odataIdentitier
entityNavigationProperty = odataIdentifier
entityColNavigationProperty = odataIdentifier
navigationProperty = entityNavigationProperty / entityColNavigationProperty
entityFunction = odataIdentifier
; identifies by name a function that returns an entity
entityColFunction = odataIdentifier
; identifies by name a function that returns a collection of entities
complexFunction = odataIdentifier
; identifies by name a function that returns a complex type instance
complexColFunction = odataIdentifier
; identifies by name a function that returns a collection of complex type instances
primitiveFunction = odataIdentifier
; identifies by name a function that returns a primitive value
primitiveColFunction = odataIdentitier
; identifies by name a function that returns a collection of primitive values
function = entityFunction /
entityColFunction /
complexFunction /
complexColFunction /
primitiveFunction /
fullEntityFunction = [ operationQualifier ] entityFunction
; operationQualifier is only optional if the entityFunction alone is unambiguous
fullEntityColFunction = [ operationQualifier ] entityColFunction
; operationQualifier is only optional if the entityColFunction alone is unambiguous
fullComplexFunction = [ operationQualifier ] complexFunction
; operationQualifier is only optional if the complexFunction alone is unambiguous
fullComplexColFunction = [ operationQualifier ] complexColFunction
; operationQualifier is only optional if the complexColFunction alone is unambiguous
fullPrimitiveFunction = [ operationQualifier ] primitiveFunction
; operationQualifier is only optional if the primitiveFunction alone is unambiguous
fullPrimitiveColFunction = [ operationQualifier ] primitiveColFunction
; operationQualifier is only optional if the primitiveColFunction alone is unambiguous
fullFunction = fullEntityFunction /
fullEntityColFunction /
fullComplexFunction /
fullComplexColFunction /
fullPrimitiveFunction /
entityAction = odataIdentifier
; identifies by name an action that returns an entity
entityColAction = odataIdentifier
; identifies by name an action that returns a collection of entities
complexAction = odataIdentifier
; identifies by name an action that returns a complex type instance
complexColAction = odataIdentifier
; identifies by name an action that returns a collection of complex type instances
primitiveAction = odataIdentifier
; identifies by name an action that returns a primitive value
primitiveColAction = odataIdentifier
; identifies by name an action that returns a collection of primitive values
voidAction = odataIdentifier
; identifies by name an action
action = entityAction /
entityColAction /
complexAction /
complexColAction /
primitiveAction /
primitiveColAction /
fullAction = [ operationQualifier ] action
boundAction = fullAction
; just like 'action' but with the additional restriction that the action MUST support binding (i.e. IsBindable = true)
qualifiedActionName = fullActionName
; used in $select
qualifiedFunctionName = fullFunction [ "(" parameterTypeNames ")" ]
; the parameterTypeNames are required to uniquely identify the Function
; only if the Function in question has overloads.
parameterTypeNames = [ parameterTypeName *( "," parameterTypeName ) ]
; the types of all the parameters to the corresponding functionImport
; in the order they are declared in the function import
parameterTypeName = qualifiedTypeName
primitiveLiteral = null /
binary /
boolean /
byte /
dateTime /
dateTimeOffset /
decimal /
double /
geography /
geographyCollection /
geographyLineString /
geographyMultiLineString /
geographyMultiPoint /
geographyMultiPolygon /
geographyPoint /
geographyPolygon /
geometry /
geometryCollection /
geometryLineString /
geometryMultiLineString /
geometryMultiPoint /
geometryMultiPolygon /
geometryPoint /
geometryPolygon /
guid /
int16 /
int32 /
int64 /
sbyte /
single /
string /
null = "null" [ "'" qualifiedTypeName "'" ]
; The optional qualifiedTypeName is used to specify what type this null value should be considered.
; Knowing the type is useful for function overload resolution purposes.
binary = ( %d88 / "binary" )
; note: "X" is case sensitive "binary" is not hence using the character code.
boolean = ( "true" / "1" ) /
( "false" / "0" )
byte = 3*DIGIT
; numbers in the range from 0 to 257
dateTime = "datetime" SQUOTE dateTimeBody SQUOTE
dateTimeOffset = "datetimeoffset" SQUOTE dateTimeOffsetBody SQUOTE
dateTimeBody = year "-" month "-" day "T" hour ":" minute [ ":" second [ "." nanoSeconds ] ]
dateTimeOffsetBody = dateTimeBody "Z" / ; TODO: is the Z optional?
dateTimeBody sign zeroToThirteen [ ":00" ] /
dateTimeBody sign zeroToTwelve [ ":" zeroToSixty ]
decimal = sign 1*29DIGIT ["." 1*29DIGIT] ("M"/"m")
double = (
sign 1*17DIGIT /
sign *DIGIT "." *DIGIT /
sign 1*DIGIT "." 16*DIGIT ( "e" / "E" ) sign 1*3DIGIT
) ("D" / "d") /
nanInfinity [ "D" / "d" ]
geography = ; Format specific
geographyCollection = ; Format specific
geographyLineString = ; Format specific
geographyMultiLineString = ; Format specific
geographyMultiPoint = ; Format specific
geographyMultiPolygon = ; Format specific
geographyPoint = ; Format specific
geographyPolygon = ; Format specific
geometry = ; Format specific
geometryCollection = ; Format specific
geometryLineString = ; Format specific
geometryMultiLineString = ; Format specific
geometryMultiPoint = ; Format specific
geometryMultiPolygon = ; Format specific
geometryPoint = ; Format specific
geometryPolygon = ; Format specific
guid = "guid" SQUOTE 8*HEXDIG "-" 4*HEXDIG "-" 4*HEXDIG "-" 12*HEXDIG SQUOTE
int16 = [ sign ] 5*DIGIT
; numbers in the range from -32768 to 32767
int32 = [ sign ] 10*DIGIT
; numbers in the range from -2147483648 to 2147483647
int64 = [ sign ] 19*DIGIT ( "L" / "l" )
; numbers in the range from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807
sbyte = [ sign ] 3*DIGIT
; numbers in the range from -128 to 127
single = (
sign 1*8DIGIT /
sign *DIGIT "." *DIGIT /
sign 1*DIGIT "." 8*DIGIT ( "e" / "E" ) sign 1*2DIGIT
) ("F" / "f") /
nanInfinity [ "F" / "f" ]
string = SQUOTE *UTF8-char SQUOTE
time = time SQUOTE sign "P" [ 1*DIGIT "Y" ] [ 1*DIGIT "M" ] [ 1*DIGIT "D" ] [ "T" [ 1*DIGIT "H" ] [ 1*DIGIT "M" ] [ 1*DIGIT "S" ] ] SQUOTE
; the above is an approximation of the rules for an xml duration.
; see the lexical representation for duration in http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2 for more information
odataUri = scheme ; see section 3.1 of [RFC3986]
host ; section 3.2.2 of [RFC3986]
[ ":" port ] ; section 3.2.3 of [RFC3986]
[ "$metadata" / "$batch" / odataRelativeUri ]
serviceRoot = *( "/" segment-nz )
segment-nz = ; section 3.3 of [RFC3986]
; the non empty sequence of characters
; outside the set of URL reserved
; characters as specified in [RFC3986]
odataRelativeUri = resourcePath ["?" queryOptions ]
queryOptions = queryOption *("&" queryOption)
queryOption = systemQueryOption /
customQueryOption /
sopParameterNameAndValue /
aliasAndValue /
systemQueryOption = expand /
filter /
orderby /
skip /
top /
format /
inlinecount /
select /
expand = "$expand=" expandClause
expandClause = expandItem *("," expandItem)
expandItemPath = [ qualifiedEntityTypeName "/" ] navigationPropertyName
*([ "/" qualifiedEntityTypeName ] "/" navigationPropertyName)
count = "/$count"
filter = "$filter" [ WSP ] "=" [ WSP] boolCommonExpr
orderby = "$orderby" [ WSP ] "=" [ WSP]
commonExpr [WSP] [ "asc" / "desc" ] *( COMMA [ WSP ] commonExpr [ WSP ] [ "asc" / "desc" ])
skip = "$skip=" 1*DIGIT
top = "$top=" 1*DIGIT
format = "$format=" (
"json" /
"atom" /
"xml" /
<a data service specific value indicating a format specific to the specific data service> /
<An IANA-defined [IANA-MMT] content type>
inlinecount = "$inlinecount=" ( "allpages" / "none" )
select = "$select=" selectClause
selectClause = selectItem *( COMMA selectItem )
selectItem = star /
[ qualifiedEntityTypeName "/" ] (
propertyName /
qualifiedActionName /
qualifiedFunctionName /
allOperationsInContainer /
( navigationProperty [ "/" selectItem ] )
skiptoken = "$skiptoken=" 1*pchar
customQueryOption = customName [ WSP ] [ "=" [ WSP ] customValue ]
customName = ( unreserved / pct-encoded / ":" / "@" / "!" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" )
*( unreserved / pct-encoded / ":" / "@" / "!" / "$" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" )
; MUST not start with '$'
customValue = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / ":" / "@" / "!" / "$" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "=" )
resourcePath = "/"
[ entityContainerName "." ] entitySetName [collectionNavigation] /
( entityColServiceOpCall / entityColFunctionCall ) [ collectionNavigation ] /
( entityServiceOpCall / entityFunctionCall ) [ singleNavigation ] /
( complexColServiceOpCall / complexColFunctionCall ) [ boundOperation ] /
( complexServiceOpCall / complexFunctionCall ) [ boundOperation / complexPropertyPath ] /
( primitiveColServiceOpCall / primitiveColFunctionCall ) [ boundOperation ] /
( primitiveServiceOpCall / primitiveFunctionCall ) [ boundOperation / value ] /
collectionNavigation = [ "/" qualifiedEntityTypeName ] "/"
( "(" keyPredicate ")" [ singleNavigation ] ) /
boundEntityFuncCall [ singleNavigation ] /
boundEntityColFuncCall [ collectionNavigation ] /
boundPrimitiveFuncCall [ boundOperation / value ] /
boundPrimitiveColFuncCall [ boundOperation ] /
boundComplexFuncCall [ complexPropertyPath / boundOperation ] /
boundComplexColFuncCall [ boundOperation ] /
singleNavigation = [ "/" qualifiedEntityTypeName ] "/"
( "$links" / navigationPropertyName ) /
( entityColNavigationProperty [ collectionNavigation ] ) /
( entityNavigationProperty [ singleNavigation ] ) /
primitivePropertyPath /
complexPropertyPath /
collectionPropertyPath /
streamPropertyPath /
value /
boundOperation = [ "/" qualifiedEntityTypeName ]
boundActionCall /
boundEntityColFuncCall [ singleNavigation ] /
boundEntityFuncCall [ collectionNavigation ] /
boundPrimitiveFuncCall [ boundOperation / value ] /
boundPrimitiveColFuncCall [ boundOperation ] /
boundComplexFuncCall [ complexPropertyPath / boundOperation ] /
boundComplexColFuncCall [ boundOperation ]
; boundOperation segments can only be composed if the type of the previous segment matches
; the type of the first parameter of the action or function being called.
; NOTE: the qualifiedEntityTypeName is only permitted if the previous segment is an entity or collection of entities.
primitivePropertyPath = [ "/ qualifiedEntityTypeName" ] "/" ( primitiveKeyProperty / primitiveNonKeyProperty ) [ value ]
complexPropertyPath = [ "/ qualifiedEntityTypeName" ] "/" complexProperty
primitivePropertyPath /
complexPropertyPath /
collectionPropertyPath /
collectionPropertyPath = [ "/" qualifiedEntityType ] "/" ( primitiveColProperty / complexColProperty ) [ boundOperation ]
streamPropertyPath = [ "/" qualifiedEntityType ] "/" streamProperty
value = "/$value"
key = simpleKey / compoundKey
simpleKey = "(" primitiveLiteral ")"
compoundKey = "(" keyValuePair 1*("," keyValuePair) ")"
keyValuePair = primitiveKeyProperty "=" keyPropertyValue
keyPropertyValue = primitiveLiteral
actionCall = [ operationQualifier ] action [ "()" ]
boundActionCall = [ operationQualifier ] action [ "()" ]
; with the added restriction that the binding parameter MUST be either an entity or collection of entities
; and is specified by reference using the URL immediately preceding (to the left) of the boundActionCall
entityFunctionCall = fullEntityFunctionCall functionParameters
entityColFunctionCall = fullEntityColFunctionCall functionParameters
complexFunctionCall = fullComplexFunctionCall functionParameters
complexColFunctionCall = fullComplexColFunctionCall functionParameters
primitiveFunctionCall = fullPrimitiveFunctionCall functionParameters
primitiveColFunctionCall = fullPrimitiveFunctionCall functionParameters
functionCall = entityFunctionCall /
entityColFunctionCall /
complexFunctionCall /
complexColFunctionCall /
primitiveFunctionCall /
boundEntityFuncCall = fullEntityFunctionCall functionParameters
; with the added restrictions that the Function MUST support binding, and the binding parameter type
; MUST match the type of resource identified by Uri immediately preceding (to the left) of the boundEntityFuncCall
; and the functionParameters MUST NOT include the bindingParameter.
boundEntityColFuncCall = fullEntityColFunctionCall functionParameters
; with the added restrictions that the Function MUST support binding, and the binding parameter type
; MUST match the type of resource identified by Uri immediately preceding (to the left) of the boundEntityColFuncCall
; and the functionParameters MUST NOT include the bindingParameter.
boundComplexFuncCall = fullComplexFunctionCall functionParameters
; with the added restrictions that the Function MUST support binding, and the binding parameter type
; MUST match the type of resource identified by Uri immediately preceding (to the left) of the boundComplexFuncCall
; and the functionParameters MUST NOT include the bindingParameter.
boundComplexColFuncCall = fullComplexColFunctionCall functionParameters
; with the added restrictions that the Function MUST support binding, and the binding parameter type
; MUST match the type of resource identified by Uri immediately preceding (to the left) of the boundComplexColFuncCall
; and the functionParameters MUST NOT include the bindingParameter.
boundPrimitiveFuncCall = fullPrimitiveFunctionCall functionParameters
; with the added restrictions that the Function MUST support binding, and the binding parameter type
; MUST match the type of resource identified by Uri immediately preceding (to the left) of the boundPrimitiveFuncCall
; and the functionParameters MUST NOT include the bindingParameter.
boundPrimitiveColFuncCall = fullPrimitiveFunctionCall functionParameters
; with the added restrictions that the Function MUST support binding, and the binding parameter type
; MUST match the type of resource identified by Uri immediately preceding (to the left) of the boundPrimitiveColFuncCall
; and the functionParameters MUST NOT include the bindingParameter.
boundFunctionCall = boundEntityFuncCall /
boundEntityColFuncCall /
boundComplexFuncCall /
boundComplexColFuncCall /
boundPrimitiveFuncCall /
functionParameters = "(" [ functionParameter *( "," functionParameter ) ] ")"
functionParameter = functionParameterName "=" ( primitiveParameterValue / parameterAlias )
primitiveParameterValue = primitiveLiteral
parameterAlias = "@" *pchar
aliasAndValue = parameterAlias "=" parameterValue
parameterAndValue = functionParameterName "=" parameterValue
primitivePropInJSONLight = TODO: arlo JSON Light format
; unreferenced until complexInJSONLight is defined.
primitivePropertyInVJSON = quotation-mark ( primitiveKeyProperty / primitiveNonKeyProperty ) quotation-mark name-separator primitiveLiteralInVJSON
complexPropertyInJSON = complexPropertyInVJSON / complexPropertyInJSONLight
complexPropertyInVJSON = quotation-mark complexProperty quotation-mark name-separator complexInVJSON
complexPropertyInJSONLight = TODO: arlo JSON Light format.
collectionPropertyInJSON = colPropertyInJSONLight / collectionPropertyInVJSON
collectionPropertyInVJSON = ( quotation-mark primitiveColProperty quotation-mark name-separator "[" [ primitiveVJSONLiteral *( COMMA primitiveLiteralInVJSON ) ] "]" /
( quotation-mark complexColProperty quotation-mark name-separator "[" [ complexInVJSON *( COMMA complexInVJSON ) ] "]" /
colPropertyInJSONLight = TODO: alro JSON Light format
primitiveLiteralInVJSON = TODO: arlo VJSON format.
primitiveLiteralInJSONLight = TODO: arlo JSON Light format.
complexTypeMetadataInVJSON = quotation-mark "__metadata" quotation-mark
typeNVPInVJSON = quotation-mark "type" quotation-mark
quotation-mark qualifiedTypeName quotation-mark
parameterValue = primitiveLiteral / ; note this is a Uri literal not a JSON literal
complexTypeInJSON /
primitiveColInJSON /
complexInJSON = complexInVJSON / complexInJSONLight
complexInJSONLight = TODO: arlo JSON light format
complexInVJSON = begin-object
complexTypeMetadataInVJSON /
primitivePropertyInVJSON /
complexPropertyInVJSON /
primitivePropertyInVJSON /
complexPropertyInVJSON /
entityServiceOpCall = [ operationQualifier ] entityServiceOp [ "()" ]
entityColServiceOpCall = [ operationQualifier ] entityColServiceOp [ "()" ]
complexServiceOpCall = [ operationQualifier ] complexServiceOp [ "()" ]
complexColServiceOpCall = [ operationQualifier ] complexColServiceOp [ "()" ]
primitiveServiceOpCall = [ operationQualifier ] primitiveServiceOp [ "()" ]
primitiveColServiceOpCall = [ operationQualifier ] primitiveServiceOp [ "()" ]
serviceOperationCall = entityServiceOpCall /
entityColServiceOpCall /
complexServiceOpCall /
complexColServiceOpCall /
primitiveServiceOpCall /
serviceOpParameterName = odataIdentifier;
; identifies by name a parameter to a ServiceOperation
sopParameterNameAndValue = serviceOperationParameterName "=" primitiveParameterValue
; when a serviceOperation Parameter is omitted the parameter value MUST be assumed to be null
commonExpr = [ WSP ] (
boolCommonExpr /
methodCallExpr /
parenExpr /
literalExpr /
addExpr /
subExpr /
mulExpr /
divExpr /
modExpr /
negateExpr /
memberExpr /
firstMemberExpr /
castExpr /
) [ WSP ]
boolCommonExpr = [ WSP ] (
boolLiteralExpr /
andExpr /
orExpr /
boolPrimitiveMemberExpr /
eqExpr /
neExpr /
ltExpr /
leExpr /
gtExpr /
geExpr /
notExpr /
isofExpr /
boolCastExpr /
boolMethodCallExpr /
firstBoolPrimitiveMemExpr /
boolParenExpr /
) [ WSP ]
boolLiteralExpr = boolean
literalExpr = primitiveLiteral
parenExpr = "(" [ WSP ] commonExpr [ WSP ] ")"
boolParenExpr = "(" [ WSP ] boolCommonExpr [ WSP ] ")"
andExpr = boolCommonExpr WSP "and" WSP boolCommonExpr
orExpr = boolCommonExpr WSP "or" WSP boolCommonExpr
eqExpr = commonExpr WSP "eq" WSP commonExpr
neExpr = commonExpr WSP "ne" WSP commonExpr
ltExpr = commonExpr WSP "lt" WSP commonExpr
leExpr = commonExpr WSP "le" WSP commonExpr
gtExpr = commonExpr WSP "gt" WSP commonExpr
geExpr = commonExpr WSP "ge" WSP commonExpr
addExpr = commonExpr WSP "add" WSP commonExpr
subExpr = commonExpr WSP "sub" WSP commonExpr
mulExpr = commonExpr WSP "mul" WSP commonExpr
divExpr = commonExpr WSP "div" WSP commonExpr
modExpr = commonExpr WSP "mod" WSP commonExpr
negateExpr = "-" [ WSP ] commonExpr
notExpr = "not" WSP commonExpr
isofExpr = "isof" [ WSP ] "(" [ [ WSP ] commonExpr [ WSP ] "," ] [ WSP ] qualifiedTypeName [ WSP ] ")"
castExpr = "cast" [ WSP ] "(" [ [ WSP ] commonExpr [ WSP ] "," ] [ WSP ] qualifiedTypeName [ WSP ] ")"
boolCastExpr = "cast" [ WSP ] "(" [ [ WSP ] commonExpr [ WSP ] "," ] [ WSP ] "Edm.Boolean" [ WSP ] ")"
firstMemberExpr = [ WSP ] [ qualifiedEntityTypeName "/"]
[ lambdaPredicatePrefixExpr ]
; A lambdaPredicatePrefixExpr is only defined inside a
; lambdaPredicateExpr. A lambdaPredicateExpr is required
; inside a lambdaPredicateExpr.
entityColNavigationProperty [ collectionNavigationExpr ] ) /
entityNavigationProperty [ singleNavigationExpr ] ) /
primitivePropertyPath /
complexPropertyPath /
collectionPropertyPath [ anyExpr / allExpr ]
firstBoolPrimitiveMemExpr = [ qualifiedEntityTypeName "/"] entityProperty
boolPrimitiveMemberExpr = commonExpr [ WSP ] "/" [WSP]
[ qualifiedEntityTypeName "/" ] primitivePropertyPath
memberExpr = commonExpr [ WSP ] "/" [ WSP ] [ qualifiedEntityTypeName "/" ]
entityColNavigationProperty [ collectionNavigationExpr ] ) /
entityNavigationProperty [ singleNavigationExpr ] ) /
primitivePropertyPath /
complexPropertyPath /
collectionPropertyPath [ anyExpr / allExpr ]
collectionNavigationExpr = [ "/" qualifiedEntityTypeName ] "/"
boundFunctionExpr /
anyExpr /
singleNavigationExpr = [ "/" qualifiedEntityTypeName ] "/"
( entityColNavigationProperty [ collectionNavigationExpr ] ) /
( entityNavigationProperty [ singleNavigationExpr ] ) /
primitivePropertyPath /
complexPropertyPath /
collectionPropertyPath [ anyExpr / allExpr ] /
streamPropertyPath /
functionExpr = (
entityColFuncCall [ singleNavigationExpr ] /
entityFuncCall [ collectionNavigationExpr ] /
primitiveFuncCall [ boundFunctionExpr ] /
primitiveColFuncCall [ boundFunctionExpr ] /
complexFuncCall [ complexPropertyPath / boundFunctionExpr ] /
complexColFuncCall [ boundFunctionExpr ]
boolFunctionExpr = functionExpr
; with the added restriction that the boolFunctionExpr MUST return a boolean value
boundFunctionExpr = [ "/" qualifiedEntityTypeName ]
boundEntityColFuncCall [ singleNavigationExpr ] /
boundEntityFuncCall [ collectionNavigationExpr ] /
boundPrimitiveFuncCall [ boundFunctionExpr ] /
boundPrimitiveColFuncCall [ boundFunctionExpr ] /
boundComplexFuncCall [ complexPropertyPath / boundFunctionExpr ] /
boundComplexColFuncCall [ boundFunctionExpr ]
; boundOperation segments can only be composed if the type of the previous segment matches
; the type of the first parameter of the action or function being called.
; NOTE: the qualifiedEntityTypeName is only permitted if the previous segment is an Entity or Collection of Entities.
boolBoundFunctionExpr = boundFunctionExpr
; with the added restriction that the boolBoundFunctionExpr MUST return a boolean value
anyExpr = "any(" [ lambdaVariableExpr ":" lambdaPredicateExpr ] ")"
allExpr = "all(" lambdaVariableExpr ":" lambdaPredicateExpr ")"
implicitVariableExpr = "$it"
; references the unnamed outer variable of the query
lambdaVariableExpr = odataIdentifier
inscopeVariableExpr = implicitVariableExpr | lambdaVariableExpr
; the lambdaVariableExpr must be the name of a variable introduced by either the
; current lambdaMethodCallExpr’s lambdaVariableExpr or via a wrapping
; lambdaMethodCallExpr’s lambdaVariableExpr.
lambdaPredicateExpr = boolCommonExpr
; this is a boolCommonExpr with the added restriction that any
; firstMemberExprs inside the methodPredicateExpr MUST have a prefix of
; lambdaPredicatePrefixExpr
methodCallExpr = boolMethodExpr /
indexOfMethodCallExpr /
replaceMethodCallExpr /
toLowerMethodCallExpr /
toUpperMethodCallExpr /
trimMethodCallExpr /
substringMethodCallExpr /
concatMethodCallExpr /
lengthMethodCallExpr /
yearMethodCallExpr /
monthMethodCallExpr /
dayMethodCallExpr /
hourMethodCallExpr /
minuteMethodCallExpr /
secondMethodCallExpr /
roundMethodCallExpr /
floorMethodCallExpr /
ceilingMethodCallExpr /
distanceMethodCallExpr /
geoLengthMethodCallExpr /
boolMethodExpr = endsWithMethodCallExpr /
startsWithMethodCallExpr /
substringOfMethodCallExpr /
intersectsMethodCallExpr /
anyMethodCallExpr /
endsWithMethodCallExpr = "endswith" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP]
"," [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ")"
indexOfMethodCallExpr = "indexof" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP]
"," [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ")"
replaceMethodCallExpr = "replace" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP]
"," [WSP] commonExpr [WSP]
"," [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ")"
startsWithMethodCallExpr = "startswith" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP]
"," [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ")"
toLowerMethodCallExpr = "tolower" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ")"
toUpperMethodCallExpr = "toupper" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ")"
trimMethodCallExpr = "trim" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ")"
substringMethodCallExp = "substring" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP]
"," [WSP] commonExpr [WSP]
[ "," [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ] ")"
substringOfMethodCallExpr = "substringof" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP]
[ "," [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ] ")"
concatMethodCallExpr = "concat" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP]
[ "," [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ] ")"
lengthMethodCallExpr = "length" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ")"
getTotalOffsetMinutesExpr = "gettotaloffsetminutes" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ")"
yearMethodCallExpr = "year" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ")"
monthMethodCallExpr = "month" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ")"
dayMethodCallExpr = "day" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ")"
hourMethodCallExpr = "hour" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ")"
minuteMethodCallExpr = "minute" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ")"
secondMethodCallExpr = "second" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ")"
roundMethodCallExpr = "round" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ")"
floorMethodCallExpr = "floor" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ")"
ceilingMethodCallExpr = "ceiling" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ")"
distanceMethodCallExpr = "geo.distance" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP]
"," [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ")"
geoLengthMethodCallExpr = "geo.length" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ")"
intersectsMethodCallExpr = "geo.intersects" [WSP]
"(" [WSP] commonExpr [WSP]
"," [WSP] commonExpr [WSP] ")"
-- TODO: Fill in with WKT, possibly taking a normative reference on OGC
geography = ; Format specific
geographyCollection = ; Format specific
geographyLineString = ; Format specific
geographyMultiLineString = ; Format specific
geographyMultiPoint = ; Format specific
geographyMultiPolygon = ; Format specific
geographyPoint = ; Format specific
geographyPolygon = ; Format specific
geometry = ; Format specific
geometryCollection = ; Format specific
geometryLineString = ; Format specific
geometryMultiLineString = ; Format specific
geometryMultiPoint = ; Format specific
geometryMultiPolygon = ; Format specific
geometryPoint = ; Format specific
geometryPolygon = ; Format specific
-- TODO: Fill in with GML, possibly taking a normative reference on OGC
geography = ; Format specific
geographyCollection = ; Format specific
geographyLineString = ; Format specific
geographyMultiLineString = ; Format specific
geographyMultiPoint = ; Format specific
geographyMultiPolygon = ; Format specific
geographyPoint = ; Format specific
geographyPolygon = ; Format specific
geometry = ; Format specific
geometryCollection = ; Format specific
geometryLineString = ; Format specific
geometryMultiLineString = ; Format specific
geometryMultiPoint = ; Format specific
geometryMultiPolygon = ; Format specific
geometryPoint = ; Format specific
geometryPolygon = ; Format specific
-- TODO: Fill in with GeoJSON
geography = ; Format specific
geographyCollection = ; Format specific
geographyLineString = ; Format specific
geographyMultiLineString = ; Format specific
geographyMultiPoint = ; Format specific
geographyMultiPolygon = ; Format specific
geographyPoint = ; Format specific
geographyPolygon = ; Format specific
geometry = ; Format specific
geometryCollection = ; Format specific
geometryLineString = ; Format specific
geometryMultiLineString = ; Format specific
geometryMultiPoint = ; Format specific
geometryMultiPolygon = ; Format specific
geometryPoint = ; Format specific
geometryPolygon = ; Format specific