2.2 Clone and Compile OFS components in the FPGA include the FIM and Accelerator Functional Unit(AFU). The oneAPI ASP is in the Partial Reconfiguration(PR) region of the AFU and relies on the compiled database of the static region(FIM) to interface with the host and board peripherals(e.g. on-board memory).
Once the server is setup with OPAE SDK and DFL kernel driver, the next step is to clone and compile the static region of the design, i.e. FIM. You can use the default configuration of the FIM for both target platforms. Additionaly for Intel® FPGA SmartNIC N6001-PL for ofs_n6001 and ofs_n6001_usm board variants you have the option to create a minimal FIM which removes additional VFs, HSSI and host exercisers in the design. Please follow steps in the Intel® FPGA Interface Manager Developer Guides for your target device to compile FIM supporting PR release.
For more details on minimal FIM for Intel® Agilex® 7 FPGA for ofs_n6001 and ofs_n6001_usm board variants and how to create it, refer to Intel® FPGA Interface Manager Developer Guide: OFS for Intel® Agilex® PCIe Attach FPGAs.
A pr_build_template
directory will be generated in the work directory specified as part of the FIM compile command (using OFS/ofs-common/scripts/common/syn/build_top.sh
script with the '-p' option enable to create an out-of-tree PR release). The pr_build_template
directory is required for successful setup of the oneAPI ASP.
-Once the FIM compile is complete, please program FIM using fpgasupdate
and Remote System Update(rsu
) command. Use of these commands has been demonstrated in section named Program the Intel® FPGA SmartNIC N6001-PL with the hello_fim
in [Intel® FPGA Interface Manager Developer Guide: OFS for Intel® Agilex® PCIe Attach FPGAs] refer to Test the hello_fim on a D5005
section in [Intel® FPGA Interface Manager Developer Guide: Open Stack for Intel® Stratix 10®] for Intel® Stratix 10® FPGA.
+Once the FIM compile is complete, please program FIM using fpgasupdate
and Remote System Update(rsu
) command. Use of these commands has been demonstrated in section named Program the Intel® FPGA SmartNIC N6001-PL with the hello_fim
in Intel® FPGA Interface Manager Developer Guide: Open FPGA Stack for Intel® Agilex® PCIe Attach FPGAs refer to Test the hello_fim on a D5005
section in FPGA Interface Manager Developer Guide: Open FPGA Stack for Intel® Stratix 10® PCIe Attach FPGAs for Intel® Stratix 10® FPGA.
2.3 Prerequisites
In addition to server setup and FIM compilation, a few linux packages are needed to setup the oneAPI ASP and develop HLD applications.
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