Releases: ONElua/ONEMenu-for-PSVita
ONEMenu for PSVita v3.01
Changelog 3.01
- Added option Edit Bubble (by TheRadziu) allowing to edit the game STITLE and TITLE from the SFO at appmeta (Thanks to TheFloW for User/Kernel Modules).
- Added sort list by Region.
- Now you can set the sorting categories to Ascendant/Descendant.
- Now the option Move App will only be enabled for homebrews.
- Now the pvf font is shown in Bold style (improving presentation).
- Took care of some bugs.
ONEMenu for PSVita v3.00
Changelog 3.00
- Now the submenu in main screen have 2 pages (press triangle to open, and alternate pages with L and R), Same for submenu in Explorer.
- Added the option to download and install ONEMenu themes to the main screen submenu.
- Added the option "RELOAD Content" Allows to install games (NONPDRM) in ux0:app (Thanks the plugin Nonpdrm from TheFloW).
- Added the option "Rip Game" to the main screen submenu, allows to free up some space by eliminating some game folders/files.
- Optimized the code a litle.
ONEMenu for PSVita v2.05
Changelog 2.05
- Edit param.sfo (decrypted).
- Fix automatic network update (Add TLS v1.2 Support).
- Updated to the latest version of ONElua.
ONEMenu for PSVita v2.04
Changelog 2.04
- [NEW] Added QR Downloader.
- [NEW] Horizontal and vertical touchscreen support
- [FIX] Stars rain only on 2512.
ONEMenu for PSVita v2.03
Changelog 2.03
- Enabled swipe up/down for category change.
- Small internal changes on Text Editor, to add or delete lines:
keep pressed triangle right to add a line or left to delete a line. - Fixed error on text files with text adjustment scroll.
- Now the PIC1 of the selected game/app is shown if no buttons are pressed.
- Please update your translations...New lines were added.
ONEMenu for PSVita v2.02
- Now you can edit .txt files in a simple way.
- Text editor controls: Left : Remove line, Right : Add line.
- Added sound effects for ui transitions.
- System apps are alphabetically shown.
- Scan favorites option added to apps menu (direct access to same option at advanced settings).
- You can run the selected game with double touch.
- Please update your translations...New lines were added.
ONEMenu for PSVita v2.01
- Fix some bugs.
ONEMenu for PSVita v2.00
Changelog 2.00
Icons and games list loading time reduced everytime Onemenu is started.
New categorie "Favorites".
"Favorites" section at advanced submenu.
Categorie PS Vita games/homebrews got separated into "PSVita" and "Homebrews Vita".
PSP and PSX content unified into one categorie : "Retro Games".
Lines added to english_ux.txt ...Dont forget to update your translations.
Now your avatar icon gets downloaded to ux0:data/onemenu so it can get loaded offline.
Images PSP.PNG y PS1.PNG got eliminated and instead the image RETRO.PNG has been added for the categorie PS Retro games (for PSP and PS1 games).
Added the image HBVITA.PNG for Homebrews PSVita categorie.
Added two lines on the theme ini file :
COUNTCOLOR to print the folder/file count in the file explorer.
CBACKSBARCOLOR to draw the bars in the callbacks section.
ONEMenu for PSVita v1.01
Changelog 1.01
Please update your translations...Two new lines were added:
PGF Font
PVF Font
- [FIX] Incorrect display of LiveArea app names.
- [FIX] PS Button lock when using FTP and USB mode.
- [FIX] Some errors in the internal code.
- [FIX] Standard format month/day/year.
- [NEW] Support to change the type of font (PGF<->PVF) in advanced options.
- 3 added shortcuts:
- L + R + Up: Restart ONEMenu.
- L + R + Down: Restart PSvita.
- L + R + Square: Shutdown PSvita.
ONEMenu for PSVita
OneMenu for PSVita is a simple to use UI which separates the installed games and apps into categories, Onemenu comes with a built in file explorer.