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The EFX Toolkit1 for Java developers is a library that enables the transpilation of EFX expressions and templates to different target languages. It also provides an implementation for translating EFX expressions to XPath.
The documentation is available at: https://docs.ted.europa.eu/eforms/latest/efx-toolkit
Using the EFX toolkit1
The EFX toolkit requires Java 11 or later.
It is available as a Maven package on Maven Central and can be used by adding the following to the project's pom.xml
Replace ${efx-toolkit.version}
with the latest version available, or define the corresponding property in your pom.xml
The documentation describes the capabilities of the library, and the interfaces you might need to implement.
You can build this project as usual using Maven.
The build process uses the grammar files provided in the eForms SDK to generate a parser, using ANTLR4.
In order to be able to use snapshot versions of dependencies, the following should be added to the "profiles" section of the Maven configuration file "settings.xml" (normally under ${HOME}/.m2):
<name>OSSRH Snapshots</name>
See ".github/workflows/settings.xml".
Unit tests are available under src/test/java/
. They show in particular a variety of EFX expressions and the corresponding XPath expression.
After running the unit tests with mvn test
, you can generate a coverage report with mvn jacoco:report
The report is available under target/site/jacoco/
, in HTML, CSV, and XML format.
You can download the latest EFX Toolkit from Maven Central.
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