This plugin is provided by eirslett
Simply download code via git clone
and start tomcat with your orcid-web modules.
- Java 8+
- Tomcat 8+
- Maven 3.3+
- git
Next configuration assumes you are working inside a specific folder workspace called ~/tmp-tomcat-orcid-web, you can
Open a terminal at your workspace and run
mkdir ~/tmp-tomcat-orcid-web
cd ~/tmp-tomcat-orcid-web
git clone
cd ORCID-Source/orcid-nodejs
mvn -P tmp-tomcat-orcid-web clean install
review ORCID-Source/orcid-nodejs/pom.xml for available profiles/configurations
e.g. nodejs workspace
- C:/Documents and Settings/%USER%/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/orcid-web/static/javascript/ng1Orcid
- ~/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/orcid-web/static/javascript/ng1Orcid
- /home/orcid_tomcat/apache-tomcat-8.0.21/webapps/orcid-web/static/javascript/ng1Orcid
- /home/developer1/git/ORCID-Source/orcid-web/src/main/webapp/static/javascript/ng1Orcid
Edit file at orcid-web/src/main/webapp/static/javascript/ng1Orcid/angularOrcidOriginal.js you could simply append next line at the top of file.
alert('It works')
then, browse to localhost and confirm It works message comes up.