The typings will no longer accept primitive arguments to options objects. For example:
client.lock(key, true)
it has to be:
client.lock(key, {force:true})
or for the short-run:
client.lock(key, true);
in a 1.0.0 release, the primitive options will be removed altogether.
The following methods are deprecated:
lockp(key: string, opts?: Partial): Promise { log.warn('lockp is deprecated because it is a confusing method name, use acquire/acquireLock instead.'); return this.acquire.apply(this, arguments); }
unlockp(key: string, opts: Partial): Promise { log.warn('unlockp is deprecated because it is a confusing method name, use release/releaseLock instead.'); return this.release.apply(this, arguments); }
removed async, handlebars, lodash because of vulnerabilities and because their install size was massive. For testing, we need async, so we now have test/setup-test.sh in order to install the proper test deps, instead of using optionalDependencies in package.json.
Updated @oresoftware/linked-queue patch version
No longer supporting Node.js 6 or 7. Node.js 8+ supported.
Remove the following deps from optionalDependencies:
"node-redis-warlock": "^0.2.0",
"redis": "^2.6.3"
the former had a minor security vulnerability in the "extend" package