Releases: OSGeo/gdal
GDAL 3.8.1
Bug fix release. See release notes:
GDAL 3.8.0
The 3.8.0 release is a new feature release with the following highlights:
- Add JSONFG read/write vector driver for OGC Features and Geometries JSON.
- Add PMTiles read/write vector driver for PMTiles v3 datasets containing MVT PBF tiles
- Add S102 raster read-only driver for S-102 bathymetric products (depends on libhdf5)
- Add gdal_footprint utility: compute the footprint of a raster file, taking into account nodata/mask band, and generating polygons/multipolygons corresponding to areas where pixels are valid (#6264)
- Python bindings: various enhancements to reduce the number of "gotchas" related to inter-object ownership relationships, and a few syntaxic sugar enhancements
- Arrow interface: improve spatial and attribute filtering on read side; add write side with OGRLayer::WriteArrowBatch()
- GeoPackage: much faster spatial index creation (~ 3-4 times faster)
- ARG driver deprecated: will be removed in 3.9.0
and many other enhancements and fixes as detailed in the release notes
GDAL 3.7.3
Bug fix release. See release notes:
GDAL 3.7.2
Bug fix release. See release notes:
GDAL 3.7.1
Bug fix release. See release notes:
GDAL 3.7.0
The 3.7.0 release is a new feature release with the following highlights:
- RFC 87: Add GDT_Int8 support
- RFC 88: switch to GoogleTest framework for C++ tests
- RFC 89: SQL query logging callback
- RFC 90: Direct access to compressed raster data
- RFC 91: GDALDataset::Close() method
- RFC 93: OGRLayer::UpdateFeature() method
- RFC 94: Numeric fields width/precision metadata
- ogrinfo: make it accessible through a new GDALVectorInfo() C API call, and a -json switch
- Add read-only raster driver NOAA_B to read NOAA GEOCON/NADCON5 .b grids
- Add read-only raster driver NSIDCbin for Sea Ice Concentrations
- Add read-only vector GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification) driver
- TileDB: add read/write vector side
- Add support for SOZip (Seek Optimized ZIP) with enhanced /vsizip/ virtual file system and a new sozip utility
- OpenFileGDB: add read-only support for raster datasets (.gdb v10)
- PNG: 1.7-2.0x speed-up in whole image decompression with libdeflate on Intel/AMD CPUs. Benefits to GPKG, MRF drivers
- RFC 69: C++ code reformatting
- Code linting and security fixes
- Remove any traces of Rasdaman driver, now moved to OSGeo/gdal-extra-drivers repository (#4808)
- Bump of shared lib major version
and many other enhancements and fixes as detailed in the release notes
GDAL 3.6.4
Bug fix release. See release notes:
GDAL 3.6.3
Bug fix release. See release notes:
GDAL 3.6.3RC1
v3.6.3RC1 Create tag v3.6.3RC1
GDAL 3.6.2
Bug fix release. See release notes: