A QiStream is the fundamental unit of storage in Qi. Each stream represents an ordered series of events or observations for a particular item of interest.
The following table shows the required and optional QiStream properties:
Property | Type | Optionality | Details |
ID | String | Required | An Identifier for referencing the stream. |
Name | String | Optional | The name of the stream. |
Description | String | Optional | Text that describes the stream. |
TypeId | String | Required | The type to be used for this stream. |
BehaviorId | Sting | Optional | The stream behavior for this stream. |
Tag | Sting | Optional | A collection of strings that permit classifying and identifying individual streams. |
A stream is always referenced by its ID property. As shown in the preceeding table, a QiStream must include a unique ID as well as a TypeId with the ID of an existing QiType. The optional BehaviorId is set with the ID of an existing stream behavior. When BehaviorId is omitted, the stream will have a default behavior mode set to continuous and extrapolation set to all. See QiStreamBehaviors for more information.
Rules for QiStream *ID*:
- Is not case sensitive.
- Can contain spaces.
- Cannot start with two underscores ("__").
- Cannot start or end with a period (".").
- Can contain a maximum of 260 characters.
- Cannot use the following characters: ( / : ? # [ ] @ ! $ & ' ( ) * + , ; = %)
- Cannot contain more than 250 periods (".").