Inserts data into the specified stream.
void InsertValue<T>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, T item); Task InsertValueAsync<T>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, T item);
POST Qi/{tenantId}/{namespaceId}/Streams/{streamId}/Data/InsertValue
Content is serialized event of type T
string tenantID
- The tenant identifier for the request
string namespaceId
- The namespace identifier for the request.
string streamId
- The stream identifier for the request.
T item
- The event to insert, where T is the type of the event and the stream
Optional parameters
- Returns
- An IEnumerable of all behavior objects
- Security
- Allowed by administrator accounts
- Notes
throws an exception if an event already exists at the specified index.
Inserts items into the specified stream.
void InsertValues(string tenantId, string namespaceId, IDictionary<string, IQiValues> items); void InsertValues<T>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, IList<T> items); Task InsertValuesAsync(string tenantId, string namespaceId, IDictionary<string, IQiValues > items); Task InsertValuesAsync<T>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, IList<T> items);
POST Qi/{tenantId}/{namespaceId}/Streams/{streamId}/Data/InsertValues
Content is serialized list of events of type T
string tenantID
- The tenant identifier for the request
string namespaceId
- The namespace identifier for the request.
string streamId
- The stream identifier for the request.
T items
- The list of events to insert, where T is the type of the stream and events
Optional parameters
- Returns
- An IEnumerable of all behavior objects
- Notes
throws an exception if any index in items already has an event. If any individual index encounters a problem, the entire operation is rolled back and no insertions are made. The streamId and index that caused the issue are included in the error response.- Security
- Allowed by administrator accounts
Modifies the specified stream event,
void PatchValue(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, string selectExpression, T item); Task PatchValueAsync(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, string selectExpression, T item);
PATCH Qi/{tenantId}/{namespaceId}/Streams/{streamId}/Data/PatchValue?selectExpression={selectExpression}
Content is serialized patch property
string tenantID
- The tenant identifier for the request
string namespaceId
- The namespace identifier for the request.
string streamId
- The stream identifier for the request.
string selectExpression
- CSV list of strings that indicates the event fields that will be changed in stream events.
T item
- Object with index and new values to patch in the stream.
Optional parameters
- Returns
- An IEnumerable of all behavior objects
- Notes
is used to modify the stream events. The values for each SelectExpression field are taken from the item and replaced (patched) in the stream using the item index.- Security
- Allowed by administrator accounts
var obj = new { TimeId = DateTime.UtcNow(), Value = 10 }; PatchValue(namespaceId, streamId, “Value”, obj);
Patches values of the selected fields for multiple events in the stream.
void PatchValues(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, string selectExpression, IList<T> items); Task PatchValuesAsync(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, string selectExpression, IList<T> items);
PATCH Qi/{tenantId}/{namespaceId}/Streams/{streamId}/Data/PatchValues?selectExpression={selectExpression}
Content is serialized list of patch property values
string tenantID
- The tenant identifier for the request
string namespaceId
- The namespace identifier for the request.
string streamId
- The stream identifier for the request.
string selectExpression
- CSV list strings that indicates the event fields that will be changed in stream events.
T items
- List which contain indexes and new values to patch in the stream.
Optional parameters
- Returns
- An IEnumerable of all behavior objects
- Security
- Allowed by administrator accounts
- Notes
is used to patch the values of the selected fields for multiple events in the stream. Only the fields indicated in selectExpression are modified. The events to be modified are indicated by the index value of each member of the items collection. The individual events in items also hold the new values.PatchValues may be thought of as a series of PatchValue calls. If there is a problem patching any individual event, the entire operation is rolled back and the error will indicate the streamID and index of the problem.
Removes the event at the index from the specified stream.
void RemoveValue(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, string index); void RemoveValue<T1>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, T1 index); void RemoveValue<T1, T2>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, Tuple<T1, T2> index); Task RemoveValueAsync(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, string index); Task RemoveValueAsync<T1>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, T1 index); Task RemoveValueAsync<T1, T2>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, Tuple<T1, T2> index);
DELETE Qi/{tenantId}/{namespaceId}/Streams/{streamId}/Data/RemoveValue?index={index}
string tenantID
- The tenant identifier for the request
string namespaceId
- The namespace identifier for the request.
string streamId
- The stream identifier for the request.
- String representation of the index in the stream to be deleted.
Optional parameters
- Returns
- An IEnumerable of all behavior objects
- Security
- Allowed by administrator accounts
- Notes
- Precision is taken into account when finding a value. If the index is a DateTime,
use the round-trip format specifier:
Removes the event at each index from the specified stream.
void RemoveValues(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, IEnumerable<string> index); void RemoveValues<T1>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, IEnumerable<T1> index); void RemoveValues<T1, T2>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, IEnumerable<Tuple<T1, T2>> index); Task RemoveValuesAsync(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, IEnumerable<string> index); Task RemoveValuesAsync<T1>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, IEnumerable<T1> index); Task RemoveValuesAsync<T1, T2>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, IEnumerable<Tuple<T1, T2>> index);
DELETE Qi/{tenantId}/{namespaceId}/Streams/{streamId}/Data/RemoveValues?index={index}
string tenantID
- The tenant identifier for the request
string namespaceId
- The namespace identifier for the request.
string streamId
- The stream identifier for the request.
- List of indices at which to remove events in the stream
Optional parameters
- Returns
- An IEnumerable of all behavior objects
- Security
- Allowed by administrator accounts
- Notes
- If any individual event fails to be removed, the entire RemoveValues operation is rolled back and no events are removed. The streamId and index that caused the issue are included in the error response.
Removes a range of values at and between the given indices.
void RemoveValues(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, IEnumerable<string> index); void RemoveValues<T1>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, IEnumerable<T1> index); void RemoveValues<T1, T2>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, IEnumerable<Tuple<T1, T2>> index); Task RemoveValuesAsync(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, IEnumerable<string> index); Task RemoveValuesAsync<T1>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, IEnumerable<T1> index); Task RemoveValuesAsync<T1, T2>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, IEnumerable<Tuple<T1, T2>> index);
DELETE Qi/{tenantId}/{namespaceId}/Streams/{streamId}/Data/RemoveWindowValues?startIndex={startIndex}&endIndex={endIndex}
string tenantID
- The tenant identifier for the request
string namespaceId
- The namespace identifier for the request.
string streamId
- The stream identifier for the request.
- String representation of the starting index value.
- String representation of the ending index value
Optional parameters
- Returns
- An IEnumerable of all behavior objects
- Security
- Allowed by administrator accounts
- Notes
- If any individual event fails to be removed, the entire operation is rolled back and no removes are done.
Writes an item over an existing event in the specified stream.
void ReplaceValue<T>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, T item); Task ReplaceValueAsync<T>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, T item);
PUT Qi/{tenantId}/{namespaceId}/Streams/{streamId}/Data/ReplaceValue
Content is serialzied replacement object
string tenantID
- The tenant identifier for the request
string namespaceId
- The namespace identifier for the request.
string streamId
- The stream identifier for the request.
Optional parameters
- Returns
- An IEnumerable of all behavior objects
- Security
- Allowed by administrator accounts
- Notes
- Throws an exception if the stream does not have an event to be replaced at the specified index.
Writes items over existing events in the specified stream.
void ReplaceValues(string tenantId, string namespaceId, IDictionary<string, IQiValues> items); void ReplaceValues<T>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, IList<T> items); Task ReplaceValuesAsync(string tenantId, string namespaceId, IDictionary<string, IQiValues > items); Task ReplaceValuesAsync<T>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, IList<T> items);
PUT Qi/{tenantId}/{namespaceId}/Streams/{streamId}/Data/ReplaceValues
Content is serialized list of replacement values
string tenantID
- The tenant identifier for the request
string namespaceId
- The namespace identifier for the request.
string streamId
- The stream identifier for the request.
T items
- List of new items to replace existing items in the stream
Optional parameters
- Returns
- An IEnumerable of all behavior objects
- Security
- Allowed by administrator accounts
- Notes
- Throws an exception if any index does not have a value to be replaced. If any individual event fails to be replaced, the entire operation is rolled back and no replaces are performed. The index that caused the issue and the streamId are included in the error response.
Writes item to the specified stream.
void UpdateValue<T>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, T item); Task UpdateValueAsync<T>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, T item);
PUT Qi/{tenantId}/{namespaceId}/Streams/{streamId}/Data/UpdateValue
Content is serialized updated value
string tenantID
- The tenant identifier for the request
string namespaceId
- The namespace identifier for the request.
string streamId
- The stream identifier for the request.
T item
- Event to write to the stream
Optional parameters
- Returns
- An IEnumerable of all behavior objects
- Security
- Allowed by administrator accounts
- Notes
performs an insert or a replace depending on whether an event already exists at the index in the stream.
Writes items to the specified stream.
void UpdateValues(string tenantId, string namespaceId, IDictionary<string, IQiValues > items); void UpdateValues<T>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, IList<T> items); Task UpdateValuesAsync(string tenantId, string namespaceId, IDictionary<string, IQiValues > items); Task UpdateValuesAsync<T>(string tenantId, string namespaceId, string streamId, IList<T> items);
PUT Qi/{tenantId}/{namespaceId}/Streams/{streamId}/Data/UpdateValues
Content is serialized list of updated values
string tenantID
- The tenant identifier for the request
string namespaceId
- The namespace identifier for the request.
string streamId
- The stream identifier for the request.
T items
- Events to write to the stream.
Optional parameters
- Returns
- An IEnumerable of all behavior objects
- Security
Allowed by administrator accounts
- Notes
performs an insert or a replace depending on whether an event already exists at the item's indexes. If any item fails to write, the entire operation is rolled back and no events are written to the stream. The index that caused the issue is included in the error response.