LYC has a amazing $h×a×b$ cube and plans to cut it into two amazing parts. The cut surface could be considered as a integer-valued function $f(x,y)$ whose domain is $([1,a]×[1,b])∪(\mathbb {Z}×\mathbb {Z})$ and should satisfy conditions below:
- $1≤f(x,y)≤h$
$∀(x,y),(x',y')$ such that $|x−x'|+|y−y′|=1, |f(x,y)−f(x',y')|≤D$, where $D$ is a non-negative integer given.
There is another function $v(x,y,z) (1≤x≤a,1≤y≤b,1≤z≤h)$ given. Your objective is to help LYC determine $\min∑_{i,j}v(i,j,f(i,j))$.
The first line contains three integers $a, b$ and $h$.
The second line contains an integer $D$.
Then $h$ $a×b$ matrices follow, denoting the values of function $v(x,y,z)$.
A single integer, denoting $\min∑_{i,j}v(i,j,f(i,j))$.
For all testcases: $1≤h,a,b≤40, 0≤D≤h, 0≤v(x,y,z)≤1000$.