RabbitMQ is an open source message queue designed for distributed software architectures to solve application communication over LAN/WAN. It uses the AMQP protocol for communication (Using TCP as transport)
It has client libraries for the following languages:
- Java
- Ruby
- Python
- C#
- Javascript
Built in Erlang
Defined as a MOM (Message-oriented Middleware) that allows for sending and receving of messages from distributed systems.
Application architectures no longer need a dependence upon database write performance because the database is decoupled from the application
+=====+ Publish +==========+ Consume +===+ +====+
| App | =====> | RabbitMQ | =====> | C | ====> | DB |
+=====+ +==========+ +===+ +====+
\\ Consume 2.
\\ =====> +===+ ===> +=======+
| C | | Cloud |
+===+ | Svc |
Consumer 1 manages database writes for Application
Consumer 2 Can deliver the same data to a third-party
- Exchange: The components of the message broker that routes messages
- Queue: A data structure on disk or in memory that stores messages (In mem vs persist to disk)
- Binding: A rule that tells the exchange which queue the message should be stored in
| 1 | 0 | 335 | Frame Payload | 0xce |
Type Channel Frame Variable Length End of
Number Size Frame
- Connection.open
- Connection.Close
- Channel.Close
- Exchange.Declare: Define Name of Exchange
- Exchange.Binding
- Queue.Declare
- Queue.Bind
- Queue.Delete
- Basic.Publish
- Basic.Properties
- content-types: How to interpret the message body
- expiration
- reply-to: Routing key for consumer when replying to a message implementing RPC
- content-encoding
- delivery-mode: Writing to disk-backed or in-memory
- headers: Key-value table in message properties
- message-id
- app-id: The publishing application
- priority: Priority of the queue
- correlation-id
- user-id: User publishing the message
- timestamp
- type: Define contract with publishers and consumers
- Basic.Properties
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management