A C++ code library that contains useful data structures and algorithms tailored for competitive programming contests.
[1] You can download an easy printable minified PDF version of this library from here.
[2] You can download Theoretical Computer Science Cheat Sheet from here.
- Z-Algorithm
- Trie
- Suffix Array
- Aho Corasick's Algorithm (coming soon)
- Graph Traversal and Representation
- Topological Sort
- Shortest Path
- Single Source Shortest Path (SSSP)
- All Pair Shortest Path (APSP)
- Minimum Spanning Tree
- Strongly Connected Components (SCC)
- Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA)
- Max Flow
- Others
- Basic Discrete Math & Modular Arithmetics
- Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)
- Least Common Multiple (LCM)
- Bézout's Coefficients (using extended Euclid's method)
- Fast Power
- Modular Inverse
- Combinations (nCr)
- Combinations (nCr) for Large Numbers
- Pascal Triangle
- Check Integer Primality
- Check Integer Primality using Miller Rabin
- Generate Prime Numbers (using Sieve of Eratosthenes' algorithm)
- Generate Divisors (single/bulk operation)
- All divisors
- Prime divisors
- Matrix Operations
Will be added soon...
- Heap Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Radix Sort
Special thanks to anyone contributed to this repository:
- By teaching me any of these topics.
- By inspiring me any code optimizations.
- By being supportive.