Name: v5
When: The upgrade is scheduled for block 13986200. (approximately at - Sep 19th 2024 14:00 - 14:30 UTC
Details :
- version updates
- cosmos-sdk v0.50.9
- ibc-go v8.4.0
- wasmvm v2.1.2
- wasmd v0.53.0
- New Modules
- circuit (v0.1.1)
- Fixes & Improvements
- onft genesis validation
- cosmwasm statesync snapshot
go v1.22.5+
Wait for Omniflixhub to reach the upgrade height (13986200
Look for a panic message, followed by endless peer logs. Stop the daemon
sudo systemctl stop omniflixhubd.service
Install go v1.22.5+
# Remove previous installation
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
wget -q -O - | bash -s -- --remove
wget -q -O - | bash -s -- --version 1.22.5
# Check version
go version
Run the following commands:
cd $HOME/omniflixhub
git fetch --all
git checkout v5.0.0
make install
Check Version
omniflixhubd version --long
output should be
commit: e6f3b75573750676b3a2772c1332a42819f030d0
cosmos_sdk_version: v0.50.9
go: go version go1.22.5 linux/amd64
name: OmniFlixHub
server_name: omniflixhubd
version: v5.0.0
Restart the omniflixhubd service
sudo systemctl start omniflixhubd.service
git checkout main && git pull
git checkout v5.0.0
make build && make install
# check the version - should be v5.0.0
$HOME/go/bin/omniflixhubd version --long
commit: e6f3b75573750676b3a2772c1332a42819f030d0
cosmos_sdk_version: v0.50.9
go: go version go1.22.5 linux/amd64
name: OmniFlixHub
server_name: omniflixhubd
version: v5.0.0
# make a dir if you haven't
mkdir -p $HOME/.omniflixhub/cosmovisor/upgrades/v5/bin
# if you are using cosmovisor you then need to copy this new binary
cp $HOME/go/bin/omniflixhubd $HOME/.omniflixhub/cosmovisor/upgrades/v5/bin
# check new version you are about to run - should be equal to v5.0.0
$HOME/.omniflixhub/cosmovisor/upgrades/v5/bin/omniflixhubd version