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Omnis Studio 8.1.6 or later.



This folder contains the source JSON files for the OAuth2 Omnis library which can be used to integrate your Omnis application with other third party services via OAuth2 standard.


This folder contains the source JSON files for the OAuth2 demo Omnis library which can be used to learn more about the OAuth2 library.


This folder contains the Omnis libraries (.lbs) for the OAuth2 Omnis library and a demo which shows how to utilise it.


  1. Create a variable of type Object and set the subtype to the oAuth2 object in the OAUTH2 library.

  2. Create two public methods: $tokenReceived and $tokenError.

  3. Call oAuth2's $init public method and pass the required parameters:

     Do oAuth2.$init(pClientID, pClientSecret, pAccessCodeURL, pAccessTokenURL, [pScope, pRedirectURI])
  4. Call oAuth2's $getToken public method and pass the required parameters in order to get the authorization token:

     Do oAuth2.$getToken(pCallbackObject, [pCallbackMethodSuccessful=‘$tokenReceived’, pCallbackMethodError=‘$tokenError’, pFormInstance])
  5. If everything is successful, you will receive the following parameters in the $tokenReceived method in the specified pCallbackObject: access token, refresh token, expiry date (Date Time #FDT)

  6. If an error occurred, you will receive a row variable containing more details in the $tokenError method in the specified pCallbackObject.


Fat client

Do oAuth2.$init(lCLientID, lClientSecret, lAccessCodeURL, lAccessTokenURL, [lScope, lRedirectURI])

Do oAuth2.$getToken($cinst)

After the oAuth2 flow is finished, the access token, refresh token and the #FDT formatted DateTime indicating the expiry date of the access token will be returned to the $tokenReceived method in the current instance that instantiated the oAuth2 object. You can also change both $tokenReceived and $tokenError such as in this example which comes after $init:

Do oAuth2.$getToken($cinst,'$receiveToken','$errorReceivingToken')

JavaScript client

Do oAuth2.$init(lClientID, lClientSecret, lAccessCodeURL, lAccessTokenURL, [lScope, lRedirectURI])

Do oAuth2.$getToken($cinst,,,$cinst)

After the oAuth2 flow is finished, the access token, refresh token and the #FDT formatted DateTime indicating the expiry date of the access token will be returned to the $tokenReceived method in the remote form instance that instantiated the oAuth2 object.


Client ID – this will be provided by the third party service you are trying to access through OAuth2.

Client Secret – this will be provided by the third party service as well.

Access Code URL – this will be the URL where the request for the access code is made. The third party service will provide this.

Access Token URL – this will be the URL where the request for the access token is made. The third party service will provide this as well.

Scope – this is optional, it will be added to the request headers. For example, some third party services will require you to pass a scope as well to determine which part of their service you can access. For example, Google’s Gmail API has different OAuth2 scopes:

pRedirectURI – you can use this parameter to pass in your own redirect URI. If it is not passed, Omnis will use a Web Service Server with a /code endpoint that receives GET requests in order to receive the access code which is successively exchanged for an access token.



Methods can be called by creating a variable in your application of type Object and of subtype oAuth2 object in the OAUTH2 library.

$init Method to initialise the oAuth2 object. Usually, $init is the first method that is called.

Parameter Type Value
Client ID Character Client ID provided by the third party service you are trying to access.
Client Secret Character Client Secret provided by the third party service you are trying to access.
Auth Code URL Character Authorization code URL provided by the third party service you are trying to access.
Auth Token URL Character Authorization Token URL provided by the third party service you are trying to access.
[Scope] Character Optional scope to be sent with the requests. Usually used to specify which party of the third party system will the Token allow you to access.
[Redirect URI] Character Optional redirect URI when using your own web server.

$getToken Method called to get an authorization token.

Parameter Type Value
Callback Object Item reference Reference to the object which holds the 'successful' and 'error' callback methods
[Callback Method Successful] Character Optional name of callback method when $getToken is successful
[Callback Method Error] Character Optional name of callback method when $getToken is not successful
[Remote Form Object] Item reference Optional reference to remote form instance if a remote form is used
Remote Form Object should be passed only when using a remote form.
Returns: Access Token, Refresh Token and Expiry date to Callback Method Successful OR row variable with more information to Callback Method Error, in the Callback Object.

$setToken Allows setting a token to the current instance of the oAuth2 object.

Parameter Type Value
Access Token Character Access token
[Refresh Token] Character Optional refresh token
[Expires on (#FDT)] DateTime (#FDT) Optional DateTime timestamp formatted in #FDT of the expiry date of the access token

$getAuthCodeParameters Returns: row variable containing the parameters that will be used for authorization code request

$setAuthCodeParameters Allows adding extra parameters to the authorization code request.

Parameter Type Value
Key Character Parameter key e.g. Accept
Value Character Parameter value e.g. application/json

$clearToken Clears the Access Token, Refresh Token and Expires On variables stored in the instantiated oAuth2 object.

$setManualAuthWindowCallback Allows setting a specific callback method and instance for when the access token is sent back before the authorization window gets closed.

Parameter Type Value
Callback Method Character Name of the callback method
Callback Instance Item reference Reference to the object which holds the callback method e.g. $cinst