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This is an experimental board game that is currently only available as a two-player online version.

Online version

To play the game online, import myths.pcio to Share the room's URL with a friend. Each player chooses a seat, then press the Reset Game button to automatically start the game, and skip to The Game.

To pass the turn, press the End Turn button. To move the game pieces, drag them. To discard, place cards in the appropriate Trash and press the Empty Trash button. To reshuffle, move the library to the appropriate Trash by holding the number next to it and dragging, then press Shuffle. To place the action mark on an effect, drag the black arrow into the white space next to the action so that it points at the effect. To mark a character as prone, use the Prone marks.


  • A board
  • For each of the six characters:
    • A pion
    • A focus mark
    • A deck
  • Six End of Libraries
  • Six Stand cards
  • Six Alert cards
  • Six action marks

Starting the game

  1. In a six players game, each player chooses a character. In a two players game, each player chooses a color and controls all characters of that color.
  2. Place the blue pions on the starting hexes on one side of the board and the red ones on the other side, in any order.
  3. Shuffle each deck, put an End of Library at the bottom of each and turn each to its character's library.
  4. Give each character its focus mark, a Stand card, an Alert card and an action mark.
  5. Each character draws 5 cards.
  6. The first player begins their player turn.

The game

Each player turn, each character that player controls gets one turn. The player may choose the order of the turns, then it becomes the next player's player turn.

Each character's turn:

  1. The character advances its action mark.
  2. The character gets one move and one swift move, which it may spend in any order.
  3. The character draws cards until it has 5 cards in its hand.

Each character may discard its action or stance at any time during the game.


//: A sign that marks an ability as required, meaning the card is discarded if the ability cannot be fully performed.

Ability: A word used on cards that causes a character to do something.

Action: A card type that is either a Stand card or placed over it, and may contain temporary effects. A character's action is its Stand card if it is exposed or the action that covers it.

Action mark: A mark that belongs to a character and can be placed next to a temporary effect of its action, marking it as active. Is advanced at the beginning of the turn.

Active: An effect that is treated as part of the game and is not ignored. An effect is active if it is present on a character's action or stance, and the condition of its effect scope is met.

Advance: An ability that causes a character to move its action mark according to its effect's conclusion, if it is on an effect.

Alert card: A base card that is a stance. Contains only a regular move effect that says "Refocus."

Animal form: A trait of stances. Any character that has both a spell and an animal form immediately discards its spell, even before its effects becomes active.

Base card: A card that is placed next to a library and belongs to its character, sometimes covered by a character card. Either a Stand Card or an Alert card.

Board: Where the game takes place, divided to hexes. Pions and focus marks may be placed on it.

Card: Either an action or a stance, that belongs to a certain character. Has effects, a range, and sometimes additional info.

Card type: The type of a card, either an action or a stance. Decides where the card is played.

Character: Controlled by a player and has a pion, a library, a hand, a damage pile, a pair of base cards, a focus mark and an action mark.

Character card: A card that is part of a deck. Is either in its character's library, hand or damage pile, or over one of its base cards.

Character hex: A hex type whose condition is fulfilled only if the character's pion is on that hex, marked by a hex with a blue circle. May be a direction hex.

Conclusion: A property of temporary effects that defines what happens when its character advances its action mark while it is on that effect. Either a stay conclusion, a continue conclusion or a discard conclusion. Marked by a line below the circle next to the effect.

Continue conclusion: A conclusion that moves the action mark to the effect below it when it is advanced, marked by an arrow pointing down below the circle.

Damage pile: A stack of character cards that belong to a certain character and is placed face up next to its library.

Deal damage: An ability that causes one or more certain characters to repeat a certain amount of times the process of optionally moving a card from its hand to the top of its library, then moving the top card of its library to its damage pile if there is one or dying, then reshuffling if the top of its library is the End of Library.

Deck: All of the character cards that belong to a character. Becomes the library when the game starts.

Die: An ability that causes the character to move its pion and focus mark from the board and not get any more turns for the rest of the game.

Direction: One of the six hexes adjacent to a character. If a straight line can be drawn between the character and its focus mark, its direction is the closest hex to the character on that line. Otherwise, the direction is one of the two hexes adjacent to the character that are closest to its focus mark, to the character's player's choice.

Direction hex: A type of character hexes, whose condition is only fulfilled if the character's direction is a certain hex. Marked by a character hex that the part of which that is close to that hex is green.

Directional focus: A card's trait that causes the character's focus mark to be moved to one of the card's target hexes of the player's choice after the card is played but before the base card is covered by it.

Discard: An ability that causes the character to move a card to the bottom of their library.

Discard conclusion: A conclusion that discards its action when the action mark is advanced, and puts the action mark aside. Marked by a white line and a red line below the circle.

Discard move: A move that can always be used by any character, in which up to two cards of the character's player's choice are discarded from their hand.

Draw: An ability that causes the character to repeat a certain amount of times the process of taking the top card from its library to its hand, then if the top of the library is the End of Library, reshuffling it.

Effect: Seen on a card and describes what it does. Consists of a circle marking its effect scope and effect type and a description.

Effect scope: The condition that must be met for an effect to be active, either regular effect or temporary effect. Marked by the color of the circle next to the effect.

Effect type: The type of an effect, signifying how to read its description. Either an instant effect, a move effect, a swift effect or a passive effect. Marked by the symbol or the abscense of one inside the circle next to the effect.

Empty hex: A hex type whose condition is always fulfilled, marked by an empty white hex.

End of Library: Double-faced and not considered a card. Every library contains one. Whenever it becomes the top of the library, the library needs to be reshuffled.

Flying: A state that allows its character to walk through hexes with characters as long as it finishes its walk ability on an empty hex.

Focus mark: A unique piece that belongs to a character and is placed either on a hex or outside the board, in which case the character is unfocused.

Focused: A character is focused by another character if the former is at the same hex as the latter's focus mark.

Hand: Hidden character cards that belong to a certain character and can only be viewed and played by the player controlling it.

Heal: An ability that causes a character to move a certain amount of top cards from its damage pile to the bottom of its library.

Hex: A single hexagonical unit of area on the board. Pions and focus marks may be placed on it.

Hex type: A type of hex on a range diagram that defines the conditions that must be met for that hex. Either an empty hex, a character hex or a target hex.

Hidden: A trait of actions that allows the player to play them face down. While face down, a hidden action can be flipped by spending a move.

Instant effect: An effect type that's performed immediately the moment it becomes active, marked by an empty circle.

Library: A stack of character cards that belong to the same character and an End of Library placed face down next to the player controlling that character.

Locked: A state in which a character's focus mark is moved to the hex of a certain other character whenever the latter moves, and the former cannot refocus.

Mark: An ability that causes a target to become the marked target of the card and the card's character to be locked on the marked target until the card is discarded. If the marked target unfocuses, the card is discarded.

Marked hex: A hex type whose condition is always fulfilled, marked by an orange hex.

Move: Can be spent to perform a discard move, to play a card or to perform an active move effect. A character gets one move each turn.

Move effect: An effect type that can be performed by spending a move, marked by a circle with a yellow arrow pointing to the right.

Passive effect: An effect type that is constantly performed as long as it is active, marked by a circle with a four-pointed star.

Pion: A unique piece that represents a certain character on the board.

Play: A move that can always be used by any character, and consists of placing a card from its hand over a base card of the same card type that belongs to the charater. Can only be used if no other card covers the base card.

Player: A person who controls one or more chracters.

Player turn: A period in which each character of a player gets a turn.

Prone: A state in which the character is lying on the ground. A prone character's walk abilities are decreased to 1, and it is weakened by 1. A prone character can stop being prone by standing up.

Range: A diagram that appears on cards and defines their targets and marked hexes. To be viewed correctly, every hex on the range must be parallel to a hex on the board that fulfills the hex type's conditions. If at any point the range cannot be viewed correctly, the card is discarded immediately.

Refocus: An ability that causes a character to place its focus mark on a hex of its player's choice.

Regular effect: An effect scope that is always active, marked by a white circle.

Reshuffle: Is performed whenever the top of a library becomes the End of Library. The End of Library is removed from the library, the library is shuffled, then the End of Library is returned to the bottom of the library.

Slowed down: A state in which a character's walk abilities are decreased by a certain number.

Spell: A trait of actions that is discarded immediately if its character has an animal form, even before its effects become active.

Spend: A process in which a character chooses to give up an ability or decrease from its number to get another effect. A character cannot spend a number that would decrease the ability's number to lower than 0.

Stance: A card type that is either an Alert card or placed over it, and cannot contain temporary effects. A character's stance is its Alert card if it is exposed or the stance that covers it.

Stand Card: A base card that is an action. Contains only a regular move effect that says "Walk 1."

Stand up: A choice any prone character may make at any time to spend a walk 1 ability to stop being prone.

Starting effect: A type of temporary effect that causes the character to place its action mark on it immediately when the action is played.

State: A property a character can get and lose throughout the game, by cards or by the rules.

Stay conclusion: A conclusion that does nothing when the action mark is advanced, marked by nothing below the circle.

Surprised: A character is surprised by an effect if the distance between the character's direction and its direction towards the effect is two or more, or if it is unfocused.

Swift effect: An effect type that can be performed by spending a swift move, marked by a circle with a blue lightning symbol.

Swift move: Can be spent to use a swift effect. A character gets one swift move each turn.

Target: A character that is on a target hex.

Target hex: A hex type whose condition is only fulfilled if the character's focus mark is either on it or on another target hex. Marked by a hex with a red X.

Temporary effect: An effect scope that is only present on actions and is active only while the action mark is next to it. marked by a blue circle, or by a green circle if it is a starting effect. Has a conclusion.

Turn: A period in which a certain character advances its action mark, then performs up to one move and up to one swift move, then draws until it has 5 cards in its hand.

Unfocus: An ability that causes a character to move its focus mark to outside the board.

Unfocused: A state a character is in if its focus mark is outside the board.

Vulnerability: A state in which damage dealt to the character is increased by a certain number.

Walk: An ability that causes the character to repeat a certain amount of times the process of moving its pion to an adjacent hex, then if the character is on the same hex as its focus mark, move the focus mark one step in the same direction.

Weakened: A state in which damage dealt by the character is reduced by a certain number.