This library implements openEO processes using the Geotrellis Spark API. It is used in combination with to provide a complete openEO backend.
Setup clean local git repository with up to date develop and master branch. Ensure git flow plugin is installed.
- Ensure dev branch is in a proper state.
- Freeze development on dev branch
- Start release branch:
git flow release start 1.6.0-RC1
- Update develop branch versions:
- 'git checkout develop'
- 'mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=2.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
- 'git add pom.xml */pom.xml'
- 'git commit && git push'
- Now development can safely continue.
- Update dependencies in release branch to non-SNAPSHOT versions.
- Make sure release branch builds without problems (failing tests) and commit.
- Finish release branch: 'git flow release finish '1.6.0-RC1''
- Push to git, in (VITO) Jenkins this will trigger a build. Release this build