git config --global user.name "name"
git config --global user.email "email"
git clone <url>
cd <repo-name>
mkdir task-2
cd task-2
touch greeting.txt
nano greeting.txt
echo "Hello world" >> greeting.txt
) -
echo "Hello world" > greeting.txt
git add .
(ORgit add greeting.txt
ORgit add *.txt
) -
git commit -m "Added greeting"
- (OR
git commit and write message using editor
- (OR
git branch intro && git checkout intro
git checkout -b intro
) -
git switch -c intro
nano greeting.txt
- (OR
echo "I love Git" >> greeting.txt
- (OR
git add .
(ORgit add greeting.txt
ORgit add *.txt
) -
git commit -m "Added I love Git"
- (OR
git commit
and write"Added I love Git"
using editor)
- (OR
git checkout main
git merge intro
git tag -a v1
git push -u origin main
(ORgit push