- on each panel there are finernail sized rectangular cutouts. Use these & zipties to route wires.
- See Sub-Assembly BOM's "Water Manifold" tab for a complete list of parts.
- Join the two plastic panels together with x3 S-#08-32-050-BTN-S-SS (Bag 3), S-#08-32-094-NUT-H-SS (Bag 6), & S-#08-00-125-LBR-O-SS (Bag 32) stainless steel L-brackets.
- Fasten two more S-#08-32-050-BTN-S-SS (Bag 3), S-#08-32-094-NUT-H-SS (Bag 6), & S-#08-00-125-LBR-O-SS (Bag 32) L-Brackets facing the opposite direction in the shown holes:
- Thread one S-050-NN-019-NUT-O-PL (Bag 40) plastic NPT locknut onto the pependicular outlet of ACT-PMP-CZD-0001 Circulation pump, flat side outward.
- Thread the ACT-FLT-0001 filter onto the inlet of the pump, inline with the body.
- Fit the Outlet of the pump through a hole in the vertical section so the filter inlet is away from the sensors. Thread the other S-050-NN-019-NUT-O-PL (Bag 40) plastic NPT locknut onto the outlet.
- Thread another S-#08-32-094-NUT-H-SS (Bag 6) L-bracket in place similar to the shown picure, using th same fasteners. for the Water level sensors [PIC: Water manifold assembly]higher
- Mount two SEN-PRB-CZD-0003 water level sensors in the ports on the small STR-PNL-0009 water level sensor mounts.
- Hang this assembly by the L-bracket from step 7, using the same S-#08-00-125-LBR-O-SS (Bag 32) & S-#08-32-050-BTN-S-SS (Bag 3) fasteners.
- Route the SEN-PRB-CZD-0003 temperature sensor through the the a larger hole in the water manifold, then Secure to a small cutout on the vertical using a ziptie.
- The PH and EC Sensors simply drop in place through any appropriate circular cutout. Make Sure Not to leave the PH sensor out of liquid for extended periods of time.