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BFO Upper Ontology Classes

madbkr edited this page Sep 11, 2024 · 15 revisions

Here a brief overview on the BFO classes, explained by examples. Please choose an adequate upper class for new terms or else discuss it in an issue. BFO classes are based on the book Building Ontologies with Basic Formal Ontology by Robert Arp, Barry Smith and Andrew D. Spear, MIT Press 2015 and the Specification and User's Guide found at

The great two super classes are BFO: Continuant and BFO: Occurent.

Continuants continue to exist though time , they may loose or gain parts, BUT at each point in time at which they exist, they exist completely. E.g. a Person, the role "Agent", Energy

Occurents are entities that occur, happen, unfold or develop in time. E.g. the process of EnergyProduction, a Transformation

Video Introduction

Two part video introduction into the BFO on YouTube: Part 1 and Part 2.

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