OpenIM Docs • OpenIM Server • openim-sdk-core • open-im-sdk-android
Demo is a set of UI components implemented based on the Open-IM SDK, which includes functionalities such as conversations, chats, relationships, and groups. The project adopts MVVM+modular development, with high decoupling, independent business logic, code separation, making it easy to integrate the functionalities you need quickly and conveniently
- This is a Android project
- Using Java/kotlin
- App is built with open-im-sdk-android library.
- Android Studio 3.6.1 or above
- Gradle-5.1.1 or above
- Android Gradle Plugin Version-3.4.0 or above
- android x library
minSdk : 21
targetSdk : 32
compileSdk : 32
abiFilters : ['armeabi-v7a','arm64-v8a']
1.git clone:
git clone
2.Importing the project
Place the Demo and UIkit folders in the same directory, and then import demo/app to get started
3.Configuration of modules
In the app/config.gradle file
ext {
//Module standalone running is set to true
//android config
androidConfig = [
minSdk : 21,
targetSdk : 32,
compileSdk : 32,
versionCode: 2,
versionName: "1.0.2",
abiFilters : ['armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a']
//The ID of the module
applicationId = [
"app" : "",
"OUIConversation" :"",
"OUIGroup" : "",
"OUIContact" : "",
"OUICalling" : "",
In the app/build.gradle file
api project(':OUICore')
if (!isModule) {
implementation project(':OUIConversation')
implementation project(':OUIGroup')
implementation project(':OUIContact')
//Disabling a module will remove all functionalities associated with that module
//implementation project(':OUICalling')
- Reminder: If you encounter the "resource loading is not complete" error when calling SDK-related APIs, make sure to call other APIs after the login callback is executed.
- After disabling or adding a module, if the app shows an error toast when calling the functionalities of that module, you can resolve the issue by uninstalling and reinstalling the app.
- Reminder: Avoid using duplicate names for resources across different modules.
- Some ViewModels need to be globally shared. Developers should pay attention to whether ViewModels are cached in viewModels and release them in a timely manner when they are no longer in use to avoid memory leaks.
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