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OpenNMS Helm Charts -- Horizon

If your organization uses Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift, OpenNMS makes a Helm chart available to simplify deployment of Horizon and Meridian.

Note that this is one way to approach the solution. We recommend that you study the content of the Helm chart and tune it for your needs.

For more information about deploying in a containerized environment, including requirements and external dependencies, refer to Containerized Deployment in the main product documentation.

If you are not already familiar with Horizon or Meridian, we recommend reviewing our product documentation (Horizon, Meridian) and our Horizon or Meridian websites.

Quick Start

Use the following commands to bring up an instance of Horizon for testing:

helm repo add opennms

helm install monms opennms/horizon --set  --create-namespace

Version compatibility

Helm chart version Horizon version(s) Meridian version(s)
1.x Horizon 32.x Meridian 2023.x

Overlay ConfigMaps

The chart supports specifying a list of ConfigMaps with core.overlayConfigMaps that will be copied to the OpenNMS container overlay directory in the init container. This can be used to provide configuration files for OpenNMS. There are two ways to provide content in each ConfigMap:

Plain files

Provide one or more plain files (text and/or binary) in the ConfigMap and specify the directory where these files will be copied.

Here is a configuration example:

    - name: "my-etc-files"
      path: "etc"

Here is an example of how to create the ConfigMap:

instance=<helm release name> # make sure to set to your Helm release name

mkdir etc
date > etc/testing-configmap

kubectl create configmap -n $instance $configmap --from-file=etc

ZIP files

Provide one or more ZIP files in the ConfigMap, and each will be extracted in alphabetical order at the root of the overlay directory.

Here is a configuration example:

    - name: "my-zip-files"
      unzip: true

Here is an example of how to create the ConfigMap:

instance=<helm release name> # make sure to set to your Helm release name

mkdir -p zip/etc
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1k count=5000 of=zip/etc/lots-of-zeros # make a 5 MB test file
( cd zip && zip -r -o ../ . )

kubectl create configmap -n $instance $configmap

Overlay ConfigMap Notes

  1. This mechanism can be used only to add files. When etc files are copied into the onms-etc-pvc PVC, removing a file from the ConfigMap will not cause the file in the PVC to be deleted. In this case, you will need to delete the file manually after updating the ConfigMap to remove the file. You can do this with kubectl exec -n $instance onms-core-0 -- rm etc/testing-configmap.
  2. ConfigMaps cannot contain recursive directory structures--only files. If you need to put files into multiple directories, each directory will need to be its own ConfigMap. kubectl create configmap will silently ignore subdirectories.
  3. ConfigMaps can't be larger than 1 MB (see the note here. If you have more content, you will need to split it across multiple ConfigMaps or compressed into ZIP files.
  4. Use kubectl delete configmap -n $instance $configmap to delete an existing ConfigMap before updating.
  5. After updating a ConfigMap, you will need to restart the pod; for example, kubectl rollout restart -n $instance statefulset/onms-core
  6. You can use kubectl get configmap -n $instance $configmap -o yaml to view the ConfigMap that is created.
  7. Due to file ownership, some files/directories might not be updatable in the container at runtime. A workaround is to build a modified container that updates permissions with chmod -R g=u ... on the affected files/directories. See the OpenNMS core Dockerfile for which directories have been updated to allow writes out of the box.


Key Type Default Description
core.configuration.affinity string nil
core.configuration.alecImage object {}
core.configuration.alwaysRollDeployment bool true
core.configuration.cortexTssImage object {}
core.configuration.database.password string "0p3nNM5"
core.configuration.database.poolSize int 50
core.configuration.database.username string "opennms"
core.configuration.enableAcls bool false
core.configuration.enableAlec bool false
core.configuration.enableCortex bool false
core.configuration.enableTssDualWrite bool false
core.configuration.etcUpdatePolicy string "never"
core.configuration.http.adminPassword string "admin"
core.configuration.http.restPassword string "admin"
core.configuration.http.restUsername string "opennms"
core.configuration.nodeSelector string nil
core.configuration.ports.karaf.enabled bool true
core.configuration.ports.karaf.externalPort int 8101
core.configuration.ports.syslog.enabled bool true
core.configuration.ports.syslog.externalPort int 10514
core.configuration.ports.trapd.enabled bool true
core.configuration.ports.trapd.externalPort int 1162
core.configuration.rras[0] string "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:2016"
core.configuration.rras[1] string "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:12:1488"
core.configuration.rras[2] string "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:366"
core.configuration.rras[3] string "RRA:MAX:0.5:288:366"
core.configuration.rras[4] string "RRA:MIN:0.5:288:366" string "1Gi" string nil string "1000Gi"
core.configuration.tolerations string nil
core.env object {} Environment variables to set on the onms container.
core.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
core.image.repository string "opennms/horizon"
core.image.tag string ""
core.initContainers list [] Experimental: a list of additional init containers
core.inspector.enabled bool false
core.overlayConfigMaps list []
core.postConfigJob.ttlSecondsAfterFinished int 300
core.resources.limits.cpu string "2"
core.resources.limits.memory string "8Gi"
core.resources.requests.cpu string "2"
core.resources.requests.memory string "4Gi"
core.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 120
createNamespace bool false Whether to create the namespace when releaseNamespace=true. Has no effect otherwise.
dependencies.clusterRole bool true
dependencies.clusterRoleBinding bool true
dependencies.cortex.bulkheadMaxWaitDuration string "9223372036854775807"
dependencies.cortex.externalTagsCacheSize int 1000
dependencies.cortex.maxConcurrentHttpConnections int 100
dependencies.cortex.metricCacheSize int 1000
dependencies.cortex.organizationId string "" Specify the X-Scope-OrgID header. This will override the tenant name when multiTenant=true.
dependencies.cortex.readTimeoutInMs int 1000
dependencies.cortex.readUrl string "http://cortex-query-frontend.shared.svc.cluster.local:8080/prometheus/api/v1"
dependencies.cortex.writeTimeoutInMs int 1000
dependencies.cortex.writeUrl string "http://cortex-distributor.shared.svc.cluster.local:8080/api/v1/push"
dependencies.elasticsearch.configuration.flows.indexStrategy string "daily"
dependencies.elasticsearch.configuration.flows.numShards int 1
dependencies.elasticsearch.configuration.flows.replicationFactor int 0
dependencies.elasticsearch.hostname string ""
dependencies.elasticsearch.password string "31@st1c"
dependencies.elasticsearch.port int 9200
dependencies.elasticsearch.username string "elastic"
dependencies.kafka.configuration.saslMechanism string "SCRAM-SHA-512"
dependencies.kafka.configuration.securityProtocol string "SASL_SSL"
dependencies.kafka.hostname string ""
dependencies.kafka.password string "0p3nNM5"
dependencies.kafka.port int 9093
dependencies.kafka.username string "opennms"
dependencies.loki.caCert string ""
dependencies.loki.hostname string ""
dependencies.loki.password string ""
dependencies.loki.port int 3100
dependencies.loki.username string ""
dependencies.postgresql.caCert string ""
dependencies.postgresql.hostname string "onms-db.shared.svc"
dependencies.postgresql.password string "P0stgr3s"
dependencies.postgresql.port int 5432
dependencies.postgresql.sslfactory string "org.postgresql.ssl.LibPQFactory"
dependencies.postgresql.sslmode string "require"
dependencies.postgresql.username string "postgres"
dependencies.route bool true
dependencies.securitycontext.allowPrivilegeEscalation bool true
dependencies.securitycontext.allowedCapabilities[0] string "NET_BIND_SERVICE"
dependencies.securitycontext.allowedCapabilities[1] string "CAP_NET_RAW"
dependencies.securitycontext.securitycontextconstraints.enabled bool true string "opennms-scc"
dependencies.securitycontext.serviceaccount.enabled bool true string "opennms-sa"
dependencies.truststore.content string ""
dependencies.truststore.password string "0p3nNM5"
domain string ""
grafana.configuration.database.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
grafana.configuration.database.image.repository string "postgres"
grafana.configuration.database.image.tag string "13"
grafana.configuration.database.password string "Gr@f@n@"
grafana.configuration.database.sslmode string "require"
grafana.configuration.database.username string "grafana"
grafana.configuration.ui.adminPassword string "admin"
grafana.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
grafana.image.repository string "opennms/helm"
grafana.image.tag string "9.0.10"
grafana.imageRenderer.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
grafana.imageRenderer.image.repository string "grafana/grafana-image-renderer"
grafana.imageRenderer.image.tag string "latest"
grafana.imageRenderer.replicaCount int 2
grafana.imageRenderer.resources.limits.cpu string "200m"
grafana.imageRenderer.resources.limits.memory string "256Mi"
grafana.imageRenderer.resources.requests.cpu string "100m"
grafana.imageRenderer.resources.requests.memory string "128Mi"
grafana.replicaCount int 0
grafana.resources.limits.cpu string "200m"
grafana.resources.limits.memory string "1Gi"
grafana.resources.requests.cpu string "100m"
grafana.resources.requests.memory string "1Gi"
imagePullSecrets list []
ingress.annotations object {}
ingress.certManager.clusterIssuer string "opennms-issuer"
ingress.className string "nginx"
multiTenant bool false Enable multi-tenant mode. This will use the release name as the per-tenant identifier for the OpenNMS instance ID, databases, Kakfa topics, ElasticSearch indices, and Prometheus organization ID.
promtail.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
promtail.image.repository string "grafana/promtail"
promtail.image.tag string "latest"
promtail.resources.limits.cpu string "50m"
promtail.resources.limits.memory string "64Mi"
releaseNamespace bool false Install resource objects into namespace named for the Helm release. See also createNamespace.
sentinel.configuration.database.poolSize int 25
sentinel.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
sentinel.image.repository string "opennms/sentinel"
sentinel.image.tag string ""
sentinel.replicaCount int 0
sentinel.resources.limits.cpu string "2"
sentinel.resources.limits.memory string "4Gi"
sentinel.resources.requests.cpu string "2"
sentinel.resources.requests.memory string "2Gi"
sentinel.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 60
timezone string "America/New_York"

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.3