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GSOD Example

The Global Surface Summary of Day (GSOD) is a dataset produced by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) in Asheville NC, using daily summaries of weather conditions compiled by the USAF Climatology Center. Elements available from each station include min, mean, and max temperatures, dew point, pressures, visibility, wind speeds, and precipitation.

The entire GSOD dataset is quite large (more than 7GB at the time of writing), but a small sample covering 6 Texas cities for the year 1988 is provided for purposes of running this demo.


Before attempting to start this demo, you should have a running Cassandra cluster, and a Newts REST endpoint. Setting up Cassandra is beyond the scope of this document, so have a look at the Cassandra Wiki if you need help with that. Directions on setting up a REST endpoint can be found in the README for that module.


To build the GSOD example code, run:

mvn install


All of the example commands below assume that you are in the top-level directory of the newts-gsod module. For example:

cd <newts src>/examples/gsod

Importing Data

To import the included data, run:

java -cp target/newts-gsod-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
        org.opennms.newts.gsod.ImportRunner -p 100 \

The importer accepts a single argument for the name of a directory that is searched recursively for GSOD data files. You can load additional data by changing this argument accordingly:

java -cp target/newts-gsod-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
        org.opennms.newts.gsod.ImportRunner -p 100 \

The import process connects to Cassandra directly, if necessary you can override the Cassandra hostname, port, and keyspace name using system properties. For example:

java -Dcassandra.keyspace=newts -Dcassandra.port=9042 \
        -cp target/newts-gsod-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
        org.opennms.newts.gsod.ImportRunner -p 100 \

Usage for Importer

java -cp target/newts-gsod-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.opennms.newts.gsod.ImportRunner [options] sourceDir

sourceDir : the source directory that contains
gsod data to import. These must be gzip'd files
-n (--samples-per-batch) sample-count : the maxinum number of samples to
include in each post to the repository (default: 1000)
-p (--parallelism) thread-count : when using direct the size of the
thread pool that posts the results. (defaults to 1 ie no parallelism)
-q (--max-work-queue-size) batch-count : when using direct the max size of the
work-queue (defaults to thread-count * 3)
-u (--url) url : publish data via a Newts REST server
at the given url (default: use direct access via Newts API)

Starting Demo Webserver

Issue the following to start the web server:

java -cp target/newts-gsod-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.opennms.newts.gsod.Web

View Examples

You can either view individual graphs of the 6 Texas stations, or see a report of all 6 for the Summer of 1988.

Note: These links assume that you are launching a browser on the same machine that Newts is running on. You may need to alter the link accordingly if that is not the case.