Master :
Emacs client for the Opensource API
is the built-in package manager in Emacs.
opensource.el is available on the two major community maintained repositories - MELPA STABLE, MELPA.
You can install opensource.el with the following commnad:
M-x package-install [RET] opensource [RET]
or by adding this bit of Emacs Lisp code to your Emacs initialization file
or init.el
(unless (package-installed-p 'opensource)
(package-install 'opensource))
If the installation doesn't work try refreshing the package list:
M-x package-refresh-contents [RET]
Keep in mind that MELPA packages are built automatically from
the master
branch, meaning bugs might creep in there from time to
time. Never-the-less, installing from MELPA is the recommended way of
obtaining opensource.el, as the master
branch is normally quite stable and
"stable" (tagged) builds are released somewhat infrequently.
With the most recent builds of Emacs, you can pin opensource.el to always use MELPA Stable by adding this to your Emacs initialization:
(add-to-list 'package-pinned-packages '(opensource . "melpa-stable") t)
el-get is another popular package manager for Emacs. If you're an el-get user just do M-x el-get-install [RET] opensource [RET].
You can install opensource.el manually by placing it on your load-path
ing it. Many people favour the folder ~/.emacs.d/vendor
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/vendor/")
(require 'opensource)
use [Cask][] for dependencies management.
Install it and retrieve dependencies :
$ curl -fsSkL | python
$ export PATH="$HOME/.cask/bin:$PATH"
$ cask
Launch unit tests :
$ make test
See here
A changelog is available here.
Nicolas Lamirault