The Optimizor Club
creates and publishes on-chain gas golfing challenges.
The NFT collection rewards gas efficient people and machines by
minting new items whenever a cheaper solution is submitted for a certain
See the list of challenges, their ids and interfaces.
In order to try to beat a challenge, your contract must receive inputs and return outputs in the form specified for that challenge. If your contract spends less gas than the current leader, you become the new leader. As a reward you receive a fresh NFT that represents the top of the leaderboard for that challenge. The previous leader keeps their NFT, but they lose the leader status.
The inputs for the challenges are generated pseudo-randomly using prevrandao
A challenger must first submit the hash of their solution contract. The
challenge itself can be performed after at least 64 blocks.
If you are an optimizooor who wants to show your skills please see the docs.
- Optimizor: 0x66DE7D67CcfDD92b4E5759Ed9dD2d7cE3C9154a9
- Purity Checker: 0x5C71fcd090948dCC5E8A1a01ad8Fa26313422022
- SQRT Challenge: 0x2747096ff9e0fce877cd168dcd5de16040a4ab85