Releases: Orama-Interactive/Pixelorama
Update v0.8.1
v0.8 - The multiple project and Web update
v0.8 - The multiple project & Web update!
v0.7 - The timeline update
What's new in this release?
- New cel-based timeline. Layers are now in the timeline.
- Cel linking
- Multiple frame grouping using tags
- Layer locking to prevent changes
- Export animations to .gif (only available for Windows & Linux)
- Major UI overhaul
- Pattern filling option for the bucket tool
- Autosave that keeps backups every x minutes. In the case of a crash, backups can get reloaded to restore work.
- Shortcut binding for tools
- Pixel perfect mode for pencil, eraser and lighten/darken tools
- Layer rotation in the Image menu, with 3 types of rotations
- HSV Adjusting dialog in the Image menu
- Importing .png files as palettes
- A new zoom tool.
- You can move the canvas with arrow keys and zoom with + and -
- The last edited project gets loaded at startup (toggleable in the Preferences), along with a new option in the File menu that also does this
- Confirmation messages appear when exiting, creating a new image or loading the last edited project, if there are unsaved changes.
- More translations
- Improved export window dialog and splash screen
- And many more! Read our detailed changelog here:
Make sure to watch the v0.7 showcase video
And read more on our blog post:
You may encounter some errors saying that Pixelorama is damaged. This is because the latest versions of MacOS mark the launcher of unknown binaries as a non-executable file. This most likely has to do with the fact that Pixelorama is not signed.
After you extract the .zip file, right-click on the .app file >choose Open in the dropdown then click Open in the warning dialog. Alternatively, you can right click the .app > show package contents, then open a terminal inside its Contents/MacOS folder. Then, type chmod +x Pixelorama . Go back to the .app file and you can now open it normally.
v0.6.2 Update
This is not a major release, but a followup to v0.6.1. Pixelorama now is being built with Godot 3.2. The update mostly contains bug fixes and changes, the only major feature added is the ability to rotate sprites, thanks to @azagaya.
You can read the full changelog here
v0.6.1 Update
This is not a major release, but a followup to v0.6. Mostly contains bug fixes and changes, no new major features added. You can read the full changelog here
v0.6 - Palettes and more!
- Palettes. You can choose default ones or make your own! (Thanks to greusser/CheetoHead)
- Multiple theme support to better match your style.
- Image menu with new features (Outlines, Color invert, desaturation) for more editing power.
- Added a new splash screen window dialog that appears when Pixelorama loads. Patrons with the rank of Visionaries and above can participate in splash screen artwork contests for every version!
- Added a better circle, filled circle and random brushes!
- Pixelorama goes worldwide with even more translations! (Thanks to all those who translated)
- Added a layer opacity slider, that lets you change the alpha values of layers.
- Importing and exporting matrix spritesheets is now possible.
- Straight lines now have constrained angles if you press Ctrl. With a step of 15 angles.
- And, actually, a lot more! Click HERE for the full list of additions, changed and bug fixes!
Read more on our blog here:
v0.5 - The UI update!
- New and more practical UI
- Options for each tool
- New color picker tool
- Rulers and guides
- Mini canvas preview area
- Preferences window
- Greek localization
Read more on our blog here:
v0.4 - Undo/Redo, mirrored drawing, lighten/darken tool and more!
- Undo/Redo, at last! For all the mistakes happy accidents!
- Mirrored drawing both horizontally & vertically.
- Lighten/Darken tool for shading!
- Tool that lets you paint all pixels of the same color, with another color!
- Importing custom brushes from a “Brushes” folder!
- You can now re-name your layers!
- Flip your sprite horizontally or vertically! (Thank you danielnaoexiste from GitHub!)
- You can now remove custom “project” brushes.
- Notification labels that appear when you do an action. For example, if you undo something you drew, a label will appear saying “Undo: Draw”. This one was a last minute addition!
Read more on:
v0.3 - Custom brushes, rectangle selection and custom file update
- New animation timeline features: Ping-pong loop, and… onion skinning! You can choose how many steps in the past and future you want to look, and you can toggle Blue/Red mode! There is also an option to import new frames without deleting the others.
- New custom project file, .pxo! If you save your art as .pxo, all the hot data you need like layers, frames and color pallets get saved.
- New rectangle selection tool. Make selection, drag selection, hold Shift while dragging to drag the selection’s contents, copy/paste selection, you can only draw INSIDE selection, selection persists between layers and frames, use selection to select (duh) pixels from canvas and save them as…
- …CUSTOM BRUSHES. The gentle laborer shall no longer be forced to use the pixel brush! You can resize ’em, re-color ’em, map ’em to your mouse buttons. And yes, custom brushes get saved in .pxo files.
- Do you ever make tiles and want to see if they are seamless? Pixelorama’s got you covered with its new Tile Mode!
- Do you ever wish to see your art from different zoom levels at the same time? Pixelorama’s got you covered with its new Split Screen View!
- Do you ever wish to crop your sprites? Pixelorama can now crop sprites.
- Re-organized the menus and added an “About” window where you can find more info about Pixelorama.
v0.2 - Animation Timeline Update
- Brand new animation timeline! Add, clone, remove and change order of unlimited frames! The good news? Each frame can have a unique amount of layers, and even be a different size than the rest of the frames!
- New UI for tool options, divided in the left mouse tool and the right mouse tool.
- You can now choose a brush size for pencil and eraser tools! Each mouse button can have its own brush size. You can go wild with this!
- You can import multiple images as different animation frames!
- You can also export the current frame you have selected, or all the frames as multiple files, or as a spritesheet! Supports both horizontal and vertical spritesheets.
- Scaling your image is now functional! And it lets you choose from four different types of interpolation.
- You can toggle a grid in the canvas on and off.
- Added text labels on the bottom right for the frame’s size, the position of the cursor, the zoom level and the currently selected frame.
- Added hints for UI elements.
- Mouse cursor changes depending on where it’s hovering.